10% Off Online board games store Gumnut.io store wide.
Probably the largest range in Australia.
10% off inflated prices, even at 50% off I'd struggle to find a Bargain.
Popular game with prices compared: https://www.boardgameoracle.com/boardgame/price/7-wonders-du…
Gumnut is literally 4th most expensive out of 30+ stores.
Strange too, given that they're the supplier for Mindgames, and Mindgames (a rarely-bargain friendly retail store with overheads) tend to have substantially better prices.
Mindgames were recommending shopping with Gumnut too, but these prices are nutty. It's a shame. I like to support local.
Gamesmen a lot cheaper for a lot of the games and that’s with them offering games without a discount
Should anyone even be playing board games at the moment?
Several people in close quarters, touching the same objects, likely to be the same age groups (friends not family)…
Pricing is one thing, but even my friends D&D group are video chatting to play…
Obviously the main customers will be people playing with their own household.
Had a quick look at top 10 BGG. Some of the highest prices I've ever seen.