I need to strengthen my wifi signal in my garage. Do I go an extender or Mesh? And, which would you recommend without breaking the bank. TIA
Wi-Fi Extender or Mesh

I had a extender the back of house was getting half my internet speed about 30-40 Mbps
Upgraded to wifi mesh now i get full speed 90 Mbps everywhere
thanks,good advice.
We got the Tenda mesh 3 pack and it has been awesome in our spread out home. Marginal wi-fi is now great, and NBN speediest on our 100Mbps shows 50-60Mbps at the end of the house.
It was under $100 with an eBay coupon and I should have got it earlier.Do you happen to have any smart devices by any chance?
I got the Tenda MW3 but can’t get the app to force 2.4ghz so I can set up some devices on it. The button to force it just seems greyed out on the app.Works for me….
Just looking in the android app and can’t see the setting you mention. In the connected devices menu i can see a printer and old iphone connected via 2.4g, so it seems to be supporting both ok.
the setting he mention is named "Smart Assistant"
hey unco you are right, mines greyed out after i updated app, But in saying that i've never had to use it as all my device connects fine
First time I setup older 2.4ghz devices (incl google home) I had to leave on just one of the mesh systems to reduce the signal and move as far away as possible to make it connect via 2.4 and not see the 5ghz part of the network. Used a wifi app to check signal strength. Once device connected initially to 2.4 was fine to turn on full mesh.
not sure what devices, but most support 5ghz wifi bands eg: Google home speaker and Google home hub support wifi ac
I just ordered one has well, have never bothered me much as all the essential devices are wired - but everybody is getting crappier now being at home in some of those further reaches.
I am in Perth though and I have packages stuck all over Australia so just waiting patiently now.
Tenda MW3 is great,but if you need to be on the same network of the router then you need wifi extender.
When you run the tenda nova your supposed to disable your routers wifi. Only use it as modem or turn it off completely and use the tenda nova as a modem/router which is also capable
I have 2 networks running parallelly.
There are wifi IP cameras use rstp, static IP required.
It runs predectly
You can run both the tenda wifi and the routers wifi simultaneously (different names), works great - so the MW3 really allows you to have 4 wifi points (inc your original router)
I'm assuming you can't run an eth cable to or close to your garage? If so then your best bet is a mesh network. Avoid Wifi repeater/extender if you can.
Another option is powerline. Something like: cable > mesh > powerline > repeater/extender.I would totally recommend google nest wifi for tech noobs like myself. Pricey but very easy to set up.
You could just get someone to come install an Ethernet port in your garage if you're connecting a PC or laptop.
Costs around $100 with material and labor
I was thinking about that as it gaurantees the speed. How does this work? They will need to run the wire through the walls?
Yep get a data cabler to run ethernet through the walls.
What he said^
The guy who installed my split system also did the ethernet cable to my kids room for $100 including cabling and face plates
Extenders by their nature halve the speed when they extend/repeat
We were having shocking speed issues at far end of our long house, got a mesh system and have not looked back.
You could probably get away with a 2 pack mesh system based on what you have said, which is a couple hundred bucks. (for a decent one)