What do u guys recommend around 1k mark??
And is it better to wait until PS5 is out??
Cheers :)
What do u guys recommend around 1k mark??
And is it better to wait until PS5 is out??
Cheers :)
Sony have confirmed their manufacturing has not been affected and there will be no delay
Of course they'd say that now, their share price would tank like craze during this period before their end of financials.
They confirmed it, not just random statements
they were taken to task and showed manufacturing was well underway
but yeah i see you point, but i am inclined to believe they will meet their schedule
@jimbobaus: even if it comes out this year its a bad idea. We're getting close to a depression - it would be smarter to release next year when everyones settled down.
Not many people who want one will buy one in this current climate. I wouldnt either, and I say that as a gaming pc, xbox one x, ps4 pro, switch owner.
The source of that story is questionable at best
even the article says:
Of course, all of this should be taken with a huge grain of salt. The source in question isn't the most reputable, but there are reputable sources boosting it and suggesting there's truth to it.
Sony have confirmed their manufacturing has not been affected and there will be no delay
Lol. Where have I heard that before.
It is confirmed not delayed until it is confirmed delayed.
very broad statement, you got a size in mind? 4k?
Id wait as long as possible to buy the TV
This is the correct answer… TVs drop in price all the time
Not exactly. Supply and demand is unknown at this stage. Inventory is getting depleted, Samsung's moving away from LCD altogether, OLED production is getting hit by COVID 19, etc. Factor in the tanking AUD, and I wouldn't be surprised if TVs follow the storage market and actually become MORE expensive.
Maybe, but things normally fall in price with depressed demand.
For $1,000 mark you’re not going to be making the most of PS5s capabilities so it doesn’t matter. That’s a lower mid range budget.
Your best value for money option is a 50 or 65 inch Hisense. You can get basic Sony/LGs for same pricepoint. If not desperate now, wait for PS5 end of year/early 2021.
"What do u guys recommend around 1k mark??
And is it better to wait until PS5 is out??"
Does your mummy know your on the internet?
I’m trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but I just can’t get my head that far up my ass.
PS5's 4K 120Hz will require HDMI 2.1 which is only available in certain TVs like some 2020 models and LG's 9 OLED series. Bump up your budget to $1800-2000 and then you can start considering C9 55 or maybe CX 48, or wait for price drops.
It wont do 4k 120fps, maybe 4k 60fps at best. Also you don't "require" HDMI 2.1, older TV's with 1.4/2.0 will work fine, but you wont be able to make use of additional features without HDMI 2.1.
Of course not every game will be running full time 4K/120fps, but even AAA titles will occasionally hit that due to VRR. Less intensive games and especially UI will definitely reach 4K/120fps, which requires 2.1.
If you're buying a TV in 2020 to run a new console, then get one with 2.1. You'll at least be somewhat future-proofed as more devices support the standard, especially over the next 5-7 years of the console's lifespan. This is one spec I wouldn't cheap out on.
Would Ray Tracing affect fps?
@Sutra: Yep, don't think any of the newer consoles are going to be powerful enough imo. Always one generation behind.
I'll still be buying the next Xbox though. Plenty happy with the current one.
"4K 120Hz"
Maybe PS7or8 LONG way off that especially for consoles.
Yes i read you next comment and once again no chance this gen or next gen.
Oh please. Even the Pro and One X can occasionally hit 4k/60. Yes, manufacturers exaggerate, but 4k/120 is entirely plausible with those specs in the right conditions. I'd put money down that at least some element whether it's UI or a Resogun-like title will specifically be designed to show off 4k/120 at launch.
You know most games on PS4 pro and Xbox one X are not true 4K right? Some are but very few.
A game like resogun running 4k 120hz doesn't really count as it being 4k120 capable as it's hardly a demanding title.
There's plenty of games i can get over 1000 FPS at 1440p on my PC doesn't mean ill call it a 1440p/1000fps gaming PC i call it what i can get on the majority of games like Modern warfare and Doom eternal etc… which is 1440p/144
Sweetspot will be 1080p 120hz for Multiplayer games like COD.
@Axelstrife: So which part of this comment did you disagree with?
Of course not every game will be running full time 4K/120fps, but even AAA titles will occasionally hit that due to VRR. Less intensive games and especially UI will definitely reach 4K/120fps, which requires 2.1.
I didn't claim that 4k/120 will be universal, you'd have to be naive to think so. But VRR will let AAA games occasionally hit that. Certain genres like driving games also reliably run at highest res and frame rate. You're making assumptions about what types of games the OP wants to play, not everyone wants to only play MW or Doom.
I would be guessing the smaller sized tv you go the better specs you will be getting.
Wait for 16k TVs imo
I'd personally wait till the PS5 gets release. There most likely be new models, better idea of the best TV's etc.
The PS5 isn't out yet but that doesn't matter much. The only thing I see that isn't in the list is what 3D sound support will come out with the PS5. Perhaps Dolby Vision/Atmos support. If you want potential future proof for when the PS5 Pro comes out….
Your requirements are
- 4K 120Hz
- HDR10+
- HDMI Ports 2+ or what ever you need
- Low Latency
Let us know what model you choose.
I ended up buying an LG c1 65' from Jbhifi. Intially,
I didn't want to spend more than 1k but I couldn't resist the recent sale.
I know this is very late lool but tbh I didn't think I'd be spending 3k on a tv. In fact, at some point I didn't want to buy a ps5 to focus on my studies but oh well…
Our spendings fluctuate according to the posted deals.
by the time PS5 is out, hopefully home isolation is over, and PS5 could get delayed as well.