This was posted 4 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Al Barakah Arabian Dates 1kg $5 @ Coles


Al Barakah Arabian Dates are discounted at Coles to $5 per Kg.

Available in selected stores, and also at Coles online for the same price.…

Despite being marketed as "Premium Arabian Dates", don't fall for the "Premium".

Quality might vary depending on batch, some are dry and bad, but good batches are Ok for a snack (take a peek through the window on the box to see if they look good).

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closed Comments

  • +28

    Only really good for cooking. For snacking i recommend medjool dates

    • +5

      For snacking i recommend medjool dates

      Yup, they are really juicy and awesome. Just too expensive though.

      • I think costco sells a big box of medjool dates for like $10. They stock the organic medjool.

        • $11-$12 per kg is the lowest it gets in Coles and Woolies - once a year (for about 3 weeks or so). Earlier I've seen $9/kg too but not in the last year. Not sure what's the weight of the box in Costco that you're referring to.

        • +3

          Yeh I've got the organic costco ones. 907g, price was $16 when i purchased the other month

      • +6

        Ramadan is going to start in about 2 weeks. They usually go on special for a few weeks and I stock up for the year or so during this time. Will be interesting to see if they still go on special with COVID happening at the same time.

    • What about for constipation?

    • Try Ajwa dates!

  • +19

    With all these distancing rules I haven't had a date in weeks

    • +7

      That explains the tissue hoarding.

      • I see what you did there haha, +1

      • That's why I come to a thread just to read comments :-)

  • +3

    Despite being marketed as "Premium Arabian Dates", don't fall for the "Premium".

    better get coles brand 500g @ $1.60 ?

  • Online coles link not working.

    • Try changing location - stock at my local store.

  • +5

    Al Barak-ah-Bama, Premium Presidential Dates

  • +3

    Had it last year. Not that good. Medjool is way better

    • +1

      I agree, Mexican dates are more festive than Arabian dates

      • +6

        Medjool dates are grown in many countries though, not just Mexico/ US. In fact, most dates variety originate from the Middle East.

      • +2

        I don't think u can generalise Arabian dates based on one variety or company.
        Did u know there is over one thousand
        varieties of dates in arab countries alone lol.

      • The Medjool variety comes from Morocoo (Medjool means "unknown" in Arabic). Where'd you get Mexico from?

  • Coles and woolies are still giving WA the finger in regards to pricing and c/c or delivery. They won’t even let me cancel my trial delivery subscription. I tried two weeks into it after I realised the supply chain was completely and utterly broken, at least for WA. They do not give a twig about customers. It’s all about front line workers, vulnerable and oldies. We are told to stay home and they won’t deliver. I went to three colesworth shops today, seeking three simple items. Not one was in stock. I’m not talking about TP, pasta, pasta sauce or flour. I’m supposed to be one of the 8 in 10 that stays home. To “save” Australia, but I can’t get even 1 of three items when they haven’t delivered in Perth (except people who say they are vulnerable) for nearly two months. I’m supposed to give free rent to my tenants when my taxes are paying them 1500 a fortnight and I just get my interest capitalised by the bank. I’m completely self funded and the retards in government (my party on the federal level) can’t stop pooing their pants. They are destroying my wealth and ensuring I’ll lose my properties and everyone else is taken care of. And I can’t even get three items when I dare to sneak out to try to provide for my family. I’m sick of the incompetence. Colesworth can go to hell. They have done nothing for WA.

    • +2

      ok boomer

    • +1

      I sympathise with your situation. What items are you trying to get?

    • +1

      It’s like you woken up to the world. I welcome you to that sinking boat called ‘’life’’, you almost made me shed a tear with your courage against adversity. I don’t think you are supposed to give free rent to your tenants, but I’m just a peon owning no land for myself.

      When everyone is suffering, what are you actually expecting? Keep all your comfort and sit at home feeling like you won at Galopilly? I don’t think many people benefits from this situation, we all lose, some people more than others … some even their life.

      • When everyone is suffering, what are you actually expecting?

        I think their point is that there are some who are getting preferential treatment, despite the fact that - as you said - everyone is suffering.

      • +1

        you won at Galopilly

        I haven't played that game in ages.

      • All I want is delivery from colesworth so I can sit my lazy boomer ass at home.

    • @voteoften

      Coles and woolies are still giving WA the finger

      Yeah but on the plus side, our traditional insignificance and isolation means our case count is quite low and we don't have jackbooted stormtroopers patrolling every street corner and handing out fines to people for going outside to check their mailbox, unlike in the Eastern States. As was the case with the 2019 bushfire season, where it was all business as usual on the Western front; WA's pariah status is paying dividends, now more than ever. It's like some strange version of the mining boom, WA's get off scot-free while everyone else does it tough.

  • +10

    Dates are a popular food item, not just in the Middle East but all over the world. They have amazing nutritional properties and just a few dates can keep you energised for hours; one of the many reasons people buy them. Their popularity reaches its peak in Ramadan where Muslims worldwide buy kilos worth of dates for their homes. It is the preferred food item of choice to break your fast.

    Ramadan is expected to start on 23rd April in Australia

    • +1

      Great - Expect far better dates soon like April-May last year!!
      11/5/19: Medjool Dates Loose $11 Per Kilo @ Coles
      OzBargain Date Deals

    • -7

      nah, they're just pretty much pure suger, 75% are carb (of which sugar account for nearly 90%), they might have a some other vitamins and minerals but not so much better than other stuff. even white bread is better than it if you're not too fussy with the taste

      • +2

        so white bread is better than prunes / dates / apple / orange / peach / nectarines / papaya / rockmelon / banana / pears / pineapples , etc. ?

        basically white bread is better than all fruits, since 90% of them are all sugars ?

        • +1

          Actually dates are INSANELY high in sugar, above (all?) other even dried fruits. They're yummy as buggery, but no such thing as a free lunch.

        • You need to check your reading comprehension again before making assumptions about my statement. Where did I say anything about other fruits?

      • White bread is made from flour which is basically simple carbohydrate - sugar. White bread rise your sugar level higher and for longer time than white sugar.

      • I love bread, but even I know a slice of the good white has zero nutritional value.

  • +3

    Date sales…..Ramadan is coming.

    • Every time I did Ramadan, my mates would do Rumadan (drinking Rum all day while the sun was up). Good times ensued. xD

  • Some1 knows from whr can i buy SAFAWI Dates ?

    Have eaten almost every big name, none felt better than Safawi.

  • +3

    Are Arabian dates like Arabian nights?

    • +1

      Once u eat dates, u ll b searching for those nights.

    • +2

      More often than not, they’re hotter than hot, in a lot of good ways

  • +2

    My mother was a saint!

  • If eat too many of these I’ll be self isolating in the toilet till mid next week…

    • The law says two weeks minimum.

    • Smelly bastard

  • Very ordinary dates.

  • My vote too for Medjool. Ramzan is coming so expect Colworths to stock them (and on clearance sale after Ramzan is over). If you have a persian / middle east store in your neigbourhood, that's the best place to buy high quality dry fruits and at lower price than Colworths.

    • -1

      Ramzan Ramadan

      Definitely not stocked at most Melbourne stores yet.

      • +2

        In some languages like Persian & Urdu, pronounce Ramadan, Ramazan

      • -2

        Ramzan Ramadan

        No. It is actually Ramazan. The English speakers can't pronounce Ramazan, so they have to twist it to Ramadan like every other words, and now it is commonly typed as Ramadan.

        • From Wikipedia:

          The word Ramadan derives from the Arabic root ramiḍa or ar-ramaḍ "scorching heat," "dryness."

          • @DoctorCalculon: And that same Wikipedia points out different words used to describe this important religious observance…

            Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan, or Ramathan

            You can't cross out all other terms used claiming there is only 1 true term. Your Wikipedia link shows that's wrong.

            It is the religious observance that is important to Muslims, not debating the word used to describe it in different cultures & languages!

        • -1

          The correct pronunciation is Ramadhan. Dh is pronounced like it is in "The".

          • -1

            @Zenith2k3: No, it is not 'dh' as there is no dh in it رمضان

            It is 'za' ض. Whoever pronounce it is as dh are wrong even if they are native Arabic speaking. Since it is commonly pronounced as dh, it is not an issue, but from technicality point of view it is pronounced as za.

            • @No ONE: I don't think you are correct. I'm a native speaker, and this the exact what it is pronounced, and the way it's taught at school and in the mosque. ZA may be a dialect, but the correct proper Arabic fos7a pronunciation is DHA.

  • I never really got the taste of dates. Prunes, yes, they're yummy.

    How many people actually like dates?

  • I also find the Medjool dates are the best but I like to take out the pit and then freeze them so they become super chewy and it’s like a natural candy bar!

  • Bam Mazafati dates FTW.

  • -1

    I hope to go on an Arab date

  • Fairly ordinary dates. Have a seed and a crown that need be discarded. Only a slight step up in eating Aldi dates - which cost less and don't have seeds.

  • -1

    The only dates i care about are Tinder Dates.

    • -1

      These dates don't require social distancing😉

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