This was posted 4 years 11 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, PS4, PC] Free to Play Weekend: Call of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer


Enjoy :)

Starts : 4th April - 3AM AEST


From Activision blog

Ready for some weekend warfare? Starting at 10AM PT on April 3, free-to-play Warzone players can jump into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer for free. That’s right: all Modern Warfare and free-to-play Warzone players can square up together in a varied and fast-paced Multiplayer Moshpit, all weekend long.

If you haven’t played Modern Warfare Multiplayer, now’s the chance to see what you’ve missed. Experience the world-class gameplay, deep weapon customization, and gritty, photorealistic environments that make Modern Warfare Multiplayer the ultimate online playground.

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closed Comments

  • For how long? Do we know yet?

    • +1

      " all weekend long." I suspect only for the weekend :(

  • +17

    Just a heads up… 176GB download size on PC…

    • +2

      holy mother of jesus!

      • +9

        This has nothing to do with her.

    • FYI Warzone is 81gb.

      Not sure what the COD-MP is on top of this.

      • +3

        Which is ridiculous in itself. I mean for a game with ONE map.. It's just nuts…

    • +7

      yeah download 176GB to play for 2 days…Great!

      • +5

        If only we had proper NBN.

        • +3

          Thank you Malcom Turnbull and Tony Abbott

      • Does anyone in the country even have the internet capacity to download it within that timeframe..?

        • -3

          Yes, NBN can get 80mbps so bit over half an hour.

          • +5

            @Bryanalves: mbps ≠ MBps
            Megabits per second = mbps
            1 megabit = 0.125 Megabyte
            No NBN tier offers 80 megabytes per second to home consumers.
            So 4.88 hours best case scenario on 80mbps top tier NBN.
            Better start downloading…

            • @Could Be Better: And even then, vast majority of people won't be getting that.. 20mbps down means it would take me approximately 18 years

    • -1

      Its free

    • that's insane…. no way will this download in time.

  • +3

    This was crashing for me every minute back in December. Got an immediate refund.

    Bought this 2 weeks ago for $58

    Whether AMD drivers or COD updates since then has fixed it - not sure, but I'm having great fun with this one.

    • My vintage i7 920 @ 3.6ghz, R9 390, 24GB RAM can play this game smoothly @ 60-70fps.
    • All graphics settings down except for Textures to high: 70-90fps

    MP is awesome. No super human jumps etc, 100% boots on the ground.

    First COD with Crossplay, meaning all mods/playlists always has players

  • Try and get as many people to download so they justify the $36 or so for the MW2 campaign DLC ;)

  • +4

    Is it possible to download prior to the weekend starting?

    Otherwise it might finish downloading by 6pm Sunday…

    • You can already download it because warzone is always free.
      Unless this is a different download?

      • Pretty sure its an extra download, though it should be smaller if you already have Warzone installed

      • +1

        This weekend only, anyone who has free-to-play Warzone can navigate to the Lobby and join the Multiplayer action, FREE. In the Warzone Lobby, you’ll see the ‘Stocked Up, Locked Down’ 24/7 Playlist.

        Nope, looks like there's no additional download for this as long as you already have Warzone, it will just be a playlist update.

        • +1

          I downloaded Warzone

          Then, bought the full game, and had to download another 80GB.

          Out of the 80GB, no idea if that was entire SP + Spec ops or also MP as well.

          • +2

            @sssbp: I'm downloading Warzone on my other console to check this now (nothing better to do at the moment lol). The download is almost 100GB, wow… I can understand campaign and Spec Ops being separate but Surely MP would have to be part of that - I wouldn't think the Warzone mode would be 100GB on its own.

            I'll find out when it goes free to play I guess, see if I still need to download anything else to jump into MP.

        • Yeah your right. I was thinking of it installing the rest of the game like Single player etc

          • @Gracey: Yeah that could be the case too. Already own the full game on PS4 but downloading Warzone on Xbox now to see how it will work once the free to play MP goes live.

  • +1

    my net speed is so slow now it would take me 6 months to download the install it

  • -1

    The link states time as follows:

    "April 3 at 10AM PDT only live until 10AM PT on April 6."

    April 3, 10AM PDT would be our April 3, 9PM AEST. So this should be available 9PM Friday night for us on the East coast.

  • Do you need PS+ while it's in the free trial period?

    • Would assume so, it's Call of Duty having the free trial, not Sony.

  • Oh great, more people jumping onboard their already chockers servers

  • Honestly the game in itself is very glitchy because of cross play, every time I try to talk to my friends through ingame chat when I am on ps4 and they are on PC sometimes they cant hear me and I cant hear them, my guns and rank dont level up sometimes when I play plunder & don't be surprised if you cant even access the servers half the time.

    • +1

      Yeah the voice chat is annoying on cross play. I'm on PC, can talk fine with one person on PS4, but not another…

  • Do you need PSPlus to play it on PS4?

    • Yes you do.

  • Has anyone got the free multiplayer yet?
    I have logged on to my playstations but can’t see the option to play it.

    • I did you have to go into warzone and click the option down the bottom, its limited to the two most campfest maps I played it for an hour and will not be buying it

  • anyone managed to play it on Xbox? I download it but it still says i'm offline…

  • Every time I try and download the blizzard downloader or any other installer it says network error some way through, wtf - I even tried in different PCs.

    • Have the same issue, trying again and again and work after 10 times

  • best place & price to buy the full version from?

    • Depends on which platform you're playing on.

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