This was posted 4 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

70% off Easter Chocolate @ Myer (In-Store Only)


70% off Easter Chocolate. Online suggests the sale is on until 13th April.

The link is for example only, there was a lot more in store. I picked up quite a lot of stuff at Myer Bendigo, probably spent way too much money…

Example is this 500gm Lindt Gold Bunny for $10.49 down from $34.99.

Mod Note: Updated URL with More Products - Credits to Spackbace

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closed Comments

  • +4

    ok so I need to get 70 bucks of.cholcoate for free delivery…

    challenge accepted

    • +2

      David Jones? Is that you?

    • The 500gm Lindt Gold Bunny is not available for delivery.

  • +7

    Easter Monday: 90% Easter Chocolate at Myer

    • +2

      There won't be any left for Easter Monday they we're nearly gone when I just ran down, Myer's are preparing for Lockdown

  • +3

    Better link

    Example is this 500gm Lindt Gold Bunny

    200g for $3.89 is better value for money ;)

    • +4

      100g one is best value @ $1.79
      Would be $3.58 for 200g
      $9 for 500g

      • They are discouraging hoarding 🤣🤣
        Just kidding.

  • +7

    Wow, such drastic discounts considering Easter isn't for a while yet. You'd normally see this kind of discounting a few weeks after Easter.

    • +4

      Run out the stock while the stores are still open?

      There's only 28 items on that search, 27 of which are discounted. That's not a lot of choice really. In comparison, Kmart lists 121 items

      • They don't normally stock food items unlike DJs, but I'd imagine there'd be a bigger range in store.

  • +6

    Something is up, that is unheard of… 70% this far from Easter… too much stock?

    • +22

      Maybe they believe a lock down may go into effect where they are not considered an essential service…playing devils advocate that they wouldn't want to be left with large volumes not moving…

      • +2

        I wouldn't be surprised if the big businesses hear these things before others. Hope they continue, even without customers they can sell online and use staff to do the orders as they already do… I was at DJ a week ago and everybody asked if I needed help, so super friendly and keen to help. However, no branded staff from the cosmetics departments, ie, Dior, Channel etc, just normal Myer staff floating.

      • +4

        Damn, it'd be a shame to lose more retail jobs. Myer and David Jones often have very friendly staff but it can be so slow when it comes time to pay. They also have atrocious IT systems in my view.

        If this leads to them going down, it'll be incredibly sad but it appears to be partly driven by really bad management decisions in my view.

    • +1

      The real question is how come they can do a 70% discount..
      The markup on some products is insane.

      • Presumably high risk given what's left after Easter is unsalable without heavy discounting.

        Breakage might also be a problem.

        • It makes sense, but 70% off suggests that one should never buy anything from them until such time it is discounted to death. I wonder how their pricing models work.

          • @reg401: This is probably cost or below cost to clear because they’ll all melt, not be salable when they turn off the AC and lockdown for 6 months.

      • Most commodity products cost around 30-40% what business sell them for, minus some premium products (eg electronics / Apple etc).

        Rent, staff, shipping, storage, electricity and even online costs can be insane though, hence their share price…

  • +15

    Sent a picture of the haul I picked up to my partner. She replied back she has no more shifts at work as they are closing due to the Coronavirus.

    Looks like I'm rationing chocolate for a couple of months.

    • +5

      Enjoy the doghouse there ;)

      • +5

        The real question, why did she not tell me before I bought the chocolate?

        After all, she was the one who told me they had the bloody sale lol.

  • +14

    Why would they encourage people to go instore

    • +6


      Encourage people to visit store to purchase other things.

      Also I don't think it viable to send low cost items, when shipping will work out more expensive. (Assuming you purchase a low quantity).

      Hollow chocolate are also more prone to breakage during transit.

      • Considering of the COVID19

    • +2

      Because their website is awful

  • +1

    They are probably going to get shut down due to lockdown like UK, so best sell stock before its too late!

  • +1

    …going instore just to buy discounted chocolate…? now???

  • Just came from Myer Knox. Not that much stock available.

    • -1

      Me too probably just saw you there

  • +22

    Can I neg for "in store only"? Shouldn't be encouraging people to go to the stores.

    • +1

      Make sure to report the deal.

    • I'm sure if you practice social distancing and you buy everything really quick it shouldn't be a problem. Don't go around checking the store. Just get in and go

      • Just get in and go

        ..for your essential heavily discounted easter chocolate….because you know its essential during this rapidly escalating pandemic

        • Well I was kinda talking about everything you need, but there is no problem going to get some chocolate Easter eggs if you are already at the shop. As long as you practice social distancing and keep clean you should be good to go.

  • You can buy the 500g ones through click and collect. Then just pick them up in the future :) Also cashrewards will work on that one so you save about 25c per bunny!

  • +2

    Bourke St mall Myer had full shelves, and there was more selection than what is on their website, such as Ferrero Rocher range.

    • +5

      would you consider buying products 'such as the Ferrero Rocher range' essential….or non essential?
      youve heard theres a pandemic happening right? …the last thing you should be be doing is encouraging people to go out looking for cheap easter chocolate of all things

      • +3

        I was in the area as I don't have the luxury of working from home unfortunately. So I more speaking to people in my situation. But no I agree don't go running out of the house to Myer for chocolate if you don't have to.

  • +20

    stay the (profanity) inside people…now is not the time to go shopping for non essentials. how many times does the message need to be drummed into people?!

    • +4

      If we continue to act in denial the next stage will simply be a full lockdown, more losses of stock and jobs for those ones in retail that are currently allowed to be open, and months more pain.

      I am so lucky to be working and that won't stop because of this but I saw the queue of people outside Centrelink, that look of fright of both disease and destitution was haunting and I felt for them all. I hope that following this the government pumps about 300% into mental health support services.

      I know the OP put up lighthearted post which was never meant to encourage us to break isolation, but in reality, we have to leave the house for essentials only and keep our distance. Covid-19 starves without new people to infect.

      The human brain is the greatest weapon in the war against this disease, but it's becoming obvious that a lot of people are coming to the fight unarmed.

      Stay safe and stay home ozB community!

    • Tell that to the QLD Electorate Office

      Hi Fadeinthemix, voting is compulsory. Please call us on 1300 86635 to discuss your individual circumstances and see what options may be available to you. You can also find out more on the ECQ website here:
      You are also welcome to early vote, if you would prefer. You can find your local early voting centre on the ECQ website here:
      Thanks, ECQ

      • It is compulsory, coming from a place where it's not, this is a good thing (but should really be weighted by understanding of the issues being voted on).

        BUT, it is easy to vote remotely, and I'd hope most people would do so! And I'd also guess they'd waive the fines for people in home isolation/close contacts etc.

        I know, it's not realistic to have a Govt Dept get it right first time, or even second! But they generally come through eventually!

        • If the world can go on hold. So can this election.
          You can't pick and choose.

          • @fadeinthemix: Fair enough, we're all free to make the choice. We're not free of the consequences of the choices we make.

            I find it a drag but also a privilege to be able to vote, democracy is a terriblem form of government….exept for all the others.

            Didn't they even give you a choice to vote by post/remotely? That doesn't seem fair.

            • @seraphim2017: @seraphim2017 They gave us a choice last week, My fault I thought they would cancel.
              I know my best choice now was to go in early so I went during a non peak time.
              But it sends the wrong message they are connected with the Government and it goes directly against what they are recommending

    • +3

      Sadly covidiots need constant reminders…

  • +6

    This is not an essential service, poor form Myer.

    • +4

      Meh lots more space in Myer than Supermarkets so should be fine

  • Nothing good available to be delivered so don't waste your time looking.

  • I’d say Myer is trying to soften the blow of post Easter markdowns and moving stock now!

  • +17

    Obviously this is a move to get people in the store but you really really really shouldn't be leaving home for non essential items.

    Sorry to neg but Covid-19 is serious. If you know someone who is old, has a preexisting medical condition (many people may have but you don't know about it) or is a smoker, there is a good chance they will die if they contract Covid-19. I bet you all know someone who fits that criteria.

    If we have too many cases at once our hospitals won't have enough ventilators to go around. Imagine you or a family member or friend needing treatment because they can't breath and the hospital saying sorry we can't help you. This is happening in other countries right now because people keep going out unnecessarily for dumb shit like this.

    This is an amazing deal but I wouldn't be going even if they were paying me to.

    • +1

      I agree. This is totally irresponsible

  • This is why Myers will not have business in a few months time. Have you seen the website? Practically all of them are in-store only. What's the point of putting them all online when you can't purchase them????

    • +2

      I think the point is that the stock is limited, it'll melt if you post it, and time is running out for the shops to be open… So it's in-store only. And it's the last chance for retailers to have customers inside the shops…

  • +2

    Wait? In-store only?

  • Yum

  • An invitation to risk getting coronavirus for cheap chocs. I"LL BE THERE XD

  • +5

    This is absolutely insane, the PM and state premiers are asking people to stay home unless absolutely necessary and MYER promotes an in-store only sale… WTF.. what planet are they on? Seriously MYER… neg voting because of their stupidity

  • In store only - are myers even open? Didnt realise they were considered essential services!

  • -2

    I went to myers today and all the clothes were 30% off, some jackets discounted 50% off really nice one, you could definitely call it a ghost sale.

    They had kinder surprise costom chocolate, I've never seen before like in the shape of a bottle of wine or something (didn't pay close attention, as the virus was behind me) my hands were all over the clothes, but the racks they hang the clothes of just fall offfff!!!! Had to rehang it 3 times # terrible joke.)

    They had suits on special, however Myers looked empty even before the virus the employees were sanitising the tables and everything while my hands were all over the clothes.

    Definitely going to be a stage two lock down people are not getting the message (like me, sorry I can't afford Uber eats), people are still huddling in Woolworths pairing up, and sitting close in the recreation park area outside the malls.

    Lol. Stage two coming, stage three train lock down.

  • WTF does every call them "Myers"….it's "Myer". FFS

    Poor form by Myer encouraging in-store buying.

    • Wouldn't worry Myer or Myers their open and that's what matters.

      • +1

        Sadly, they may not be open much longer. I thought they were struggling even before this.

    • Yeah I hate that. "Westfields" too lol.

    • +4

      Most in Australia grew up with Myers (Myer’s), as it was known.
      It actually only changed to ‘Myer’ in 2004 when it swallowed up Grace Bros.

  • +2

    F MYER for this instore BS

  • Chatting with the Cadbury Rep who was putting up a display at the local woolies. Sales are way way way done - the post easter choc sales are gong to be huge - me, getting in extra stocks of chocolate and Hot cross buns in case we have to go into mandatory isolation.

  • +2

    I know it’s not essential but if some people are out doing their grocery shopping and their mall happens to have a Myer… well they’re already there, so???

  • +4

    Sorry Myer, poor form to entice people to be out and about, other than for the purpose of procuring essential goods at this point in time.

    The spread of the virus is increasing at an exponential rate and we should be trying to be ahead in our personal behaviours and routines by being disciplined in our hygiene protocols and social distancing rather than being reactive and playing catch up with the progress of the spread.

    I hope everyone is on the same page because we are in this together.

    The sooner we get our act together, the lesser the cost we have to shoulder. This is in alignment to why we are here at OzBargain, to share information and get access to low-cost deals!

  • +1

    Can't believe the mods are letting neg votes for something that's really a bargain. People need to calm down. Sensationalist words like exponential WITHOUT PROOF shouldn't be thrown like candy.

    Fact: some people will get COVID-19 but will only have mild symptoms and recover without needing hospitalisation

    Fact: More people will get tested as positive, the mortality rate will come down % wise to about 1% same as seasonal flu

    Yes, COVID is worse than seasonal flu, some elite athletes become badly sick because of COVID. But you know how humans survived the Spanish flu? Community immunity, by exposure to the virus. A long lockdown is not the solution. Joblessness leads to health issues as well - mentally and physically. Joblessness can lead to crimes as well.

    Those vulnerable like the elderly should be protected at all costs and should be part of a partial lockdown. Those willing to work must be allowed to work.

    Thank you Myer for keeping people employed at this trying time.

    • +2

      Oh well I guess mods can delete the negs if they like. My issue is that it's irresponsible to be encouraging in store visits for discounted chocolate in a global pandemic.

      Anyway, your points are correct. Some people have very mild symptoms and may not know they even had it. Others including young, fit and healthy people will have severe symptoms and require medical intervention such as oxygen and ventilators.

      You're not wrong about herd immunity either. You, me and everyone else will get this virus at some point in the future.

      Here is a question I'd like to pose which I think many people are not grasping the answer to:
      - When you get Covid-19, if you experience severe symptoms, would you like to access medical intervention to give you the best chance of surviving?

      If you answered yes and would like to survive our journey to herd immunity, the lockdown will simply help reduce the number of cases at any given time so that our medical system can cope with the volume.

      A lockdown is necessary because people weren't listening to social distancing advice and also somehow cruise ships docked and let hundreds of infected people into the community.

      I agree a lockdown is bad for many people and causes other issues. It's a complex problem which needs a complex solution which won't be perfect. Without a lockdown our medical system would be in absolute chaos and many many people old and young would be dying from Covid-19.

    • The quicker we get it locked down, the worse the economy is going to suffer. This could go on for 6 months+ if its not contained. What do you think will happen to the economy then?

      Oh a picture of Trump. In denial just like him are you mate?

    • Thank you. Out of the covid numbers the only certain one is the death toll. The number of infections could (and probably is) way more, I know not long ago people with the flu were being turned away from testing because they hadn't 1.been overseas or contact with someone with covid (that they knew of). The number of recoveries is probably under as well, as how many are actually bothering going/being chased up for follow up tests?

  • Checked online, No stock available in Melbourne for the click and collect option. Also smaller sizes are for instore only?

  • +3


  • -1

    I love how many people are taking this COVID-19 seriously.
    Faith in humanity (a little bit) restored

  • Told my husband to go see while doing the stores banking and there are 2 big tables full of easter chocolate in the Highpoint store. Mostly Lindt. 70% off was not advertised instore.

  • -5

    So many PC snowflakes in here.

    Pathetic really down-voting a behaviour than a bargain.

    All I can say Is i went and stocked up on a heap of yummy lindt and koko black, it will be the fanciest Easter my kids ever had.

    • +4

      COVID 19 is a real issue, definitely not PC snowflake BS
      And Lindt is shit

  • So now that Myer is shutting this Sunday, are they doing clearance for all Easter products?

    • …stayhome mate. its not worth it

  • When I went down there was no one Insight no chance of getting infected because there was no one in Myers, but I do have four children that will need Easter eggs it's safer to go to an empty myers then a full Woolworths

    • 'need Easter eggs'….

      you know kids & adults can die from this too right?

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