• expired

90% off Easter Eggs Incl Lindt Easter Chocolates (In-Store) @ Myer


My wife was just at Myer Chadstone and saw that they've reduced all Easter eggs by 90%, including Lindt.

With Myer closing for at least a month commencing tomorrow, Sunday 29th March, for 4 weeks, they are clearing out their Easter egg inventory.

The previous 70% discount has been upped to 90%. We assume that the new discount also applies to other Myer stores around Australia. If any other store is offering a smaller discount, tell them about Myer Chadstone and get them to match the 90%.

Here is the wife's shopping receipt showing the 90% discount.

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closed Comments

  • +22

    Eggcellent post

    • +5

      My thoughts eggsactly

      • +2


    • Eggspires today, not tomorrow

      • +4

        They are not closing until end of business on Sunday

    • Try to eggsplain this as an essential activity.

      • It's eggsential

        • Will you have an eggsistential crisis if you have to forego a few Easter eggs?

  • +1

    I just edited the Title as the original implied Lindt chocolate in general was on sale. It is only the Lindt Easter Eggs that are on sale

  • +1

    I would assume the staff would have purchased majority already

    • +6

      Wife just did her entire Easter Egg shop for 6 people for under $30 including Lindt bunnies

    • +3

      I suspect a number of staff are now going into frugal/austerity mode given the financial position of their employer.

      • +1

        Unfortunately they will be in good company very soon

        • +1

          Yeah. It's pretty dire. :-(

  • Anyone know if there’s any left at the Sydney store?

    • None

    • +1

      I was there at ~4.00pm today and discount was still "only" 70% at the time. Place was a ghost town.

      Still good stocks of Chocolatier, Koko Black (my fave), Kinder and Pink Lady.

      Very limited stocks of Lindt - mostly those overpriced packs of "carrots" and the bundles with a pair of wearable gold bunny ears.

  • +1

    I just bought from joondalup and it was 70% off

    • Chadstone are 90% off so tell that to any other Myer store and get them to price match

    • Was there much left at Joondalup? Don't want to go out if not much stock. They don't normally stock a large amount either

      • Nothing at all, i got things held yesterday so thats all they had

        I doubt tgey would of price matched anyways but either way I'm happy with the 70% off.

        Also, david jones have 50% off and karrinyup has a bit still

        • Can confirm zero stock at Joondalup 😞

        • -5

          Would HAVE.

          It's a shame you're an adult and don't know this.

          • +2

            @Oliver: Would of, would have.
            Could of, could have.
            Same Same.

          • +6

            @Oliver: To be honest, i have children at home that i'm entertaining hense the delay in response.
            I rather be an adult and put my children first then worry about correcting my wording or spelling (yes, I did notice I made a spelling error too).
            I don't even have time to go to the toliet by myself let alone time to correct my wording or spelling

  • There’s 6 bunnies left at Penrith

    • Any other Lindt left? Was thinking about going.

  • +3

    My wife wants me to go but she’s got gestational diabetes so I said “no”

    • +6

      Buy for after the baby arrives?

      Hope the arrival is smooth and baby is healthy.

  • Much stock at Chaddy?

  • Chadstone is only 70% off. Nothing is 90% off. Very little stock left anyway.

    • +1

      It is 90% now mate, wife was just there, and that is the new discount that was applied to sales post about 3:30pm today

      • Ok. They haven't replaced any of the signage as at 4.20pm. Still had 70% off.

        • +1

          See the copy of the receipt I posted the link to up in the description, it shows the 90% discount

      • Was there a lot of Koko Black?

  • +26

    Thank goodness, at least corona is free. Why do people go out and buy stuff that is not essential, you are just taking unnecessary risk. Easter eggs will be, you may not.

    • +3

      Well it won't happen to them obviously.

    • +11

      buy stuff that is not essential

      Be careful who you suggest chocolate is non-essential to ;-)

      • -1

        I'd opt for delivery 😉

  • +1

    70% off at indro myer (QLD). Shelves almost bare.

  • +15

    It would seem Myer has its own unique type of virus. COVID-10?!?

    • +1

      Could be predicting a coronavirus in 2110

  • +9

    This worries me that sales like this will promote a Bondi-like event where the shops will be swamped and social distancing thrown out the window.

    • +1

      What I don't understand is why they didn't close Bondi even before people disregarded social distancing at the beach. All you need is wind and someone infected. If they sneeze you can catch it even you are far from them.

      • close the beach , everyone headed to the cafe
        close cafe
        everyone heads to the beach walks and parks

        • +1

          Close the earth. Everyone goes to Mars.

  • -2

    just lmao at myer trying to survive by selling easter eggs

    • +5

      It makes sense to clear the inventory seeing they will be closed for at least 4 weeks and therefore miss the entire Easter season because of that

  • What are the price range like for the eggs at MYER?

    • +9

      Free range

    • +1

      RRPs I saw were $2.00 to $59.99

    • +1

      I just posted the receipt from my wife's shop. The link is up in the description. I am not sure how to make it a hyperlink, but you can cut and paste it into a browser

      • +1

        Great thanks!

      • I've made it a hyperlink for you.

        The Markdown syntax for a hyperlink is: [«description»](«link»)

  • +3

    Just returned from Eastland,Ringwood.
    staff member confirmed it was only 70% off.
    all they had left was 4 gold bilbys and a few ornamental table pieces left.

    • +1

      Did you tell them about the extra discount at Myer Chadstone and see if they would price match? Note that the extra discount waa only applied this afternoon around 3:30pm.

      • +2

        nope, was not interested in buying any of them so I left.
        There was literally nothing noteworthy to buy anyway, just the dregs.

  • +1

    Myer at North Lakes in Queensland doesn't have any Easter eggs, other than a few Darrell Lee still at pretty much full price. ($5.95)

    • +1

      Well thanks for saving me a drive. Was just about to head to North Lakes after seeing this thread. Glad I scrolled to the bottom.

  • +24

    What on earth are you nincampoops doing shopping at Myer..so much for lockdown

    • +12

      Saving money!
      We're getting extras seeing that it's 90% off so we'll be able to go visit family over Easter. Normally we wouldn't have any chocolates for the grandparents, but this year, everyone gets easter eggs coronavirus from us.

      Seriously people… wtf are you doing? GTFO and do your part.

    • Shutdown ≠ lockdown

      • +4

        Shutdown will lead to lockdown if people keep going to shopping centers for stupid reasons.

        • Shutdown is inevitable mate.

  • Anyone had any luck at Mt Gravatt or Carindale?

    • +1

      a few carrots left at Carindale 4.40pm. Save your time don't bother

      • Thank you for confirming my suspicions, didn’t end up going.

  • None left at Parramatta.

  • +1


  • +14

    Why are you people going in store to look for easter eggs? The definition of non essential. People in this thread literally talking about heading out to a massive shopping center for the sole purpose of cheap chocolate.

    • +3

      Life is not worth living without chocolate.

      • +2

        Life is like a box of heavily discounted chocolate

        • +6

          Forrest already caught it on the Gold Coast

    • -2

      Drove into Sydney CBD.

      Parked for free ~30m from Myer

      Put on P95 respirator, walked to Myer and took lift to sixth floor. I was one of only three customers on the entire floor.

      In terms of social distancing, there's a higher concentration people of people here at home.

      • What was left?

        • +4

          A purchased a box in November 2019 during the bushfires.

          When you assume….

          • @[Deactivated]: fair enough…but you do know that they don't provide complete protection without safety glasses or a face shield.

  • +19

    So rather than staying home, everyone will be making their way to Myer to stock up on chocolate eggs! I am convinced, Aussies do not take Covid-19 seriously. So sad. I love using this website and I have been doing so for the past many years but seeing all those posts lately encouraging people to go out there to get ridiculous non-essential items like batteries or chocolate eggs drives me insane. Why? - because I have friends and family in Spain affected by this virus and if we do not act RIGHT NOW you can't imagine the hell that we are all going to face in the next couple of weeks. PLEASE STAY HOME! STAY HOME EVERYONE! If you don't get chocolate eggs this year the world will not end and you might even save some lives!

    • +3

      100% agree. It's like being so selfish. We need to isolate so that we can go past this shit and move on with better part of the life rather than heading into a depression and global crisis. The longer this crisis stays, the more issues it will bring, whether recession, job losses, depression, more crime etc.

      How hard can it be to isolate and spend time with your family? I think it's high time that we declare stage 3 of lockdown. We need to be patient but we need to act fast. The number of known cases at any time is always less than the actual cases out there. We must all isolate.

    • +2

      Don't forget paper from officeworks!

    • +1

      was gonna write something similar but thought it would be negged till all eternity. Glad u’ve got some upvotes.

    • +1

      sadly i'm with you on this 7es7ash

      With the current c-19 issue we are facing.
      This deal is only to encourage more people to leave their home.

      we can live with out chocolate/junk food.

      however i would also be all over this deal if it was not for the c-19

      • -1


        Some people don’t deserve to be trusted by a government and would be more suited to living in a much stricter society. Our cops should be allowed to use force on people breaking the Covid rules, I wouldn’t mind seeing idiots bunched up at the beach sprayed with rubber bullets or morons at shops bunching up to get a sale pepper sprayed or beaten with a stick.

        Follow the rules!

  • Bondi junction have not updated there signs but the staff said 90% and there were maybe 4 customers I saw in the entire store.. most big sets were gone but still plenty of good stuff

    • They sold most of them at Bondi Beach last Saturday, heaps of keen shoppers.

  • +11

    Australia, this is why we can't be trusted to self isolate. Bring in full lockdown and arrest those who breach! Get it over with in 8-12 weeks of martial law before keeping borders closed to any country with cases. I've seen how bad this can get. China's awful solution worked because life is cheap but reputation is not. And the population there were compliant. Imagine what Wuhan would be like if the residents were as stupid as us!!

    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdDGUvLoJvI

      Look how India are doing it. Police enforce beat downs on the spot.

      • +1

        And… they are still too close to each others.

        • +2

          Yup. Also spreading the virus via the stick.
          Imagine the outcry if police beat down Bondi/Manly crowds lol

      • If you have instagram, look up spiceadams with his voiceovers

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