First try at posting a deal hope it all goes well. I have included the link to the Fox Hat xpa, the vale range of beer is also $55 a carton with free delivery. Their Facebook page says it’s a daily deal, so I’m guessing it runs out at midnight. Cheers
Vale Beer Range and Fox Hat Xpa Carton $55 Delivered @ Sippify

Last edited 24/03/2020 - 21:42 by 3 other users
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Ah, yeah. That was totally my reasoning as well!!
Tried to add the Vale IPA but seems to cost $8 shipping?
Oh well Fox Hat it is then!
Have ordered so much beer lately but unable to invite anyone round to help me out.
Shame;)When I first tried the Fox Hat it did the same. Carted at $55, but reverted to $100 plus the freight at checkout. I messaged them and they sorted the page out
Ordered a case of Vale IPA and a Fox Hat. Even with $8 delivery, $118 delivered beats $174 pickup at Dans!
We can come uninvited if you prefer?😉
Have wanted to try this, so yay!
But the postie is already looking at me sideways about the incoming beers.
Working from home hasn’t been conducive to healthy living.I’m going with “this could go on for months!”.
i read value
Bought the Fox and Vale. Thanks OP.
Assuming the beer (fox hat) is reasonable, this is a good deal. Pity about the website - took 10 minutes to go through what should be a simple checkout process.
You know you made a good post when their website can't handle the traffic.
would that be a doctor who works in a "software engineer"?
pretty sure plenty of people dont….
Seems to be charging for shipping?
Not for me rural NSW
thanks OP…third carton in a week… corona is making me drunk and fat but i am safe and inside
corona is making me drunk
said no one ever…
Corona just makes me leak all the time
Great post OP, I was just about to promote this myself as I get the emails from the Sippify mailing list. If I wasn't already tripping over beer at home I would have bought four cartons of Vale! I love Fox Hat, even though not on this deal the Metric IPA and Red Pelt are great drops too.
The loading time of this website reminds me of 1997.
Or 2020 nbn.
Took 20 minutes, but finally got through checkout.
On the shipping cost comments: I'm in SA, same as the store, might be why it's free for some but not others
Their site seems to be down, it's been ozbargained?
My first post and I broke something straight away. Cool!!
Sorry, I have to ask, where’s the fox hat?😂😂😂
I think the joke was “wear the fox hat”
Or in the case of this website, wear the fox IT?Website must be in New Zealand.
They are getting absolutely annihilated it seems. Took me about 20 mins to get through to the pay now button, then bad gateway :(:(:(
Does this site even work? I change it to carton and the price does not change and you cannot seem to add to basket
Being ozbargained, just gotta be patient. It worked for me 5 minutes ago, just took about 15 minutes to place the order.
I added it to cart after changing it to a carton (price on page still said the 6-pack price), and opened a new tab where the correct item was in the cart. Went to checkout, PayPal wouldn't launch, but managed to pay by card.
All of these steps took a long, long time.
The payment screen hanging for 10 mins was a little scary, but worked eventually.
Must not be able to handle the traffic. I put my order through three hours ago, and it took a minute
I just managed to pay. What an absolute punish that was.
There must be a price error atm that shows sale items at $0.00. I tried ordering 3 items and it seems like no payment needed. I think they will fix it soon.
I'm not a fan of the Vale IPA to be honest, but yet to try Fox Hat so cheers for sharing!
Great first post, I nabbed a Fox Hat carton. Cheers!
Great deal, OP. Thanks for posting. Picked up 2 x Fox Hat & 1 x Vale IPA. It's the third time I've bought a quarantine worth of beer in the past 4 days!
I picked up a few 4-packs of the Fox Hat XPA from First Choice a couple of weeks ago. Nice beer, happy to have more of it.
Wow that took a long time! But eventually managed to buy a case. Thanks OP
From the Fox Hat Facebook post mentioned by OP, code for free shipping:
Hey that’s cool mate, thanks. The code wasn’t mentioned on the Sippify Facebook post
Looks like website is getting hammered.
Looks like I won’t be.
Got one,
But that website was tres terrible. uggh.
Grabbed a box, thanks. Took about ten goes to get through PayPal.
Did you get any confirmation after? Did the same as you but after the Paypal page, its now stuck..
If it works you will get emails from paypal and sippify. I got the emails before the site stopped loading.
Thanks. Worked beautifully second time round. Took less than 5 mins all up.
Shi?beer well that's says it all then and it's on special.
Jesus christ that website was painful! Took about 30mins but finally managed to get a case each of the IPA and XPA for $110. Great price and thanks for posting OP!
Ordered 1 carton of fox, all up took me less than 5 minutes. Thanks.
Trying to resist……..
Thanks! Failed the first time at payment (hopefully doesn't double charge) then went through with PayPal.
Thanks OP; was able to buy within a few minutes.
Looks like the site problem is fixed just got mine easily now.
I'll pass this time.
Thanks OP - bought the Fox Hat… Can anyone comment on the Vale IPA? I'm trying to resist but could be tempted…
It's been around for a long time. Not hoppy enough for me though.
If you like your Australian pale ales then you will probably like the vale IPA. It's citrusy, tropical with a notes of passionfruit. I'm not really sure I would classify it as an IPA, but these categories are very muddled up these days. To me it tastes more like a pale ale than a traditional IPA. More on the lighter side when it comes to bitterness. In fact, the fox hat has a higher IBU rating even though they call it an XPA. Personally, I like the Vale IPA and it's little brother, Vale Ale. As the other user has mentioned, just don't expect a really hoppy IPA. FYI, I bought two cartons of the Fox Hat this time. I've never tried it before and I'm always up for first time experiences
Took me ages last night but managed to get the deal. Had to hit purchase maybe 5 times before it took me to enter a card #.
Storefront is closed. Oh dear.
Storefront back open, all looks good again :)
The XPA is back to $100 a case now also. $55 yesterday was a very handy deal.
Imagine what would have happened to their website if I had posted this a few weeks ago!
Another great thing.I ordered the Vale IPA at $55 a case, but it had extra $8 shipping fee.
Nice touch this morning was to get $8 refund by SippifyYep same here, I simply emailed them and got a replied
$8 will be refunded.
Back in stock @ $55
Hey Rooboy123
I work for the Sippify, and I am interested to chat about how you came across out deal?
Do you have an email or somewhere i can direct message you on?Cheers
SimonIt's was on your facebook page…..
Not exactly 'top secret'Hey Simon. I found it on your Facebook page as SBOB said. Thought it was a great deal so shared it on some craft beer pages and here.
Hey Mate,
What your email address? Ill send you some Beermail to thankyou for your support!!Cheers
SimonSent a message. Thanks Simon
anyone got their order yet? thoughts on the xpa? No Auspost scans at all on mine yet
mine shipped yesterday, based on Auspost scan info
yep, both cases yesterday.
Mine arrived yesterday, having the first one now (fox hat) - it's pretty good. Little less hoppy than I expected for an xpa but excellent value for $55
Mine was expected to be delivered between Monday and Wednesday, it looks like it hasn't left SA yet.
Same. From the tracking mine was in SA on Monday and hasn't moved..
Nothing here in Qld yet. Taking a little while.
Edit - received in ACT on Sunday.
Just confirming that this is still a valid deal - using the code I was able to order Vale IPA delivered to Melbourne for $55. Good deal!
We're still running Free shipping through the site,
with special case pricing on Fox Hat & Vale, as well as some very special pricing for Three Oaks cider for those cider drinker!Hey mate
Sippify didn’t send it to my shipping address, they sent it to my billing address instead so auspost is returning to sender. I just sent an email there but can you help me get this sorted?
Arrived today, beer tastes skunked unfortunately. :(
beer…. in cans….with no light exposure….was 'skunked'?
I thought the same, it definitely has that taste. Might just be me though.
$55 per carton shipped has finished. dam.
Still haven't received the two cartons I ordered. Still sitting with Auspost somewhere in SA.
good deal on the fox hat
buying purely to support the staying home/social distancing… defintely not because i have an alcohol problem ;)