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[PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 'Game of the Year' Edition - $17.95 @ Playstation Store AU


First time poster, please be gentle :-)

It's back! PS4's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 'Game of the Year' edition is back at a crazy cheap price!

And, yes, it has been this price before. Based on past indicators, it usually comes around at this price every 4-6 weeks and stays at this level for a couple of weeks. So I have no idea about the end date, sorry.

Wild Hunt is priced at $13.45 for the standard edition, so it's a no-brainer to pay a few extra $'s for loads more content.

Someone awesome from OZB shared PS Prices in a comment a couple of weeks back so I have been watching and waiting for the next price drop. Now it's my turn to pay it forward.

Happy gaming!

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Your going to get some serious hours out of this for the money…

    • So I keep hearing! I was holding off for ages due to lack of time, but cabin fever will no doubt kick in soon so I decided to wait for the next price drop. Considering it is normally priced at $79.95, it's a steal at under $20.

      I feel a tiny bit bad for anyone who bought it in the last day or two though!

      • +1

        Anyone who did deserves what they got really - you can pretty much get it under $30 whenever you want, if you shop around. If you don't pay much attention to the trend of these things, you don't deserve the bargains when they come along.

        • +1

          This is one game where I wouldn't mind paying more. Because the developers deserve it. I pirated the game originally when it came out. I loved it so much I went out and bought it full price. Then bought both the expansions too. When the GOTY came out, they gave the GOTY edition for free(!!) to everyone who had bought the base game and the expansion. The developers deserve the money.

          • +1

            @immortanwayne: So you'll only pirate games now which you don't like? What about those developers who worked hard for their money? They don't deserve to have their games paid for? Don't present a false humility when really, you're just a pirate.

            • +1

              @ifreddo: I'm not judging. I just want to comment that @immortanwayne didn't seem to be presenting false humility to me.

              • @tebbybabes: So you think he was actually showing humility by purchasing a game which he pirated? Or are you suggesting he's not indicating any humility? In which case makes him just a pirate..

            • @ifreddo: What are you on? When did I say developers don't deserve money if I don't like the game? Why would I pirate games which I don't like if I don't like them?(profanity) off with your self righteousness. I was a broke college student a few years ago and yes I did pirate some games. I have bought almost every game I pirated later when I could afford it. I haven't pirated a game in years now. The point that I was making was that there are shitty publishers out there with games that aren't worth buying full price. This is not one of those games. I bought it again on PS4 just to support the developers.

              • @immortanwayne: Hey, I apologise. I was ranting. I am passionate about supporting developers and hearing about piracy really triggers me. So happy that you don't pirate anymore. I wish others were more like you.

      • I bought this game over a year ago. At this exact price. I still haven't played it.

        Though due to COVID knocking out all my extracurricular activities, I'm now spending all my time at home, and have even started making headway into my pile of shame. Perhaps it's time to start this game up. After I finish Shadow of the Tomb Raider, I suppose.

  • +2

    Best $18 you'll ever spend on a game.

  • Wish the Xbox version was this cheap or even cheap heheh

    • I think I only paid about $20 about six months ago - I'm sure it will come up again. Regardless, anything under $50 is a bargain for the amount of hours you could sink into it.

      • Yer I shreds just couldn’t pay more then $20 as I’m a Ozbarginer ;)

        • Is it likely to be reduced again on Xbox at the moment given it is on GamePass or does that make a difference?

    • Its on Game Pass

    • +1

      It's just gone back on sale for Xbox, $16.63.

  • +1

    I shouldn't have pulled the trigger on wild Hunt.

  • I was so close to buying the base game for $13 and just biting the bullet on the season pass - woo!

  • Hi guys, so I haven’t played the PS4 at all since purchasing 2-3 years ago.
    What’s the best way to purchase games online?
    Are there discount for cards? Like Nintendo eshop vouchers?(10-15% off)

    • I can't speak for others, but for me, I just have my PayPal account linked on my PS4. Find a game, add to cart, choose the payment method (PayPal or credit card) and let the download begin.

      • I used to have that. then one day at work I keep getting all these notifications. wtf is this? "Thank you for your purchase.."

        If you have kids, STRONGLY recommend putting password to confirm for all purchases!

        (luckily he only bought $45 worth of useless skins for a game he doesnt even play. Could have been worse.

  • -3

    PS4 or PC version?

    • +1

      It's clearly stated in the heading and in the body of the post.

      • I was asking if I should buy PS4 or PC version, but thanks for pointing out.

  • +1

    Thanks KangaDrew,
    Was thinking about buying for a while, and with a bit of downtime coming up this will fill the void.

    • Yeah I was in the same boat. Being in lockdown (in all but name) gave me the kick I needed to bite the bullet. I'm downloading the 50Gb file as I type :-)

  • Does it consistency go on sale at this price every 4-6 weeks?

    • +1

      Check the link to PS Prices in the post.

  • -1

    Wow PS4 cheaper than Steam ($23.69)

    Except I dont have a ps4

  • Can vouch - bloody wonderful game.

    Wish I had it for switch though.

    • Anything special about the switch version?

      • Nope, just portable witcher 3 (which is amazing)

  • Unpopular oponion - just get the base game.

    I have the GOTY and having finally finished the main game I got 10 mins into the DLC and lost the will.

    The main game is just sooooo big that I've had my fill of the world (well, I bought Thronebreaker when it was on sale).

    • +2

      I can't see any logic in spending $4.50 less just for the base game when the DLC is worth as much as the game itself. But each to their own I guess.

    • +1

      Blood and Wine is where it's at. Phenomenal. Much better than base game itself.

      • The base game is a real treat for book readers. Hearts of stone probably is the best in terms of main-story wise. Toussaint has a wonderful atmosphere and unlike the base TW3 or TW2 the main story line isn't rushed towards the end (CDPR was running out of money both times). However, Syanna is a poorly written character imo and the contradictory vampire sci-fiction detracts from the main story.

    • Thronebreaker isn't DLC, it's a separate game. Also, even though HoS and B&W are called "DLC", they're really like two new games in their own right.

    • I actually agree with you in losing the will at that point (more needing a break), but still bought the DLC straight away. When I had a couple of weeks off the extra few bucks was even more worth it than the original game somehow.

  • Perfect timing. I just finished Persona 5. This will keep me busy for the next few months.

  • winds howling…

  • I keep thinking I should spring for the PC version, but so far, the PS4 version consistently comes in a bit cheaper.

    My main question is, is this game more suited to sitting back on the couch or hunched at a desk? I know that's purely subjective, but I'd appreciate thoughts.

    As an aside, the main reason I haven't bought it yet even though it's a few years old already is because I still have the 1st two in my pile of shame and I keep thinking, maybe I should play those first. :)

    • +1

      Like Bigkris74 said further up; it's the best $18 you'll ever spend on a game. I can't speak for the 1st two in your pile as I never played them, though this game is absolutely phenomenal value. I'd had it in my steam library for a couple of years before actually playing it and was kicking myself for ignoring it so long. Do yourself a favour and download it.

      EDIT: Didn't realise how old your comment was. It's 11:30 and I'm already incoherent, thanks corona.

  • +1

    I would highly recommend getting the PC version so that you can use mods like this that make the game a lot better.

  • +2

    Some thoughts on PC v PS4 for me:

    • PC has mods, better resolution, better FPS
    • after getting an OLED TV everything games on my PC look very washed out, plus the PS4 version will give you some sort of HDR
    • when the PS5 comes out, it should run the PS4 version hopefully at a higher FPS
  • I literally bought the base game a couple of days ago.

    -annoyed Henry Cavill hmm-

  • Spent countless hours on this game and was sad to see the bad ending. :(

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