This was posted 4 years 10 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Various PS4 Games (God of War $16 + Others) + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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closed Comments

    • +16

      A couple have been already. Not a bad price to get physical copies of some of these games.

    • +20

      Thanks, useful information. When did Sony announce this?

    • +4

      Better stop buying games as they may go on PS plus at some point…

      • I agree with the sarcasm… but let’s face it, they will..

  • Why does Bloodborne GOTY seemingly suffer from inflated prices and poor supply, compared to the base game?

    • +1

      Probably because the base game was added to PS Hits, which gave it a shot in the arm in terms of promotion, pricing, stock etc.

  • Should I get Mortal Kombat 11?

    • +2


    • +1

      For most popular games, I tend to bite when they go under $20.

    • +1

      Get over here!

    • -3

      No, don't buy it. You'll get bored in a few hours. Trust me.

    • +1

      I bought it a few weeks ago for the same price and yeah I'd say it's worth it. I haven't owned a Mortal Kombat game since MK4 on the N64 so it was a nice nostalgia trip even though the games are completely different. Good for a bash here and there for sure.

      • worth it, the DLC might be a bit pricey.They might release a GOTY edition with all the DLC included like XL.

        • They probably will. I'm not worried about getting the DLC though as it's just a time waster nostalgia trip for me really. I'm not going to get into it that seriously.

          • @dreamstation: The kombat pack is about 60% off for about 24$ you get 6 extra characters. It good value imo, I really want to play the t-800, not sure i want wait for a GOTY edition ( could be another year away).

            • +2

              @godofpizza: I saw the DLC was discounted on the PSN store but again I'm not worried about the extra characters. I only paid $19 for the entire game, not going to pay more than that for a couple of characters. It does suck that some MK characters like Nightwolf and Sindel are part of the DLC pack though. The DLC should be cameo characters only.

              • +1

                @dreamstation: i agree with that they should be on the launch roster. at least it's not as bad as DOA 6 where almost the entire roster is now DLC..

  • +13

    Thanks OP, great job with the post. Appreciate the effort to post the games individually with price.

    • Agreed.
      Personally I'm itching to get Doom Eternal (PS4) for $59 or lower. As always, on disc and not digital. Kicked myself for missing that previous deal. Kicking myself again since its either sold out everywhere, or that there's no lick of deals coming for it.

  • +1

    God of War is under $10 on for a digital version.…

    Need a US account but that’s easy enough to create.

  • Bought the above games from $10 and didn't have time to play still in a sealed box.

  • +1

    Thanks OP :)

    I also found Nioh Playstation Hits version for $16 on Prime

    • +1

      Thanks, I'll update the OP

      • +3

        There's couple more deals, maybe not the cheapest but at a decent price:

        Detroit Become Human is at price $24.

        Ratchet & Clank - $16.

        Driveclub - $16

        Other deals out there like: FarCry DLC NewDawn, Infamous 2son, Resident Evil Bioha7ard, MediEvil, Borderlands 3, Dog Watch 2, 2 Wolf in shtien, PrimalCry far, etc etc.

        …I'm sure folks can now go through these games at home, see what they missed out on.

  • +2

    shit….. bought god of war 4 a couple days ago for 17. lost a million

  • +8

    I repeat this comment every time GoW is on sale, but this is a steal. To this day I would happily pay full price for this great game.

  • Great deals. I've finished most of the games

  • Bugger, the only PS game I want is Days Gone. I never see good sales for it.

    • +2

      It was $28 at Amazon in December. I know that doesn't help you now but I'd advise you to create a wishlist on Amazon and check it every day. That's what I do.

      • +6

        Set a price alert on Camelcamelcamel instead.

        • Good idea! Need something to tide me over after Last of Us delay, hopefully goes on sale in next couple months.

    • +2

      It's $30 on PS Store at the moment if you're a Plus member ($40 without)
      Great game, the free challenge DLCs are awesome too

  • Far cry new dawn 17 on the ps store currently

  • Wish spiderman was under $20 again

    • Is it really worth holding out for a ~$4 saving?

      • I do have a lot of unplayed games atm plus FFVII Remake so yer it’s worth it.

        • even if it was $19 today, you'd still have a backlog and FF7.

          • +1

            @BargainEnjoyer2022: True but I’d be $4 richer ;)

            • @Twisty: I grabbed it used for $10, so many people are selling copies of it!

              • @[Deactivated]: Yeah great game but not a huge amount of replayability out of it.

            • @Twisty: Shouldn't that be $19 poorer?

              • @2024: Yer true but if I did hey it for $19 rather then the higher price of would be better off hahah

      • Thanks champ!

  • Do I get Assassin's Creed Odyssey or Origins?

    • +5

      Pick the aesthetic you like. Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece? Odyssey is probably the better game.

    • +3

      Personally I preferred Origins. I loved the Egyptian setting and it kept me engaged a lot longer than Odyssey (to the point I did it 100% complete…)

    • +1

      both are good. but i like odyssey better… it seems a bit more polished compared to origins and has better RPG elements compared to Origins.

    • +1

      Once you play Origins you would probably want to check out odyssey.

    • To build on what others have said, combat is essentially the same, the big difference for me is that I felt like the game obliged me to collect all little collectibles scattered across the map in Origins. This is, in my opinion, mindless garbage filler, but being the schmuck I am I did it anyway. In Odyssey, it felt easy to ignore that stuff and focus on whatever I found most fun. Additionally, Cassandra (Female playable character in Odyssey) is the strongest character by far (also in my opinion).

      They are very similar in many ways and like others said, it depends on the aesthetic you want.

      Last two points: Odyssey is much, much bigger and it has Black Flag-style seafaring that Origins does not.

  • +1

    Is Uncharted Lost Legacy worth it at $16?
    Roughly 7-8 hours of gameplay but still… unsure..

    • +1

      $2/hr isn't bad

    • Yeah I grabbed it, cheapest price at the moment.

    • I bought it the other day for $24 (first PS$ games over $20!) as I really enjoyed uncharted 4. It's great! I'm right near the end. It's shorter and the story is not as deep, otherwise it's top notch and worth that price for sure.

  • Mass effect andromeda any good? havent played any mass effect games.

    • -1

      I enjoyed it. But I hated God of War. So I'm definitely in the minority.

    • +2

      If you're not coming in as a Mass Effect fan, you'll probably enjoy it more than most.
      I played it and really enjoyed it from start to finish. It's a good fun sci-fi game, and you don't need to know much about Mass Effect either.

    • +1

      Good game if you're new to the series. Excellent combat, and general gameplay. The widespread dislike of the game comes from a much worse narrative than the original trilogy, so long-time fans had very, very high expectations which unfortunately weren't met.

    • Loved and played religiously Mass Effect 1-3. I played 1 hour of Andromeda on origin and returned it, story is not great and for me that was a big part of the Mass Effect series.

  • +2

    Worth noting that AC Odessey Complete Edition is $30 on the PS store.

    • Is the complete edition the "deluxe edition"?

    • Deluxe is NOT the Complete Edition. It's just some starter armour and weapons that will quickly be under-leveled.

  • +3

    Public service announcement is that uncharted 4 is available free for PS Plus subscribers. I think you can play for a year before it expires.

    • +11

      You can play it as long as you're subscribed to PS Plus. Once your sub lapses, you can't play it.

      • +7

        Why were you voted down for this? That is exactly how ps+ works.
        Add it to your account while available, you can play it as long as your account is accessible. No time limits, but let your sub lapse, so does every ps+ game until subscribed again.

        • Downvoted cos there's a growing toxic culture on ozb. At least give a give a reason for the downvote.

          • @Caped Baldy: Oh mate, I'm kind of new to this place but it's dog eat dog with these negs and ups. 😂

  • Lol at Mass effect being the sole 15. Wonder if it was even deliberate :p

    • +1

      Hmm. Dishonored 1 and 2 are $15 each

    • +1

      Should be $5 max.

  • +2

    Detroit: Become Human is also $24. Cheaper on the PS store currently ( but if you want a physical edition then it's a good price.

    • Just grabbed a copy for $10 off FB!

    • Better off buying it on PSN as it’s the deluxe version and comes with Heavy Rain

      • I wish I knew what that meant, but for $10 at least I can sell it if I dont like it!

        • You get another game - Heavy Rain

  • AC odyssey sold out now :(

  • What games does everyone recommend? I was going to just buy them used but these prices seen legit

    I'm new to PS4!

    • Maybe have a look at your post ;)

      • Cross comparison on Chrome on my mobile is a real pain, but i'm heading home and doing so now.

        The only game I currently have is AC Origins.

    • Not Mass Effect, 3 killed all the good work 2 did.

    • +1

      Spider-Man and God of War were both top contenders for Game of The Year 2018.

    • +1

      God of War is unbelievably good. Possibly my favourite game of all time. A must play.

      Spiderman and the Uncharted games are also good. Older Uncharted games are a little dated now but still playable.


    I grabbed 7 titles. I found a few for $10 in SA, now I just need to find a few other COD and Battlefield titles and I'm done! 🤪

    • Discs are region free. DLC are normally region restricted but you may get around it by changing regions or redeeming with a US PSN account.

      • Alright, just read some reviews and complains from Australians.

        • +2

          Be aware that you need to have the Infinite Warfare disc in the PS4 even though Modern Warfare is a DLC code. Kinda shitty but I guess they had to do it that way to stop people from trading the game in/giving it away. Also the version linked is the UK/European version which should redeem just fine on an AU account seeing as we're classed as part of the EU according to Sony.

  • At least one of these games (Cod Infinite) isn't from Amazon itself (although I always find it hard to find out the seller, unlike ebay) - does that really matter? I've always only bought from Amazon AU.

    • Not sure man, maybe someone will reply who knows

  • Thanks OP I got god of war and assassins creed origins which qualified for free shipping

  • FYI I just installed black ops 4 and it needed a 92gb update.

  • Am I missing something?
    What is with the super slow delivery from Amazon au? Covid-19?
    "In stock.
    Want it Thursday, April 23? Choose Expedited Delivery at checkout.
    Ships from and sold by Amazon AU"

    • Everyone is at home.
      AusPost is overloaded; fewer domestic flights, international delays and increased volumes as more people start shopping online.

      • Yeah I get that, guess cos I'm still going to work I forget everyone else isn't.
        I'll give this sale a miss though, would rather buy second hand and not wait 2weeks

  • -1
  • MK11 is $39 (PS4) :(

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