So, friends have generously gifted us with 3 pullets. They are crossbreeds, with 2 being Rhode Island Red/New Hampshire and 1 white leghorn/New Hampshire. We have had recent fox sightings in the area and will only bring them home once we have a safe and cosy home for them.
This is the design we are going with. Is it going to work or should we just go with a simpler design? How big will the coop need to be for 3 chooks? We will be using cedar to match the treehouse and it will have a corrugated roof.
Way too fancy considering you need a coop now, not when you are inspired enough to build the Sistine Chapel.
A consideration for the coop is mobility. If you're not planning to move the coop (so the poop fertilizes different patches), dig down 2ft and extend the chicken wire to the depth and hold it down with bricks, and bury. This makes the coop break in proof but a circling fox will still scare the birds to death.
As for the cover, do a half cylinder about 1.2m radius (for 3 chooks, 1.2m long is plenty). As long as the fox cannot climb into it, you've now achieved protection from tunnel in and climb over.
Then you need shelter from the elements. A raised box on stumps should be easy enough to fashion.
Once you have that going, take your time and build that dream home.
(If half dome is hard for you to fashion, a triangle will do just fine. May need to be bigger to fit the shelter.)