Can someone tell me please, what is a safe product to use to sanitise the screen of of a samsung galaxy 10+ .I know some products will harm it, but I have no idea what is safe,when I do a google search I keep getting phone soap, but didnt want to spend that much. Thanks in advance for suggestions
Sanitise Phone Samsung Screen

Fire purifies all, including the 5G virus in all phones. COVID-19 is a hoax, it's a commie plot to infect us all with 5G.
My mother's friend sent her a conspiracy video linking coronavirus and 5G. This lady is also a primary school teacher..
I'm torn between wanting to purify YouTube with fire and keeping it for the cat videos.
Heard another pearler, the banning of plastic bags caused coronavirus. Where there's a tragedy, there's a conspiracy theory.
Pretty advanced cruise ships to have 5g already.
Pretty advanced cruise ships to have 5g already.
See! It's true, it's true! Plague ships! Sink them all!
banning of plastic bags
I've heard spreading it, not causing it. How's that work?
(Spreading: you have the virus, you give the cashier your reusable save-the-planet bags thus transferring to them. Hence now "pack your own groceries" at Colesworth. But scanning those same groceries probably transferred more of the virus, so…)
Also the microwave. Microwaves kill viruses.
Also recharges the battery at the same time. But only on iPhones.
Lol, negged by an Apple fanboi who's still trying to get rid of the smell & scorch marks.
I think someone didn't get the joke that it was an actual thing a few years ago. It was so funny reading about the idiots that believed it and nuked their iPhones.
Not the reason for Covid-19 is so while we are in lockdown the lizard people can change the batteries in the robot birds that record our every move.
The recommendation I saw (and what I have done with my s20) is fill sink with warm water, add soap and mix up suds, get a clean cloth and put it in, wring out the cloth to remove most water, wipe down the phone with now damp cloth, and then dry with another clean cloth.
Use turps or spirits and then leave it to dry in direct sunlight killing the C-19 with UV Rays
Wouldn't use strong solvents as it'll remove the oleophobic screen coating.
with UV Rays
Need UV-C for that, and there's not much of that down here.
Damn that ozone layer! Bloody hippies should be rounded up and shot for saving it!
Any disinfectant wipes that contain 70% or more isopropyl alcohol will work according to the experts.…
I'm kind of wondering why you need to sanitise your phone.
Avoid letter anyone else touch it and don't place it down anywhere in public should be enough.But when you go shopping, you touch things and then touch your phone.
Yes, but you're likely to touch other things too like your car keys, wallet, clothes, door handle, steering wheel and so on. Do you need to sanatise everything including the groceries after a trip to the shops? Also you've had to not touch your face since touching the infected thing. Honestly, if you minimize touching things at the shop the chances of contracting the virus is extremely small.
I only sanitize things that go in the house after and will be touched again such as phone and keys.
I don't touch outside clothes again until I go out again, etc.
What about using a handheld UV light (if you can get hold of one?)
Because it needs to be the right kind of UV light and not just any UV light…
Isopropyl alcohol… but it’s about $800/litre at the moment, so it may not be the most cost effective way to clean it…
It's waterproof so just wash it with soap and water. I've been doing that with my iPhone for months