• expired

Coles Community Box $80 Delivered @ Coles (Coles Online Priority Service Customers Only)


Coles have now followed Woolies and launched their own community box.

Delivered direct to homes in two packages by Australia Post, the Coles Community Box contains grocery items and household items for healthy meals and snacks, plus some everyday essentials.

What’s in the box?


Coles Woolworths
Long-life Milk 2L Longlife milk (or a dairy substitute)
Fruit Juice 2L Fruit juice
Oats or Cereal (e.g. Weet-Bix) min. 375g Weetbix, oats (or breakfast cereal)
Spread (e.g. jam, Vegemite) min. 375g Crackers (or similar)
Cereal bars (or dried fruits) x4 (min. 100g each) Spread (jam, vegemite, honey or peanut butter)

Lunch and dinner

Coles Woolworths
Pasta or Rice 1kg Pasta (or rice, lentils, noodles, quinoa, couscous)
Canned Vegetables (e.g. beans, legumes, pulses) x 6 (approx. 400g each) Pasta sauce (or similar)
Canned soup and meals x 4 (approx. 400g each) Canned tuna (or other canned meat)
Canned Fish or Meat x2 (approx. 200g each) Canned items soup, vegetables & fruit
Canned Fruit (approx. 400g) Baked beans (or similar)
Baked Beans (or similar) x2 (min. 420g each) Tortilla bread (or similar)
Tortilla Wraps x1 (8 units)


Coles Woolworths
Tea (min. 50 bags) or Instant Coffee (min. 100g) Tea
Biscuits (e.g. wafers, snacks) min. 175g Biscuits (or chocolate wafers, sweet snacks)
Muesli bars (or dried fruits)

Household essentials

Coles Woolworths
Toilet Paper min. 4-pack Flour
Soap (or similar hygiene product) min. 1 bar/unit Sugar
Cleaning Spray (min 250ml) or Cleaning Wipes (min. 25 units) Toilet paper
Soap (or other hygiene products)

Who can order the Coles Community Box?
The Coles Community Box will be available to all eligible Coles Online Priority Service (COPS) customers, as our priority right now is helping our most vulnerable customers and giving them access to grocery items and everyday essentials.

Very soon, eligible COPS customers will be able to register their interest in ordering a box. We hope to have this available over the coming days. When the Coles Community Box delivery service is ready, eligible customers will receive an SMS link to purchase the box from Coles and have it delivered to their door via Australia Post.

Who is eligible for COPS?
Existing Coles Online and flybuys customers who are aged over 70 and had previously registered their date of birth as part of their account details have already been invited to join COPS;

We are now adding:
People over 65 years of age with a My Aged Care number or NDIS number;
Indigenous Australians over the age of 50 with a My Aged Care number or NDIS number;
Aged care, disability care and other businesses that support vulnerable members of the community.
We are working hard with government departments to identify other groups who should be added to this service, in addition to our other efforts to support those who vulnerable in our community. We apologise in advance to anyone who does not currently meet the criteria.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    is there somewhere that says where the RRP of all the item are or is it just a box full of overpriced items just bundled up and shipped in which case how is this a deal (perhaps a great service announcement - wrong forum)?

    • +1

      You could help us do the research and find out.

      • its just a simple question but after reading the FAQs i seemed to have answered my own Q

  • +10

    At least they state the sizes and in my calculation is rotten value vs normal prices . Guess they can charge the vulnerable what they want . I hope Coles don't say they aren't working for a profit like what Woolies has stated . As it wouldn't be true even including the logistics .

    • +1

      Yes, it appears to be not oz-bargain worthy deal but a great service for people that cant go to the shops and need staples. Cost of which should be irrelevant in terms of deals and bargains as this is NOT what Coles intention is here (i.e. to drive sales) rather there are lots of ppl in community that cant get hands on the basics so the bundling of items will help those that find it hard to source everything themselves.

  • +7

    What a shame I don't qualify as a 59 year old Disability Support Pensioner with diabetes and stage 5 kidney disease, about to start dialysis any day when I crash.
    Pretty much guaranteed to exit the world if I get it, not an option to go to a supermarket.
    Self isolating by choice.
    Not on the NDIS, no Coles for me!

    Such a great idea, but too limited I feel.

    • +7

      I was hoping you were in Melbourne. If there's anything you are having trouble getting, message and I'll see if my supermarket has it and I'll post it…

    • +3

      I can't speak for coles, but at woolies you can apply for priority assist to get the box and do some regular shopping online. I'm sure coles will do similar soon.

    • +1

      The criteria has changed and you should now qualify, they have opened it up to disability or immune comprised. I am in the same boat as you and I was approved a couple of days ago. Originally I didn't qualify as I didn't fit into their 3 options but it has now been expanded.

      • +1

        "The criteria has changed and you should now qualify, they have opened it up to disability or immune comprised."

        Do you have a link, all I can find is the drop down option with three options?

        • +2

          @billabong Try sending a text Coles 0429989656 - I sent message to Coles 1/5 & just got reply today saying I was accepted (COPS) i dont fall into categories either but on DSP. I sent Name, email, DSP CRN (centrelink ref no.), (stated it was Dis Pen) & wrote that I would like to apply for COPS. I had given up, but seems takes about week for reply. Good luck.

          • +1

            @zoe hart: Thanks, request sent to that text.

            • +2

              @billabong: Oh good. Actually, the email I got was not specifically for confirmation (it was regarding click & collect availabilty - now that I'm a COPS member) So it might be worth doing a mock delivery order every couple days to see if delivery is unlocked for you - make sure ur logged in. They are prob so busy, that they may not send email. I think I read that was the case on a comment on fb.

              • @zoe hart: Thanks Zoe, I'm in!

                • +2

                  @billabong: Sorry to hear about your situation. To be perfectly frank, I don't think this is an appropriate box for ANYONE (let alone someone with diabetes and stage 5 CKD) - this is all just empty carbohydrates and it makes me sick that Coles and Woolies are taking advantage of the vulnerable with few other options.

                  Feel free to PM me and I can try and point you in other directions.

  • +11

    Definitely not $80 worth..

    Taking advantage coles. Shame.

    • +4

      WW is a rip off also. I saw a pic of what was delivered, lucky to be $40 worth.

  • +13

    This is a rip-off, way overpriced. No deal.

    • +1

      Obviously.. Coles intention isn't to provide bargains (probably wrong forum for this) rather there are lots of ppl in community that cant get hands on the basics so the bundling of items and priority shipping will help those that find it hard to source basic items themselves (save time and effort).

  • +21

    Milk, $2
    Juice, $2
    Weetbix, $3
    Vegemite, $6.5
    Cereal Bar, $3
    Pasta, $2
    Veggie cans x6, $1-2 ea, say $10
    Canned meal x4, ~$2, say $8
    Canned meat x 2, ~$2.5, say $5
    Canned Fruit , $2
    Baked beans x2, $2
    Tortilla wrap, $3
    Tea, $2.2
    Biscuits, $2
    TP, $3
    Soap, $2.3
    Cleaning, $2.5

    ~$60 value.
    + Delivery

    Surprisingly close to the $80 mark.

    Done with coles branded stuff unless specified.

    • +3

      Factor in priority service - priceless for some people!

    • +1

      OzBargainers buy discounted groceries, that's why we complained the box is not good value.

      • You dont get to buy discounted coles branded items though. If you buy premium branded juice at half price, it would still be more than $1/L.

    • Since toilet paper is like $5 a roll now its about right..lol

  • +3

    I reckon if you grabbed random brands of the above from the supermarket (not on special), take into account the cost of delivery, then $80 is about right. Certainly as ozbargainers we could all do better though.

    • For sure if you grabbed branded products for all the stuff I listed in my list, you would easily get above $100.

  • -8

    Taking advantage of the elderly and vulnerable. Bravo Coles!

  • +4

    Pretty bloody useless given the vagueness of what you get, particularly so for anyone with special dietary needs.

    e.g. oats or e.g. Weetbix, jam or Vegemite, pasta or rice, tea or coffee

    And then there's the price…

    • +2

      You're not meant to plan your upcoming meals in expectation of what is coming in the box. Looking at the list it's obviously stuff with a long use by to get you through periods where you're having difficulty putting together a meal.

  • +9

    Is there any word on Dan Murphy's launching a community box?

    Any suggestions on what it should contain?

    • +1

      Grab some corona since they stopped production.

    • +1

      Yes, just released - Uncle Dan's piss up box. $800

    • Why didn't someone think of this before ? Brilliant idea.

      1 x bottle Jacks
      1 X Carton of James squire
      1 x 6 pack of decent wine red or white
      1 x packet of chips

  • -2

    Coles price gouging the elderly

  • +7

    Elderly box. Have they stopped calling it a casket?

    • +9

      I didn't neg you, but I guess the person thought you urn'd it.

      • +1

        Take your upvote!

  • +3

    Not a deal at all..way overpriced

  • +3

    I think the "deal" is the guaranteed availability of the items when it's a bit of a hit and miss at every store, rather than a discount. While it's not a traditional deal, I do see some benefit for some people, so I won't be negging this.

    • I'm concerned some some elderly TA's will risk it going to the supermarkets with Coles offerings like this . They should have made it half decent value so they did not have to shop . That is suppose to be the purpose .

  • +1

    The crazy thing about this for me, isn't the overpriced box or anything like that, but that the 2L of milk is meant to last as long as the other products. There is a couple of weeks worth of food for one person, the milk would be done in a few days. Then everyone would need to go out again to get milk.

    • +1

      My 80 year old mother buys 1 litre of Milk per week. When dad was around, their milk consumption was under 2l per week - for many pensioner couples more than 2 litres of milk would be too much…

      • It's long life milk - lasts forever.

        • long life milk - lasts forever

          Actually it does not last forever(abc.net.au). Finding out why proteins entangle and how to stop them might provide insight into Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and type-2 Diabetes diseases.

  • +2

    Y'all forgot the labor costs. It's reasonable for a perfectly healthy elderly who cannot visit Coles and who eats a balanced Australian recommended meal plan. Doesn't work for e.g. Gluten intolerance etc. That's where Coles can serve people better instead of ripping off the concept from Woolworths. That said, the demographics might not be big enough.

    To be fair, Coles does have more variety with the fruits though.

    • +3

      Elderly people don't have gluten intolerance, it's mostly young instagram and tiktok users.

      • +1

        I stand corrected regarding gluten intolerance

        • +3

          The three things I cannot stand in this world, instagram users, tiktok users and intolerance!!!

  • -1

    Buy all these products at Aldi would cost them less than $50.

    • easily but u also need time, effort, transportation and not elderly - something many people are challenged with

  • Still no way to manually sign yourself up to this like Woolworths?

  • unrelated question but does anyone know why woolworths now sell 8 pack toilet paper for a whopping $12 a pack?

    I get theres a shortage but this is price gouging 101.. How can they get away with doing this?

    • +1

      It's called market forces.

  • For that price I am sure no one expects house branded stuff in the box

  • They really can't call it an Essential pack without condoms, adult diapers or deodorant. And a bottle of plonk.

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