L-Plater Fined $1000 for Non-Essential Travel

I saw this this afternoon, on news.com.au

Yes it may be considered 'non-essential' travel, but how is someone learning to drive? In fact, now would be the perfect time now that there are less idiots (I mean drivers) on the road. The L-plater probably no longer has a job, so how can she pay the $100 fine?

Do you think the Police Office was correct in fining the L-Plater?

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  • +6

    It is interesting that people find these simple rules so hard and non managable. It is weird that people find outdoor public exercise the crucial part of their survival.

    I am 35 and happy to be at home for the next x months. It is a very small portion of my life. I only leave the house max 1x a week for groceries. Pretty easy.

    People are so weak minded and feel entitled it baffles me.

    • So like "what other time will a learner driver be able to build confidence with a massively reduced traffic volume on roads?"


    • these simple rules

      Thanks! I have had a rotten day and I sorely needed the laugh you provided.

      I think you meant inconsistent mess of a power trip.

      Here's the non-technical version. Have you read any of the actual public health order notices?


  • -1

    police drunk on power, need to reel them right back in…they are here to serve the community, not terrorize it

    • +3

      Good give me a pay rise then, or YOU go out into the world and keep the community safe, where every person you speak to is a Covid 19 risk to us and our families , one officers interpretation is not All Police

      • Do you wear PPE while on duty?

        • +3

          Yeah they work really well when your spat on, and even better when your fighting someone on the ground.. No PPE gear is safe for us to use.. not designed for our occupation.. n no i dudnt sign up for this 35yrs ago, to the people who say you knew what you were getting into, n my wife n kids never signed up to anything. Doctor's n nurses are heroes coppers are still the bad guys ruining everyones fun, same day different cause..

          • +1

            @Wayne7497: We all thank you for your service!

          • @Wayne7497: Like anything else, there are quite a few great officers out there, however, like in any job there are a few people, where:-
            * the job may not be for them
            * they maybe having a bad day
            * are under stress from management to perform

            I thank you for your service of 35 years.

          • -2

            @Wayne7497: Don't fight anyone you sicko. Stay home.

            • @munodi: Well that would be nice but apparently we are an essential service.

      • I have done my bit for the country mate…just because you wear a uniform it doesn't automatically entitle you to anything, respect is earned by your actions and character, not demanded based on your position or badge

        • +4

          From your comments I can see your a cop hater, there really isn't anything you could say that I haven't heard a 1000 times before that would upset me.. I've earned my respect 20 fold over my health and sanity would attest to that. And I treat everyone with respect regardless, would I have given the girl the ticket ? No punishment doesn't fit the offence, It was overkill, n not warranted I would have just suggested driving through her local area and said goodbye with a smile.. It's called experience and compassion,empathy, i dont ever give tickets to people who tell the truth and are polite.

          Having a badge and a uniform doesn't automatically demand respect, but it does automatically demand you behave like a normal rational human being.

          Im not your mate, that much you made clear, and there are good and bad in every job, lots of rookies may feel the power trip, that disappears within months when you figure out the real world and the danger you encounter on a daily basis.

          I expect nothing for my work, but neither do I have to put up with bad behavior and pure abuse.

          Im there to help the community not to harass them.. i am part of the community

  • +2

    The fine has been dropped but in Victoria L drivers can only drive with a fully licenced driver to the shops, doctors etc. Just a driving lesson is not allowed.
    Seems ridiculous that it is not considered as education ! As long as the instructor is from the same household and they stay in the car I can't see any risk.

  • +5

    This is why we arent as good dealing with these viruses as some of the other countries (singapore, japan, taiwan). I cant believe we think driving around in a car getting experience is a Essential thing to do right now. And heres the clincher, the copper who gave the fine even said the issue was also that they were far away from home, if they were close by at least then it would make sense. But they had traveled quite far away, if something happens like a breakdown or accident etc then more interactions will occur.

    There are people losing jobs or without money etc as well as of course people dying from this virus and we want to fight the cops over considering driving around for L plater experience should be considered essential???

    The other issue is the argument that theres less traffic doesnt make sense. As the whole point of getting on the road is to be driving with traffic to get experience otherwise just go to a parking lot nearby and practice or practice on your local roads, But the question still begs why were they so far away from home? Is it because they were learning as well as actually going somewhere and they decided to just use the learning part as the excuse when caught?

    • +2

      That's what I don't understand. Why can't we just listen to the government and stay the f home for time being. The sooner we get over and done with this the sooner we can go back to our normal life. But Nooooooo I wanna "learn how to drive".

      People literally dying and yet some people are so selfish for not wanting to stay home. Sighhhhh humanity no more.

      • +1

        So overly dramatic. As if someone learning to drive makes a material difference to the situation when she isnt in direct contact with anyone

        • -4

          So overly dramatic???????????? More than 80000 death reported. How many unreported death we don't know. Come on man how is it overly dramatic? Unless you suuport the cpp then never mind.

  • -1

    Stay at home means STAY at home, the car will have air system to breath in and out, which means that if anyone in the car had been infected, they would become the perfect virus spreading machine.

    Law is always been like that, don’t cross the line means Don’t cross it, no matter what is your excuses.

  • Absolute madness.
    Thankfully they came to there senses and revoked the fine.

    Kid needs to learn how to drive, they are not leaving the car, they are in the same confinds similar to living together. Sitting having a meal at teh table for example.

    I really hope going for a drive is ok. ALot of people will just want to get out of the house when they are home schooling kids who cannot go anywhere

  • +1

    I guess that the L-plate finally got her lesson…

    • Just kidding but yes I don’t think the fine is justified. If they don’t get out of the car it should be safe enough.

  • On this matter laws are laws or is it me that a lot of people use this excuse to park on clear way? Mt Alexander rd especially, i am pretty sure the sign has big C and spelled out clear way mon-fri 4-6.30pm. Since last week, when i drove at around 4.30pm every couple of day, many many cars are clearly parked and some actually park next to the sign

  • +1

    This ended up rather well. The fine was rescinded; and to be fair, it was a bit excessive. At the same time, the coverage may mean people become more considerate when going out.

  • If the learner driver was a pimply faced boy, would he be in the news and had the fine revoked?

  • I've run out Apache and Shabu!

    Would this be classified under shopping for essential supplies or,

    medical, care or compassionate needs?

  • Is RBT still on?

    • +1

      No, it was suspended @ 5 weeks ago.

  • If they really gave a shit about "oh don't want to have to go to the servo" or "don't want to to risk an accident" then why the f#+% am I still allowed/made to go to work?
    Yes I'm a being a bit facetious but last time I checked a virus does not care if you are going to work or a driving lesson.

    (Just to be clear, I think the fine was stupid)

    • Did the meaning of "essential" change very recently?

  • -1

    Cope it

  • -1

    this kind of fine usually occurs when the recipient arcs up and talks back and argues at length with the cop

    if they showed remorse - sorry officer I didn't realise, I won't do it again - they'd be more likely let off with a warning

    if they argue loudly - what do you mean, this is stupid, you bastards, I wasn't doing anything wrong, how dare you - the kind policeman is more likely to offer them a small piece of paper.

    • +1


    • Citation needed

  • +1

    Aren't work or education valid reasons to travel? (they are in Vic) This is clearly education.

    There are so many inconsistencies … they haven't shut down all retail but you can only shop there it's 'essential' (but JB is doing a great business). Similarly police officers are traveling in pairs in cars together (closer than 1.5m). The act of the police officer pulling people over people increases the risk of transmission - given they are in contact with more people than most.

    Meanwhile 16yos will be back to school next week, no doubt rarely practicing social distancing.

  • +1

    Fine has been cancelled as reported in the news today.


  • Reactionary folk talking about murdoch rubbish. Talkback has a new medium.

  • See all the police surrounding that pedo George Pell yesterday. One law for them, one law for us.

    • +1

      classic case of money TALKS and BULLSHIT walks ;) both literally and metaphorically

  • +1

    i disagree with the thoughts / ideas of snagging up hours in the log book NOW for the following reasons

    a) LIVE practice should be done in a LIVE environment, not in a ghost town environment for purposes of LOGGING hours. if it were merely starting out - then probably no different to the empty car park style start of teaching someone to drive.

    b) currently schools, churches temples etc are all closed (primarily due to mass gathering) but …. under the industry of academia, it doesn't permit or suggest that learning how to drive should be different. also, this allows for a loop hole for people to go day tripping / for a cruise etc and all the other billion excuses/reasons to justify why they were out and about = i.e. defeating the whole UNSAID purpose of a lockdown….

    c) they have stated the reasons for exiting your home in the most 1st world polite fashion, preventing FEARS and HOARDING oh wait not doing it stil instigated that to a certain degree, leading to only 1 month later toilet paper levels have STABILIZED… don't blame the asians. (profanity) of every race colour breed religion etc. has been involved in this disgusting behaviour. the list STATES clearly the purposes of leaving ur home - doesn't say you should gather your neighbours for a barbie or backyard cricket or golf or go driving long drives interstate or practice driving for that matter. it's like…. SERIOUSLY 1st world? it's worse than 4th world mentality here right now … EVERYONE is in the sameflooping boat. so if you complain about being stuck at home, well guess what ? so are we so are everyone. don't go justfiying that the FINE TERMS AND CONDITIONS of what is allowed and not allowed on the list of activities that have been CAREFULLY CRAFTED by the government, to allow us a certain DEGREE of freedom….

    it's like stating the dumbass line as follows: is it worth it to contract the disease whilst happily out for a driving lesson to die from it? is it worth it ?

  • essential travel only… simple

  • Is australia already in restricted movement yet?

    • Has been for weeks, how are you unaware of it?

      • +1

        Then why is this kind of question keeps coming in?

  • so they filmed it..so law was broken..again ?

  • +1

    Does going out to buy lotto count as essentil travel? If not, why News/Lottery Agents still open?

    • It allows some to stay employed and they may sell other items that are considered essential; cigarettes, hand sanitisers.

      Having answered your question, I think it's besides the point. Making a decision with limited time that affects many people is extremely challenging. Typically, you'd make a decision that would benefit the most. Then you would work out the rest on a priority list.
      It's really easy for those who haven't been in leadership roles previously to come up with highly specific scenarios that is obvious to them and question it, thinking it's such an easy loophole in the policy that should have been addressed properly the first time. But reality is, these are the kinds of questions that aren't on the priority list. I argue that there are so many other important decisions to be made.
      As porkupine888 has stated in far more elegant fashion, the blanket rule is stay home, these loopholes exist as a result of allowing "us a certain DEGREE of freedom" - so that someone who genuinely and urgently needs to go to the news agent the ability to.
      To me, I don't think questioning all these loopholes is helpful. I think finding the answers for yourself and encouraging others to do the right thing would be more helpful.

  • Come to SA. Same guidelines, fines for (profanity), numbers are low. Our polices just say do the right thing or you’ll get what the eastern states get from their self isolation…..

    • In Eastern States, the message is do the right thing or you'll get the result Italy and Spain have. In Italy and Spain, the message is we didn't do the right thing initially, we now have to choose who lives or dies from what others consider a harmless flu.

      • As Paul Simon says, one mans ceiling is another mans floor…

  • if going to costco with 3 people is it okay??

  • Is buying takeaway considered essential travel?
    If not, what is the point of allowing takeaway shops, coffee drive-throughs, etc to remain open?

    • With the general lack-of-stock at supermarkets as well as their reduced trading hours, where are shift workers meant to get food if takeaway/convenience stores are closed?
      Also consider which is safer; sitting in your car for 5 minutes in a drive-thru, or spending 20 minutes inside a busy supermarket?

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