This was posted 4 years 10 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Soodox Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser 60ml $3.65 + Delivery @ Superpharmacy


An Update


Been seeing a lot of feedback about the cost and even comments claiming price gouging. I totally understand where those comments are coming from. From my perspective ozBargain has probably never been a more important tool for everyday Aussies to use, as we all learn to deal with the new situation in front of us. Most of us have either lost our job or lost hours. I get it.

I just really wanted to highlight that whilst this may not be a ripper deal we can all benefit from, like the price war between retailers of the Sony earbuds, I still thought it important to share so that you guys also have equal access to sanitiser at a fair price. I'm sure you have seen, same as us, some of the extremely inflated prices of sanitiser & other items around recently.

It may have been better to lead with our 200ml sanitiser at $10.95, but hey too late now, and as I mentioned in a reply below - if one person on here who didn't have access to sanitiser buys from us and starts using it, it's a successful post in my eyes.

I really appreciate you guys, and the incredibly smart community that exists here. My wallet maybe not so much. But I hope that you understand this was never about trying to rip anyone of or make a killing. To be honest we've had more than enough orders in the last few weeks, I almost welcome a break at this point.

Thanks for your passion


Hey everyone,

It truly has been an incredibly crazy time recently - and we've been busier than ever. Some of you may have already experienced how inundated with orders we have been over the last few weeks.

I just wanted to let you all know that as we have been receiving stock of hand sanitiser, we have been trying to prioritise supply for the most at risk members of our community. We did however just receive in a larger supply of hand sanitiser, so we are happy to now be able to offer it again on our website for all Aussies.

Please understand that following our same belief in getting these to as many people as possible, there is a limit of just 1 per person. Any attempts to circumvent that will have their extra orders refunded.

We also have a 200ml size available on the site if needed.

It is Australian made and 70% alcohol in a gel solution


Whilst I'm here, we have been placing a huge focus on effectively managing our stock levels as we entered this unprecedented time.

At this time, all of our usual pharmacy items are available.

If you have been running into issues getting items or medications from your local pharmacy, let me know and I can have a look for you or at least update you on that item.

Any questions at all - I'm happy to keep checking in and helping when I can :)

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Spend $99 for Free Shipping OR $7.95 Express Delivery

    200ml = $10.95

  • -6

    4.95 shipping, $9 for 60ml is ridiculous

    • +2

      Other places have been charging anywhere from $15-20 for about the same thing with less alcohol content, and coles was $15.

    • +3

      Hi there,

      I'd love for you to give my reply to jay.mak a read. I think you make a fair comment on the $9 dollar for 60ml, so hopefully that highlights how that figure is reached.

      • +10

        I get you're doing what you can, but this isn't a great price, and this site is about bargains - the distilleries are selling for $40 per litre, which is far better than this.

        • +9

          Not if you dont want a litre.

        • +4

          Have you ever carried a litre of hand sanitiser around with you. Most consumers value convenience above all else - often even price.

          • +10

            @egodrip: Amazingly, carrying the whole litre around isn't compulsory

            • +1

              @suburbanmale: People who come to a bargain website and can't do math. Nothing ceases to amaze me these days.

    • +48

      Hey Jay,

      We have actually made a conscious effort to be incredibly reasonable with the pricing of this. I'm sure you have seen, same as us, some of the extremely inflated prices of sanitiser & other items around recently. $3.95 is, and was before this, typical for a 60ml hand sanitiser

      The shipping cost is the same as its been since back when we reduced it from $8.95 to $4.95 last year

      If we could send items around Aus for free we would, but unfortunately we can't

      If there are other items you think you could stock up on, that might make the delivery cost easier to justify

      Dont entirely think its a fair neg.

        • +15

          Fair call, I'll cop that.

          My reasoning for posting here was I have noticed hand sanitiser and cleaning solutions being popular posts here recently, so thought you guys would be interested in sanistiser at fair pricing.

          • +8

            @ozSuperpharmacy: You genuinely seem nice and I appreciate that. It's good to read the good reviews about your chemist chain. I think you should have led with the 200ml @ 10.95 pricing as its more palatable for most people.

            I realise the current conditions and desire for hand sanitiser - I really do. I am immuno-suppressed and need all the protection I can afford, but the site really is about pricing :).

            • +7

              @MorriJ: Appreciate it Morri. To be honest your probably spot on. 200ml may have been the better call.

              Will look to make it clearer with the mods now and see how they suggest we go

              • @ozSuperpharmacy: Final suggestion; you do realise your site has it for $3.65 not $3.95 pp right? Worth fixing the title (its 8% cheaper excluding postage calcs) @ $3.65 per bottle.

                It's been that price since first posted, figured someone should point it out. Good luck.

                • +3

                  @MorriJ: Came through again for me :) Great catch, just fixed it up. Thank you for that much appreciated

          • -1

            @ozSuperpharmacy: So you're advertising here rather than posting a deal?

  • How are Asmol stocks lately. I am down to last puffer.

    • +2

      Hey Robbo,

      Latest government guidelines have started requiring the either the use of a prescription, or visible history at the pharmacy, for Asmol and Ventolin to be supplied at 1 per person.

      • Hi Rep

        Just curious - with the government guidelines - I have my usual prescription which is for 2 puffers. Last time I got this filled I was given 1 puffer instead but still charged the usual PBS (concession) price. Is this right?

        Thanks ;)

        • +1

          Hey Travis,

          Yeah unfortunately thats correct. Even with scripts of a higher qty, we are forced to limit to 1 unit still.

          Typically it would be cheaper to have both dispensed at same time.

  • expected timeframe for delivery?

    • See here

      • Thanks mate :)

        Yeah depend where you are but we are back up to being pretty quick at getting it out the door now.

        • Banner in heading saying extended delivery timelines does not give confidence.

    • +7

      Hi there,

      I'd love for you to give me reply to jay.mak a read as to why I strongly disagree with the price gouging statement. It couldn't be further from the truth for how we operate.

      • +1

        I tried to add products so that I can reach $100. However , U don't have apatamil gold for my baby.. that would have been $55 for 2 tins atleast..

        • +9

          Hey Punkman,

          That's because it isn't gouging.

            • +15

              @punkman: Hey Punkman. Sorry thats just incorrect.

              Price gouging refers to the practice of raising prices to exploitive and unfair levels on goods and services that are in high demand and limited in quantity during natural disasters or other crises.

              We haven't raised the price on this.

              You can disagree with buying an item online for its fair price and having to pay shipping, that's fair enough. But please dont insinuate its gouging when our entire business and team has been built around looking after our customers - and fair and discount pricing is an important component of that.

                • +2

                  @punkman: How heavy and what are the dimensions of sending one of these? A guess of 0.1kg and 3x3x10cm gave me a quote of $8.95 on the auspost website.

                • +4


                  the overall community isn't convinced

                  The votes suggest otherwise

    • +9

      It might not be a bargain in the traditional sense but it is far from price gouging. It's fair price plus shipping

    • +7

      Ridiculous price gouging.

      No, a just ridiculous comment.

  • +8

    Delivery is $4.95 on top of a single bottle purchase limit means it's $8.90 for 60 mL or $148 per L. Doesn't seem like a bargain to me :(

    • +4

      $148 per litre is so so tempting… Thanks so much for looking after us ozSuperpharmacy, when this whole thing blows over I'll be sure to make keep my business with you.

      • +4

        Hey guys,

        If there is anything else you needed to stock up your medicine cabinet with, that may make the cost of delivery a bit easier to deal with.

        Same with what I said to Jay, if we could send items around Aus for free we would, but unfortunately we can't

        I hope you can see that the $148 per L statement isn't exactly a fair argument against us.

        • +5

          While you make valid points, particularly with the "Cost per Litre" statement, I stand by my argument that this isn't particularly a bargain.

          Do note I disagree with those stating that this is a blatant price-gouge.

          • +1

            @Wontons: Yeah totally get you.

            Thanks for being reasonable :) Appreciate your input

        • +2

          If there is anything else you needed to stock up your medicine cabinet with, that may make the cost of delivery a bit easier to deal with.

          Yeah that's not how a bargain works. Basically buy sanitiser at regular price and other stuff you might need so we sell more stuff over $100 worth and will throw you free shipping. As per my earlier comment, this is an advert, not a deal.

    • $79.50 / litre if you purchase the 200ml bottle.

    • +5

      Hey sorry you feel that way. Couldn't be further from the truth in my eyes. I have used this site myself for last few years - I totally know how on the ball you guys are. Just coming from a place of trying to assist as many possible in the management of better health practices - if one person on here who didn't have access to sanitiser buys from us and starts using it, its a successful post in my eyes.

    • +7

      I think the seller thinks everyone is that stupid

      Just goes to show that thinking is not for everyone.

  • +25

    'Gouging' outrage is entirely misplaced here. It's the same price as 60mL of Aquim is listed for at Chemist Warehouse. Actually in stock - which is the premise of 90% of Amazon deals these days.

    • But Chemist Warehouse in comparison has a much lower free shipping threshold compared to these guys. And there are more stores around for C&C.

      • That's all well and good, it is however not currently available for shipping/C&C from Chemist Warehouse.

  • +12

    A bit harsh to say its gouging 😂

  • +7

    I agree with OP this isn't price gouging.

    However, it is overly expensive when you include shipping and the 1 bottle only limit.

    • +8

      You can also get the 200ml bottle or something else to get free shipping. This is a gel type 70%. Is what it is. For those saying its gouging. You don't have to buy. It's the world we live in now. It's Aussie made at least. There are some more supplies now coming through which was what my pharmacist was saying in early March when there was non in store. The OP can't do any thing about postage. Look we are to minimise our outings, so postage is the best way.

      • Hey Dedbnym

        Thanks so much for taking the time to put this reply together. I couldn't agree with you more.

        • +1

          The before time, how it once was and is now. Fair deal I think I do.

  • +3

    I guess some ozb people use to free shipping.

    • +9

      True, but people have to understand that there is no such thing as free postage. The consumer pays for it one way or the other and there's no where to hide postage costs in a $3.95 transaction.

  • +4

    You can order a 60ml and a 200ml together for $19.55, not so bad then……

    So a litre would work out to be roughly $78.2 i think

  • +5

    The shipping is more expensive than the product, no deal

    • +10


      That's how it is when you order something that costs literally pocket change.

  • +7

    A fair price, not price gouging. Still, not a bargain.

  • Is there any way to check local store stock online?

    • Hey Golly, not at this time sorry.

      PM me what you were after and your location if you want and I can find out for you :)

  • +3

    Superpharmacy is fantastic, I started using them the last 3 months (before all this happened) and the guys and gals there are always super helpful and timely on getting orders out. Even during this time, my order went out in 2 days.

    Keep up the good work :)

    • Thanks mate :) Appreciate your kind feedback.

      Everyone here has been working around the clock these last few weeks and hearing that makes it all the more worth it :)

    • +1

      I'd rather support my local pharmacy who are always super helpful, timely and provide good advice than a super or discount pharmacy who are just mass script fillers

      • To each there own, but I'm glad there's a choice, especially during these times when going into a pharmacy isn't always an option for people

  • +3

    Let's just say it how it is - it's not gouging but certainly not a bargain.

  • -5


    • +1

      Very clever.

  • +1

    Not a bargain but I need some. Pulled the trigger.

  • +1

    Paid $3.5 for 50 ml @ woollies the other day, wasn't available in any pharmacies around. It was more about having a bottle than not having any in this situation.

    • paid $4.85 @ coles yesterday, absolutely ridiculous. again was more about having some if needed as I hadn't seen any in over a month

  • +6

    I guess neggers didn’t bother searching. Thanks op.

    • +3

      No, some make their own:

      • +1

        This isnt a reality anymore with ebay bidding goes above $400 for a 5L alcohol bottle.

        • +1

          Ebay, and Amazon were never ideal places to buy chemicals. You can still buy the raw materials through trade channels for very reasonable pricing.

          • @xuqi: eBay has had some great deals on isopropyl over the past couple of years. You evidently never saw them.

            • +1

              @dm01: No, my current batch was made using Isopropyl from the last great Ebay deal on OZB:



              People too readily throw in the towel, and pay whatever exorbitant price is asked of them.

              • +3


                and pay whatever exorbitant price is asked of them

                Except there's nothing exorbitant about the prices in this deal.

                • +1

                  @dm01: In a liberal society one can agree to disagree..


                  • @xuqi: I'm not prepared to concede objectivity to hyperbole for the sake of being agreeable.

                  • +1

                    @xuqi: Btw, from what their checkout is showing me, FeverMates minimum shipping charge ($14.65) is nearly 3x that charged by Superpharmacy ($4.95) - does that fit your definition of exorbitant?

                    • +1

                      @dm01: Even with their postage you can buy 2L of the Gel from them for $76.91 inc. postage, which is far cheaper than what's on offer here.

                      • @xuqi: But 2L is an exorbitant amount of hand sanitiser to hoard.

  • +1

    Same old, its a + for me

  • +1

    I got 2 of these bottles at chemist warehouse today with my partner. $4 each, might be worth going to the local and asking, they had them behind the counters.

  • For perspective $59.95 delivered. $9.95 is postage…

    • style……

    • +1

      Not to mention "Note: Please allow 3—5 weeks for shipping "

    • +2
      • +2

        $15 postage…

        • -1

          So buy 4 to counter it leaving you with 2L's of the gel for $76.91 inc. postage. Overpriced still, but nowhere near the pricing in this and other so-called deals.

          • +3

            @xuqi: But I don't need 4 and that would just put me into the same category as people that are hoarding it for no reason. The pricing in this deal for the product is perfectly fine. Stop trying to make a big deal out of it thinking that postage should be free or lower than the product.

          • +1

            @xuqi: 2 litres? To bathe in it?

            • +1

              @Scope: You've gotta admire the stubbornness of those for whom a personal quantity of hand sanitiser for around $10 or $20 delivered is an "exorbitant" amount to spend, but will happily recommend paying over $50 more for a bulk quantity to make it "cheaper".

              • +1

                @dm01: Comparing the pricing of different quantity amounts is really just comparing apples and oranges

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