This was posted 4 years 11 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] PS Plus April 2020 - Dirt Rally 2.0 & Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


PlayStation will round out Drake's story by offering Uncharted 4: A Thief's End for free in April. Uncharted 4 is joined by Dirt Rally 2.0, an off-road racing game that released in 2019. Both games will be free to keep as long as you maintain an active PS Plus subscription.

Other sources -

Still available - Shadow of the Colossus & Sonic Forces

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closed Comments

  • Not bad at all

  • Nice.

  • +8

    Been holding out buying unchartered 4 through all the sales hoping this would happen!

  • +8

    Already platinum Uncharted 4, but will play again…one of the best

    • Do you suggest i need to play previous Uncharted before this?

      • +4

        If you can, then yes I highly recommend it. You get a feel for the characters and story.

      • +3

        Would heavily recommend picking up the uncharted collection (1, 2 & 3) for cheap and playing before 4

        • +12

          oh man that sounds like it will take a up a lot of time… and i'm busy, staying home and self isolating etc etc.

          • @chriise: the perfect excuse to play games then

        • its free to download uncharted collection now

      • i think they gave out the Nathan Drake collection in past months.

        You should play them first since this is part 4. But the gameplay is fine on its own.

    • Is multiplayer still active? I think there’s a couple of multiplayer trophies for platinum?

  • +10

    Dirt Rally 2? Thoroughly awesome.

    • +8

      Any excuse to take out my Logitech G29.

    • Man it’s the only game I’ve been hanging for and my PS+ just finished.
      Played physical but I’d prefer digital.

    • +5

      What would you prefer? Cyberpunk 2077? lool

      • -3

        Honestly no, driving can be fun. That game doesn't look interesting to me at all, most interesting thing was Keanu showing up + memes.

        • +3

          Sounds like you don't like games. Sorry.

          Also lowest I have seen Dirt rally was $24 on the play store, and $18 for Uncharted 4

          • @onlinepred: Only said U4 was a tenner, give it a search on here. The time I got it for 10 isn't even listed on top of the other ones that are.

            • +1

              @TheDukeOfNukem: I couldn't see anything for PS Store. Only EB or Ebay etc.

              • @onlinepred: Hold up, are you saying EB selling the game for 10, but Sony not selling a digital copy for 10, means it's worth more than 10?

                If you can easily get the game for 10 bucks at a store with locations all across the country, it's worth no more than 10 bucks.

                  • @FabMan:

                    Game that's been 10 bucks a bunch of times

                    Game that's been 10 bucks


                    • +1


                      If you can easily get the game for 10 bucks

                      If you can easily get the game


                      You can't right now though, not from EB Games, deals aren't based on what you could have, but what it is.

                      Also something worth whatever you are willing to pay for it.

                      • @FabMan: Well I hope you enjoyed buying your toilet paper at 80 bucks a pack and didn't complain just because it was all you could get at the time.

                        • +2

                          @TheDukeOfNukem: Dramatic much?

                          • -1

                            @FabMan: It's your logic my dude.

                            You're saying that just because something cost something in the past doesn't mean it's worth anything other than what it costs in the present moment. Ergo, toilet paper is worth a small fortune.

                            • @TheDukeOfNukem:

                              Also something worth whatever you are willing to pay for it.

                              Wrong, I said it is worth whatever you are willing to pay for it.

                              I collect old electronics, repair them and sell them. Prices fluctuate and I can only buy them at a price for what I think it is worth and I can only sell them for what someone is willing to pay

                              As for the game, it wasn't a standard price of $10, but a sale price. As such, sale prices do not necessarily indicate their value, though it could do of course.

    • +10

      yet another rally

      What are you talking about, there's hardly any rally sim games.

      • Soz boz, I was thinking of GWG and the WRC games. We still got a few though. Dirt 3, WRC 6, other less memorable games.

  • +1

    Already got Uncharted 4 (brilliant game). Happy with Dirt Rally 2, though. I've got the first one and really like it and still play it a fair bit (although it would probably be much easier if I had a steering wheel setup rather than just playing with controller), so pretty happy about getting DR2.

  • +1

    Should help get me through lockdown

  • +1

    I sold my copy of dirt 2.0 about a week ago… lucky

  • Fuel for the apocalypse

  • +3

    I've always wanted to play both games. Looks like a great month

    • +3

      if it wasn't for these deals each month i'd totally forget to claim

    • +1

      don't like the deal just scroll past

  • +7

    Waiting for a decent sale on PS Plus subscription.

    • +8

      With all the lock-downs everywhere, it would be a good change for them to promote.

  • +1

    Thanks OP - good reminder I hadn't claimed this months games yet.

  • +1

    Just bought Dirt Rally 2.0 two days ago. Foooock!

    • +1

      haha I bought uncharted 4 last week too!

      • I bought Uncharted months ago and it is still sealed, lol.

        Oh well.

        • I bought Dirt Rally 2.0 on sale from PS store last week. Bummer

  • People have more time to enjoy their games over this pandemic I guess

  • I hope the Xbox CEO is reading this OZB post..

    • +2

      Dirt Rally 2 is available on Xbox Game Pass.

      • +2

        What about Uncharted 4?

        • It's a PS4 exclusive as far as I know.

  • +2

    Does anyone besides me not like the uncharted series?
    Could it be because I didn't have a ps3 and didn't play them on release?

    • +1

      Not sure what the question is here but yes not having a console would make it challenging to play the game

      • +5

        He's asking have these game aged poorly, and the answer imo is yes.

    • +1

      Yeah I can't stand the series now either, but I think we're the odd ones out.

      It's really put me off Naughty Dog and prevented me from playing The Last of Us too, as I'm assuming it's just cinematic BS also with no skill required for the gameplay which bores me.

      I played Uncharted 1 and 2 on release and Platinumed them, enjoyed them enough to do so. Last year I went and played through 3 after I guess a 7 or so year break from the series….and (profanity) it sucked. It was just the same old shit over and over.

      You navigate some platforming, most of the scenes are scripted and basically on rails. You finally get to the open area and then someone how the bad guys flank you (even though the path is usually destroyed) and you just have a little gun fight hiding in cover most of the time. The AI is insanely cheap on the harder difficulties also. Then rinse and repeat for 10 hours.

      I've got UC4 and Golden Abyss sitting on my shelf but won't be starting them anytime soon.

      • +1

        I probably wouldn't play the last of us.
        Have you seen people play it?
        Go and watch the multi - people stealth sections.

        If you can get beyond that, you might enjoy it, when you're not in a scripted fire fight that goes on too long or having to find, and place ladders 400 times. It's pretty cool.

        I hadn't played the uncharted games before Lou, and I was prepared to go along with the stuff that breaks the immersion but once you see behind the curtain,it's hard to be taken under the spell again. Exactly the same as uncharted

        Games on rails aren't for me I guess.

        I feel stupid for getting invested in the game, same way you do when looking at movie you thought was great when you were 6, but the dlc set in the toy store was something I'll always cherish. Loved that.

      • Sometimes games on rails are good.
        Open-world fatigue is real, specially if no enough time to play due to work, children, etc.

    • +1

      You're not the only one, gameplay was just a bit linear, couldn't get into them

    • +1

      Though I like the Uncharted series in general, it is not without issues. I played in a weird order: 4, 1, 2, 3.

      • Uncharted 1 has not aged well. It wasn't very fun to play nowadays.
      • Uncharted 4, while generally great, does have a pacing issue.
      • Uncharted 2, graphics obviously cannot match UC4 is probably the best one.

      For people who have not played the series, it might be best to skip UC1 initially. Starting with UC4 might not actually be a bad idea.

      If I didn't play UC4 first, but started with UC1 instead, I doubt I would complete the series.

      • Yeah 4th one had major pacing issues imo.
        My least favourite after 1.

  • +4

    Not gonna lie, this is kind of disappointing. Anyone who owns a PS4 is almost guaranteed to have already played Uncharted 4. Would have been great getting instead a bit more of an obscure title to check out and explore.

    • +7

      104 million PS4 units sold as of October last year.

      16 million Uncharted 4 copies sold as of around the same time.

      Sure there would have been some secondhand sales, rentals and also borrowed games, but that's still a big gap.

    • This title this month is intentional. It serves as a teaser for an upcoming title: The Last of Us Part II. Uncharted 4 is Neil's work. He co-wrote the story. The family theme is heavy for an Uncharted game. Sony originally offered The Lat of Us (Part 1) in anticipation for it, but Part 2 got delayed.

      Also, it could be handy later on, assuming you carry your PS Plus membership to PS5. Sony has held of giving away their more highly regarded hits so far. Sony have to start giving some of them away for PS Plus.

    • I have a ps4 and don't have uncharted 4. Then again, I've only played God of War and Crash team racing so far.

  • +2

    Nearly bought Uncharted 4, after finishing the trilogy and the other PS Plus games had me busy.
    This is going to be awesome to play!

    • +4

      You're in for a treat!

  • -5

    How is this a deal?

    The first point from the deal posting guidelines

    POST a clear title including price and location.

    You cannot put the price in the title either, because this is not a deal.

    Third point:

    LINK directly to the deal.

    You cannot directly link to it, because it is not a deal. This is a freebie for people who already have a subscription, not a bargain available to everyone.

    How does it belong to the Deals section with 80+ votes?? Did everyone lose their minds here?

    • -2

      Whilst I agree, you're not going to win the argument here.

      A lot of people only learn about these games from ozbargain, so they upvote because the original post brought it to their attention.

      I still find PS+ to be a glorified rental system where the more games you claim, the more scared you become of cancelling your subscription as you'll lose them all, but people will defend it reletlessly.

      • +1

        Why would that bother anybody? Even if you played and finished every single game that you could via PS+, how often would you actually go back to any of them again after you finished them? And if you're not going to go back to them, why would you worry about losing access to them?

        I keep PS+ mainly for the online play (yes, that should be free, but it isn't) and the discounts on games on PS Store which are usually enough for the subscription to pay for itself anyway since I buy most of my games digitally. You don't need to buy too many games in the occasional "PS+ double discounts" sale over the course of the year for the savings to add up to the value of the subscription, especially if you buy the subscription when it's on sale. The monthly games are mostly just a bonus - I don't even play half of them, I reckon.

      • A lot of people only learn about these games from ozbargain, so they upvote because the original post brought it to their attention.

        I thought OZB is about deals and if you are interested in other things, there are plenty of places to find the right information. Following your argument, should we post everything about everything on OZB, because some people might be interested?

        Or maybe, post everything where they belong and if you are interested, follow the correct sources?

        Also, we do have a forum - why don't we post these things to the forums? How is this a deal??

        I still find PS+ to be a glorified rental system

        It is a rental system. I just wish we posted deals about this rental system, instead of linking game-blog posts, because - who knows why.

      • +1

        You don't lose your accumulated PS+ games permanently if you cancel your subscription. If you re-subscribe, you get access to all of your games again.

        • Exactly my point…

          • +1

            @Faro: So the longer you subscribe, the better value the service… how is that a bad thing?

            • @ransworld: It's a marketing trap to keep you paying money to access a myriad of games you're statistically not finishing or even playing a lot of the time.

              It's the peace of mind knowing that, if you keep paying, those games will always be an option.

              People like the comfort despite its unrealistic benefit.

              • @Faro: Not really, it takes about 2 days to platinum one Uncharted game, one week to get all the speedruns and brutal difficulty trophies. It took me about three weeks to obtain all the trophies on the Nathan Drake collection.

                • @nobro25: You're 100% not an average gamer.

                  Actually, care to provide us with the % of people who have achieved a platinum trophy? They provide that, right?

                  • @Faro: Well when I said 1 week, I literally mean 7 days assuming 8 hrs of non stop play. 56 hrs on one game, 168 hrs for all three games complete.

    • never heard this complaint before. We managed to get a new complaint after almost 10 years of this monthly post.

  • Both awesome games!

  • Ow no! I bought Uncharted 4 last month. Great game though :)

  • Uncharted 4 - one of my favourite games of all time!

  • +5

    any PS plus subscription deals?

  • wasnt uncharted 4 a monthly free game only recently? or was it the whole uncharted collection?

    • +1

      That was the Nathan Drake Collection ie 1-3. All we need now is The Lost Legacy and I think that will be all of the Uncharted games on PS+, including Golden Abyss on Vita. Not counting that weird card game thing they did a while back.

  • Dirt 2.0 is a good choice to give. Not everyone will have played it and it's a high quality racing game.

  • Man… Just platinumed Uncharted 1-3 yesterday and getting all the brutal trophies and speedruns. Keen on brutal, hopefully there's no spawn kills like in Uncharted 2. There were spawn points where you died before you can even move your character.

    • My only worry would be the multiplayer trophy that requires 5 matches to be completed. Hopefully this going free on Plus brings the multiplayer back for a few wks

  • Sigh, I already own both of these. Oh well lol.
    At least they gave great games

  • Oh no… I just bought Uncharted 4 this month after I played the Uncharted Collection from the free play. I should have thought Uncharted 4 is coming for free play too. Oh well I loved the game tho.

    • I’ll wait for lost legacy for free play but maybe not? Coz it’s not as long as other Uncharted series?

      • Lost Legacy is about the same length as the first 3 Uncharted games. Shorter than Uncharted 4, but I thought Uncharted 4 went on too long anyway. The original trilogy had the length about right.

  • -3

    Would have been nice for Sony to offer a couple of extras games next month with the way the world is at the moment, players are going to have time to play.

  • +2

    Uncharted 4 is easily one of the best games ever created, the storyline to the graphics and gameplay is absolutely spectacular.

    • Yes I agree. Just played UC4 recently and although at times it feels like a climbing simulator, it's still outstanding.

  • Just need ps plus deal now, have a few weeks left.

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