Is it worth getting a 'Like New' switch console for this price? I think the price is alright but that much for a used one?…
Is it worth getting a 'Like New' switch console for this price? I think the price is alright but that much for a used one?…
True.. so your paying more for the time it gets to you?
Yeah there's hardly any on the market right now brand new, so just depends how desperate you are for one.
OK, I'll say it. I prefer my Wii U over my Switch.
The Wii U holds up well considering it has a lot of the same games as the switch and the graphic difference is minimal.
What games would you recommend?
Interesting opinion. Why so?
The Wii U large control is rock solid and comfortable for Mario Kart. Mario 3D World is quite a polished game. It might be that I'm a 3DS fanboi and think anything mobile above that is overkill. Switch feels to me to be lke a Blackberry Playbook in only medium build quality, cheap feeling controls. I thought I would sell my Wii U after getting a switch but I will keep it, given the low value.
True but then you don’t get the new releases like smash and kart
Is it the OP's listing?
No sir haha low on cash but not sure whether a good purchase
Can you really trust someone's 'like new' description on eBay?
I mean pics look ok but your right
Depends, I've got a pretty much brand new one sitting here. Played Pokemon for few hours docked to TV and untouched since. Wondering why even got it to be honest. It's definitely 'like new' with all packaging. There'll be others that bought into the hype and realised it's not as great as they thought/wanted.
Sell it now on Ebay, people are very desparate for one. Sold mine last week for $450plus post.
But why are people selling it? It’s suppose to be a good console right?
@aeonoq: They either got bored of it and/or are opportunists. By the way, new switches are going to be restocked in a few weeks at JB-Hifi, EB Games, etc. JB Hifi is $450, EB is full RRP which is $469. Do NOT pre-order from EB because their parent company isn't doing well, they have a higher priced product, and you need a minimum $50 for pre-order.
I think Gamesmen are the biggest rip when they're not on sale. I saw heaps of ads before of them selling the switch for like $550.
Damn! Not bad at all. If I didn't enjoy my Switch so much I'd be selling now too.
Is the nintendo switch animal crossing: new horizons special edition ever going to restock?
Err am I missing something? That's more than the price I paid for a brand new switch almost a year ago. This guy's charging more than a brand new console from the store just because the bundle comes with a few useless accessories. Definitely not a good deal.
Not sure what availability is like but surely you can still order a brand new one online for cheaper
They're sold out everywhere so you can't pop into JBHifi tomorrow and get one. Plenty people sat at home bored and want one driving demand while there's no supply. Price rises.
I haven't looked but surely the major retailers are taking orders and still getting new stock in? You may just have to wait a little while.
Minimum end-April or early-May for orders right now, if it doesn't get pushed back further. People don't want to wait 3-4 weeks. It's their choice.
@Hybroid: It's been available on Amazon every now and then. Just subscribe to the alert and get in quick. I got mine and waiting for delivery (damn the weekend) and saw it become available a few times after. People are just being silly and not patient enough if they are paying the scalpers, that too for used ones.
@Hybroid: Why all the sudden demand though? I get that people are staying at home but other consoles with bigger libraries have been around for years, and the Switch was widely available before this whole pandemic began. Are people suddenly turning into Super Mario fans?
@SlavOz: Mostly hype. I don't fully understand it either, especially with childish games like Animal Crossing that have exploded in popularity for some reason, but apparently others have explained that people are tired of serious A++ titles and just want to unwind with lazy easy relaxing games that they can pick up and leave anytime without worrying about being competitive or losing or challenges etc.
I kinda get it I suppose…
This, parents stuck at home with their kids looking for something entertaining that all of them might enjoy. School holidays upon us and kids can't go out anywhere. I'm on the hunt for one right now too…
@SlavOz: My feeling is that switch is seen as a more family friendly console compared to Xbox or ps4. That's why it's sought after at the moment.
What about big w??? That’s looking good right now
Your 'brand new switch' has been replaced by a newer, signifiganty better model for a start.
Best option i can see at the moment is pre ordering from EB. Due in on April 17th.
also subscribe to alert on Amazon, that's how I snagged mine 4 days ago.
do you mind sharing the listing? is it the 2019 version that is the latest?
@peanut48: Thanks! Sorry for noob question. How to subscribe to alert? I could only see add to wish list
edit: nvm i figured it out!! cheers
Depends what your demand is to get one, you can just preorder @ JB Hi-Fi for $449 if you don't need one within a few weeks..