Hey everyone, first time poster here.
Just noticed Scorptec are doing free delivery across their website! Offer lasts until Monday, alongside some Easter product specials.
I've noticed some PC parts aren't available till mid-year so get in quick before anymore supply issues hit.
EDIT: There has been quite a few comments about the price jacking on PC parts on Scorptec, it should be noted this isn't exclusive to Scorptec and other retailers like PCCG have also seen price hikes in the past week. Items such as GPU's and monitors in particular have seen a large price increase, with other items like RAM and SSD's still holding their original value.
While it may not be the cheapest website to buy on regularly they do have current and available stock compared with other sites like MSY. This seems to be part of the course with the computing industry, whether its supply related or intentional price fixing it isn't the first time this has happened. GPU prices went to the moon during the bitcoin craze and RAM prices were also extortionately high around 2017/18 when the manufacturers were price fixing. Considering the current climate and supply chain issues we will see more of this sort of pricing to come.
Not bad for a first deal thanks OP !