Help Zee escape Samsara! Drop blocks of different shapes and properties into a realm of two mirrored dimensions, in this beautiful, reflective puzzle game with a twist.
• Explore the reflected dimensions of 77 levels across 6 hand-detailed realms, each with hidden “Easter Eggs” to uncover
• Simple play mechanic – choose, rotate and drop blocks and utilize their reflections
• Carefully paced advancement, new concepts introduced progressively
• Blocks must be both balanced and will respond to gravity, falling towards the pool between the two dimensions, allowing asymmetric placements…
• Although later in the game, new types of block reflections may behave “unusually” under gravity
• Environmental interaction includes falling stones, and thorns which grow on contact with Zee’s echo but shrivel at Zee’s own touch, allowing timed block movements to be set up
IAP for infinite hints is also free at the moment. Don't forget to unlock that!