This was posted 4 years 11 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DeLonghi Dedica Manual Coffee Machine (Black) $199 @ The Good Guys


This is $299 elsewhere, and even on the Delonghi factory seconds website where they are out of stock, they were $199-$244.95 (…)

These machines take ground coffee as well as ESE pods so you have a bit of choice. Not locked into buying expensive pods but it is still an option for convenience or a backup for when you run out of beans or your grinder breaks.

Here is an article from user jaydisc about some hacks to make it perform like an expensive machine…

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Good machine mine has been going strong for 2 years combined with the Breville Grinder Pro
    Got mine for $101 from Amazon (white version).
    I do find the area where you put the cup too small, so I need to remove the stainless steel bit to fit my cup.

    • must be a big cup

      • +1

        The area to put the cup really is very short vertically and can't fit any medium side coffee cups.

        • Do you mean with the espresso stand in there. If you're using a mug you're supposed to take that out and use the lower section. Never had an issue with any mugs sitting on that. Though you could get an extra mm or 2 by taking that catch out as well.

    • +1

      I bought one two years ago, there was only two weeks left for the warranty period to expire, it was working fine but a tiny piece of plastic that locks the Water spout/frother when you turn it anticlockwise broke. I took it to the authorised repairer. The guy could not get the same part, he contacted Delonghi and they sent me a brand new machine sealed in the original box for replacement. Best customer service ever.

  • +1

    Great machine. Got mine for $150 from Amazon.
    Have it next to a Delonghi grounder and they make a cute couple.

    • I do the same couple. Very happy! This is black, I have the stainless steel though.

    • +7

      sigh…there's always one

      • "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

        I don't understand why he's being down-voted for his honest opinion?

        • -3

          Because they're saying crap coffee is good? It may be honest but it's still wrong.

          Downvoting isn't censorship.

        • Because he's saying that Nespresso is better than cafe coffee. Unless his cafe serves the world's worst coffee, there's no way that's true.

      • I put fresh grind coffee in reusable Map pods every 2nd day. Can refill them in seconds. Poor man's way of getting legit coffee, varying the grind, and you can vary the temp by pre heating the water jug.
        Only need a rotation of 4 pods for me + missus (so good for the environment) and every second day it's a convenient pod ready to go. I only go two days to keep it fresh.

    • +1

      Your local cafe must make awful bloody coffee then.

      If your coffee is weak, you're doing something wrong. How big is your cup? Have you tried the double shot basket?

      Tthe Dedica will make a decent coffee if you spend the time to get the settings right. Not the best coffee you'll ever have, but far from the worst, and far, far better than the Nespresso rubbish.

  • +1

    Have been using this machine at work for about a year now, decided to buy my own for home! Thanks OP been waiting for the price to come down.

  • I've had this for a while now, use it twice a day at the moment and had no idea that those ese pods existed or that the machine took them. Being a tea bag though think I'd rather use nespresso pods though if I was going to use pods…

    • Haven't even seen those eze pods anywhere.

  • hmm.. it looks like they are completely out of stock on Amazon now though

  • I've got one of these since 09/2014, never had a problem, just descale it regularly; makes very good coffee from freshly ground beans.

    • +6

      I descale mine with a mixture of citric acid (from woolworths) and water and works fine. Much cheaper than buying the brand descaler solution.…

      • What kind of ratio citric acid to water you use?

        • I usually put one teaspoon to a full tank or water

      • Thanks cyrax83, gonna give your method a try.

      • You can also just use any descaler like ones from officeworks or woolies. No need to buy there's even though they recommend

  • I am in the market for an electric coffee grinder.. any deals?

  • What makes this manual?

    • +4

      As opposed to automatic, I assume. Automatic grinds the beans, tamps it, etc internally. This you do that "manually" (fill the basket, tamp the grinds, put it in, press the button).

      I have one, it's a perfectly cromulent coffee machine that works exactly how you'd expect it to.

  • How does this compare to the Breville Bambino Plus? Because that's what I'm currently looking at buying..

    • You can fit tall mugs under this one.

    • +1

      I went with the Bambino.

      For the Bambino, the steam wand automatically steams your milk for you and you can adjust the temperature and amount of froth you want. The Dedica requires you to steam your milk manually. The coffee making part is the same essentially aside from Dedica being able to use pods.

      I also like that it only takes a few seconds for the Bambino to warm up and go. I can make a latte faster than I can boil water…

      About fitting tall mugs: They can fit a large mug from starbucks easily. The drip tray is also removable and you've got more room if you want to use a ridiculously tall mug for a standard coffee.

      • Thanks! Don't mind paying a bit extra for the quick heatup.

        • +1

          "A bit extra" isn't the Bambino double the price or am I missing something?

          • @iambRad: Amazon had the Bambino Plus for 320-ish a few months back, I can wait til that comes back again..

        • I got the Dedica in preparation for lockdown (best decision ever), and it heats up quick enough. By the time you grind your beans and tamp them, it's ready to go. Not sure how much quicker you'd need. The Bambino is twice the price. The Dedica is fantastic value for money. Use the dollars saved to put towards a good grinder and some great beans.

  • good entry-level manual coffee machine for the home. been using mine for 4 years now, but ready to upgrade to something more hardcore.

    • Like to know what is the next step up machine from this as well.
      Been using a Sunbeam EM6910 machine for a number of years.

      • Breville barista express or pro… been waiting for it to go on offer for a while now…

      • Something that doesn't use pressurised portafilter as a starter and has a proper boiler rather than thermoblock?
        I had this machine for about a year and after I upgraded to an Italian coffee machine, I never looked back. These are better than nespresso still.

    • +2

      What benefits would a higher tier machine offer?

  • Do i get this as a first machine for making coffee at home?

    • +1

      More than good for a first coffee machine. Very happy with mine.

    • I would say yes. It's not a huge investment, it doesn't take up much space and it makes a very decent coffee. Sure you can do better, but you'll be spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars more. At that point, I'd rather just pop down to the cafe and have a pro make me one.

  • Good machine for this price. I especially like that the steam wand has the hot milk setting (which doesn't allow air) so you can control how much froth you insert into the milk. As opposed to the cappuccino setting which turns your milk into whipped cream. Out of all the panarello style steam wands I've tried, this is the best for controlling air input to get nice glossy microfoam milk.

    • +1

      Great point! Do you use the hot milk setting first, and then foam up with the cappuccino setting to finish off?

      • +5

        So I'll give my technique but I'm far from anyone who knows how to make a proper coffee so take my words with a pinch of salt.

        As you probably know, the steam wands on these machines are not like the more premium models that only have a metal tube with steam coming out. The cheaper ones have a mechanism that auto inserts air (panarello wand). Good for an amatuer to get an ok froth and doesn't care much for texture or looks, but for someone that wants to control the amount of air/steam ratio it is a PITA. The good thing about the hot milk setting on this machine is it kind of emulates the better models by not inserting air. To answer you question, I don't finish off with the cappuccino setting because I pull the milk jug down enough to insert just enough air/steam ratio. Heaps of tutorials on YouTube to look at but if you get it right, you can pour the milk in a way to get some reasonable art. Obviously nothing like a professional barista but good enough for the home cup O Joe.

        • +1

          Appreciate you taking the time to give an extensive explanation, I will experiment and watch some videos :)

        • Yup, pretty much how i do it. The cappuccino setting produce too much foam, and it is not proper foam you get for your latte. It takes pratice to get decent silky foam with the hot milk setting but it is miles better

    • +1

      Now I'm curious. Had this for a few years and it's been great, but I've always ended up with a reasonable amount of froth using the wand.

      How do you change its settings?

      • +2

        At the top of the wand. push it up for hot milk, down for cappuccino mode. Too far down and the wand head. comes though.

        • Thanks for the help! I stared at mine for awhile trying to decipher your comments before thinking 'hang a minute' and checking the picture in the op.

          Mine must be a slightly older model, as it doesn't have the adjustable setting on the wand. Seems almost identical in appearance every other way though.

          • +1

            @IsometricBacon: What you can do if you are interested in trying a more manual approach, remove the metal cover of the wand. It will reveal a silicone tube. Cable tie that silicone on tight and just use that to froth milk. Works great!

            • +1

              @cvas: Cable tie! Genious. I've been winding rubber bands around to keep it from blowing off.

              • @NigelTufnel: It works flawlessly if you have a mini cable tie

            • +1

              @cvas: Definitely going to try this. Thanks!

    • I got one of these a few weeks ago for lock down and can't for the life of me work out what the hot milk slider actually changes. Sliding it up and down doesn't seem to actually change anything in the wand??? Unless it somehow restricts the inner rubber tube? You have made me worried I am missing a part.

      • I think the tube had a small hole that let's more air in while frothing for cappuccino.

  • I'm very happy with mine; got it in april '18 from the amazon opening specials, around the $140 mark. Still going strong.

  • +1

    Beautiful tight little unit. The slim form factor is an additional bonus.

    Love mine.

  • Just wanted to add to the chorus of praise. Awesome little machine. Had our ec680 going on five years, minimum two coffees a day and hasn't missed a beat. Since bought two as gifts, last one was $160 during a bing Lee 20% off sale.

  • Yep. Great machine. Had mine 2 years now and still going strong with at least 2 coffees per day.
    I'd recommend upgrading to a non-pressurised portafilter.
    The steam wand is not great for making microfoam for lattes/flat whites. I personally leave the cover off to froth. Apparently you can mod it to replace with a rancilio silvia steam wand, but haven't tried that yet.

  • +1

    Great timing. I was just reading this article yesterday on how to get the most out of this machine:…

  • Is this expired?

    • Hmm, they seem to have removed the add to cart button. Might have to find a store with stock to buy it tomorrow. I can see Bathurst and Albury have stock.

      • Thanks. Might drop by and place order on my local goodguys.
        I’m not sure if they will honour the price as there is no price listed on the website

        • +1

          It’s in their catalogue as a special but no stock in melbourne confirmed today
          I was put through to Taralgon Store who would post for $15 extra
          Decided to go with the myer deal
          Good guys said I could order on the phone but they could not give me a date as to when it would be available if you are happy to wait


  • +1

    Red version price matched at Amazon

    • Out of stock :(

      • +1

        You can still place your order, they'll ship when it arrives.

  • I believe this is back in their catalogue for mother's day

  • Has anyone purchased a replacement tamp for this? The plastic one that it comes with is pretty shabby and I'm looking to upgrade it to a metal one but want to make sure I get one that fits properly. Hoping someone here might have replaced theirs with a better one before?
    Cheers in advance

    • +1

      Yes, I have. You need a 51mm tamper. I just got one off eBay. I think it was about $15.

      But you don't really need to tamp much if you're using the pressurized baskets that it comes with. Only really need to tamp if you also upgrade to non-pressurized baskets.

    • I did but it is the wrong size (too big) unfortunately

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