Stimulus Explained: Individuals and Super + Business & Fair Work

Hi All,

As accountants we are currently being inundated with queries relating to the government stimulus package and how it will work for people. I thought it was best to break down into a 2 part series. Part 1 involving Individuals and superfunds. The second part involving business and Fair Work.

Needless to say this information is purely factual and that any tailored info should be sought from a qualified accountant or tax professional. It is also to understand this info rapidly changes and is NOT law as yet! This mean changes can occur from date of posting.

Happy to take questions where I can.


The government has announced an increase in income support payments for a limited-time. This will come into effect from the 27th April, 2020.

These payments that are eligible:

• Jobseeker payment (formally Newstart) – This includes all payments progressively transitioning to JobSeeker Payment; those currently receiving Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance, Sickness Allowance and Wife Pension
• Youth Allowance Jobseeker
• Parenting Payment (Partnered or Single)
• Farm Household Allowance
• Special Benefit Recipients (for those in severe financial hardship)

The majority of people will be looking for Jobseeker payments during the downturn. You may be eligible for Jobseeker payments if you are:

• Stood down or lose employment
• A sole trader or self-employed
• Casual employee
• Contract workers

To be eligible for the Jobseeker payments you are still required to meet the ‘Income Test’ set out by Services Australia (formally Centrelink). However the assets test will be temporarily suspended giving greater access to those who weren’t previously eligible for such payments.

Please note that the income test will vary depending on each individuals set of circumstances. To determine whether you qualify simply visit and search ‘Payment Finder’ which will further determine your eligibility.

How do I apply?

The quickest way to apply is Online or via mobile. In order to claim you will need to:

• Setup a myGov account (if you haven’t done so already)
• If you haven’t claimed a government benefit in the past you will also be required to verify your identity. From April 2020 you will be able to do this over the phone to reduce the need to visit a Services Australia Office

I am a sole trader, can I apply?

If you have a significant downturn of income which falls within the income test set out by Services Australia then you will be eligible. You will be required to make a declaration that your business has been suspended or your turnover has reduced significantly also.

Will I be eligible for the $750 payment?

There are now two payments of $750 which are available. Providing you are on some sort of benefit or hold certain concession cards you may be eligible for these payments.

It’s important to note that this expanded access of payments will only come into effect from 27 April 2020. If you plan on applying for the Jobseeker payment prior to this date then the normal rules will apply.


The government is allowing individuals in certain circumstances to access their super early. There is also another measure that reduces the minimum drawdown from a superannuation fund for those who are self-funded retirees.

Early Access to Super

Early access to super will enable individuals to access up to $10,000 prior to 30 June 2020 and up to another $10,000 after 1 July 2020. The second opportunity from 1 July will most likely have a three month window to access these funds.

To be eligible you must be one or more of the following:

• Unemployed; or
• On a job seeker payment, youth allowance for jobseekers, parenting payment (which includes the single and partnered payments), special benefit or farm household allowance; or
• On or after 1 January 2020:
o Made redundant; or
o Work hours were reduced by 20% or more; or
o If you’re a sole trader, your business was suspended or turnover was reduced by 20% or more

How do I apply?

Applications must be made through the ATO via myGov at You will need to certify that you meet the above eligibility criteria.

If you have an SMSF there will be a different application process which has yet to be announced. Advice so far if you have an SMSF is to keep an eye on the ATO website until that process has been released.

When can I apply?

Application process will be available from mid-April 2020.

For more details and examples please see the attached worksheet.

Reduced Superannuation Minimum Drawdowns

The government will reduced minimum drawdown requirements for account-based pensions and similar products by half for the rest of the 2020 financial year and also for the 2021 financial year.

For example, if you are under 65 you are currently required to drawdown 4% of your super balance if you are in pension mode. This will now become 2%.

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  • +2
    Merged from Stimulus Explained Part 2 - Business & Fair Work

    Hi All,

    As accountants we are currently being inundated with queries relating to the government stimulus package and how it will work for people. I thought it was best to break down into a 2 part series. Part 1 involving Individuals and superfunds. The second part involving business and Fair Work.

    Needless to say this information is purely factual and that any tailored info should be sought from a qualified accountant or tax professional. It is also to understand this info rapidly changes and is NOT law as yet! This mean changes can occur from date of posting.

    Put a lot of time into this info so if you have found it useful then would love for you to check us out at

    Happy to take questions where I can.


    Both the Federal and State Government have offered different support packages for businesses. There are also concessions and benefits which banks are also offering separate to that of the government.

    Assistance from the ATO

    The ATO is offering assistance for small business owners which includes the following:

    Payment deferrals of income tax, BAS or PAYG payments for up to six months.
    o If you require assistance deferring payment you can contact the ATO or alternatively we can do so on your behalf.
    Varying PAYG Quarterly Instalments
    o For those who have PAYG instalments the ATO is allowing March quarters to be varied to Nil as well as obtaining refunds on
    instalments paid for September and December quarters. Should you require assistance to action this please contact the ATO or your
    tax advisor.

    The ATO has specifically emphasised that employer super guarantee payments for employees must continue to be made and are not part of the government’s concessions.

    If you find yourself struggling to meet ATO requirements please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Assistance from the Victorian Government

    The state government has also implemented its own response to helping small business. This includes the following:

    • Business with annual wages <$3m will have their payroll tax for the 2019-20 financial year waived. You are still required to lodge your payroll tax statements as per normal however.
    • Payment deferral for the first quarter of the 2020-21 financial year for payroll tax.
    • Liquor licence fees waived – if you haven’t paid your fee then you won’t be required to for 2020. If you have then you will be reimbursed.
    • Land tax deferral – if you have at least one non-residential property and total taxable landholdings <$1m then you will be given the option to defer payment until the end of the calendar year. The SRO will contact those who are eligible.

    Assistance from the Banks

    The Government is providing an exemption from responsible lending obligations for lenders providing credit to existing small business customers. This exemption is for six months, and applies to any credit for business purposes, including new credit, credit limit increases and credit variations and restructures.

    Responsible lending obligations do not currently apply to lending which is predominantly for a business purpose, but it can take time and effort for lenders to be satisfied that the money borrowed meets this test. By providing a temporary exemption from responsible lending obligations, this reform will help small businesses get access to credit quickly and efficiently.

    For those who are wondering if they are eligible for a loan repayment holiday or what benefits are available for those with loans, you are encouraged to contact your bank or broker to discuss what will be available for you and to understand all the facts and implications before proceeding.

    Assistance from the Federal Government

    The original government measures announced in the past has now been enhanced to include further cash payments to businesses.

    1. An increase in the instant asset write-off from $30,000 to $150,000. This write-off is proposed to apply from 12 March 2020 until 30 June 2020.
    2. Increased depreciation at a flat rate of 50% for any new assets purchased and first used/installed between 12 March 2020 until 30 June 2021.
    3. Cash boost for those who employ staff in the form of an ATO credit.
    4. Subsidies for those who employ apprentices and trainees.

    Will I be eligible for the cash boost?

    The cash boost payments will only be available to active eligible employers established prior to 12 March 2020. This effectively means you will need to be employing prior to this date.

    If I am self-employed will I be eligible for the cash boost?

    Providing you are in a structure which allows you to be an employee (for example, a trust) and have a wage being reported to the ATO then you will be eligible for the cash boost. Unfortunately if you are a sole trader or a partnership then you are not eligible for yourself.

    Will I be given this cash boost for each lodgment period? How does this all work?

    There are now 2 payments to the cash boost which is comprised of the Boosting Cash Flow for Employers Payment and a follow up Additional Payment.

    1. Boosting Cash Flow for Employers Payment – The government will pay 100% (previously 50%) of all PAYG Withholding for employers who withhold payments between March and June. These payments will be capped at $50,000 (previously $25,000) with a minimum of $10,000 (previously $2,000) payable to all employers.

    2. Additional Payment – If employers continue to be active then additional payments will be matched against what was originally paid to them for the Boosting Cash Flow for Employers Payment. This means that your minimum benefit of $10,000 would now be $20,000 and your maximum could potentially be $100,000

    For example, if you were entitled to receive $50,000 for the Boosting Cash Flow for Employers Payment then you will receive an additional $50,000 for the Additional Payment.

    How will I receive the cash boost?

    The ATO will provide an automatic credit on your Integrated Client Account after you lodge each Activity Statement (BAS). This account is where you pay your BAS. If this account becomes in credit then it can be refunded to your nominated bank account.

    Can I increase my wage in order to gain more benefit?

    No. There are integrity measures built into the law which prohibit such activity.

    Can I backdate registering for PAYG Withholding for employees so I can put myself on a wage to get the benefit?

    No. There are integrity measures built into the law which prohibit such activity.

    Fair Work and employee relations

    We have received questions about how to handle employee/employer situations when it comes to the Coronavirus. Whilst we are not able to advise on workplace matters there is a press release from Fair Work which gives you a good guide on how to handle most situations.

    You can find that press release here -…

    • Application process will be available from mid-April 2020.

    Thanks for the clarification. I went on the my gov website to try and apply and couldn't find anything about sole traders.

    • Sucks for those who are facing hardship now, I know :(

  • Thanks for putting up the Explained Part 1 and 2 threads! Very useful information for all who may be affected and for others to help those that they know have been affected.

    • +4

      You're welcome! Took me all day yesterday to be honest so I hope it's valuable to people.

  • If I apply for Jobseeker payment, will I still be entitled to the Super 10K payout if I request it. Or can you only get one or the other. I'm self employed with my own Pty Ltd business, income has stopped overnight.

    • +1

      There's nothing to say you can't providing you meet the criterea

      • Ok thanks, will speak with my advisor for more.

  • OP, thanks for the info, but I have a question. If I am on Leave-Without-Pay, I can't apply for anything from Centrelink, can I? I work in a pub as a salary, and my Annual leave will last 1.5 months, and then I'm unpaid. But if I resign I will lose my 11 weeks accumulated sick pay, and my 6 years or service towards long-service.

    I'd rather not dip into my already battered Super, but I will if I need to.

    • +1

      Assuming you've taken annual leave to continue an income? If the next step is being told to take leave without pay (which is in effect, being stood down), then you would be eligible.

      "The Stand Down Provisions in section 524(1)(c) of the Act provide that an employer may stand down an employee without being required to pay them, if ‘the employee cannot usefully be employed’ and standing them down is ‘because of…a stoppage of work for any cause for which the employer cannot reasonably be held responsible.’ However, National Employment Standard (NES) entitlements do accrue during a period of stand down.

      • Thanks mate, guess I'll be joining the hundreds of thousands crashing the MyGov website. I have mixed feeling about Centrelink, on one hand I have never claimed a cent from them in my life so I don't think it's…..bad(?), to get something from the government back when they have closed my industry. On the other hand, I never thought I would need benefits, and I feel crap for ever needing it.

        But thanks for your help, nice to get a proper answer from someone who understands it, and not rumor-mill speculation.

  • For those who have PAYG instalments the ATO is allowing March quarters to be varied to Nil as well as obtaining refunds on instalments paid for September and December quarters.

    I'm a complete amateur but PAYG is the business withholding/paying on behalf of individual if I remember correctly - does this mean the employee has to pay more tax (or has less tax refund) at tax time?

    Or am I fundamentally misunderstanding something here?

    • +1

      2 seperate things in motion here.

      PAYG Withholding for employers for their employees

      PAYG Instalments payable by individuals, companies of SMSFs (i.e. quarterly instalment notices)

      That statement relates to the latter.

      • Ah right, I should've kept reading. Thanks!

  • Merged from [AMA] I'm an Accountant. Ask Me Anything Business/Stimulus Related

    Been a while since I've done one of these and wanted to offer whatever knowledge I can to people to assist during this difficult time. A lot of info has already been posted here.

    Please understand that a lot of law has been rushed, there are holes in it and there are simply things I won't have the answer to. But I will do my best with what I know and what's out there to answer questions on peoples minds and hopefully do my bit on the economic front.

    Goes without saying - this is not advice - merely sharing knowledge and information and drawing on experiences I've had to date.

    • Why don't I get any stimulus money :(

      • Not eligible?

    • @bemybubble

      Please do not create any more new threads please, keep your iAMA's and other self-promotional posts within this node.

      • Have removed the promotional side as I feel it’s more important to educate. Just genuinely trying to help those who are hard done by right now

  • Whats the best form of welfare?

  • As some of us have been directed to work from home for a period of time, can we claim occupancy expenses?

    • Running costs such as power, internet etc you can. Caution around occupancy costs (rates, interest etc) though if you’re a home owner as you can potentially expose yourself to capital gains tax.

  • What if I am a sole trader as well as having employment? My sole trader business makes up for about half my income, but that has significantly decreased. I am still however employed; do I have early access to superannuation?

    • To apply for the determination, the person must satisfy any one of the following requirements about their employment or business status:

      • at the time the person applies for the determination, they are:
      – unemployed;
      – eligible to receive a job seeker payment, youth allowance for jobseekers, parenting payment (which includes the single and partnered payments) or special benefit under the Social Security Act; or

      – eligible to receive the farm household allowance under Farm Household Support Act 2014; or
      • on or after 1 January 2020 the person:
      – was made redundant;
      – their working hours were reduced by 20 per cent or more; or

      – if the person is a sole trader – their business was suspended or there was a reduction in their turnover of 20 per cent or more.

      Based on the law it would appear that providing your a sole trader and you have a reduction of income it doesn't look at other employment.

  • Another round of stimulus. Just to summarise:

    • $1,500 per fortnight ‘jobkeeper’ payment – a flat payment equivilant to 70% of a median wage
    • Need to register with the ATO
    • ATO pay employers to pay employees this amount
    • Annual income for a partner of 79762 per annum is now the threshold for 'Jobseeker' payment (for those whose partners knocked them out for centrelink).
    • Available to full time, part time and sole traders and casuals who have been employed >12 months
    • Payments made 1 May which are backdate to today.
    • Must have been employed as of 1 March 2020
    • Turnover needs to be dropped by 30% or more
    • Or if your turnover more than 1mil then 50% or more
    • Measure is delivered through the ATO
    • Employers pay employees as of today however they won’t get backdated pay until 1 May
    • No super payment on this 1500

    Register your interest here:

    • Correction. 1mil is actually 1bil

    • Thanks for this. I've been trying to find out if this stimulus is available to someone awaiting their PR? Any ideas? The info I've found so far isn't clear.

    • I'm a sole trader but I also get parenting payment because I have a young kid and only work part time. My business has already taken a big hit and I've temporarily shut down. If you're already on centrelink benefits are you excluded from jobkeeper payment or what?

      • Which parenting payment do you receive? Not wanting to assume FTB or single parent (as some have referred to FTB as a paranting payment before)…

        • Single parent.

          • @Radiodept: There is nothing announced to say otherwise that your payment would be affected. The devil will be in the detail when the bill is released though.

          • @Radiodept: Just to follow on - Treasury have released this example:

            Employee who has been stood down and applied for income support

            Phoebe works in administration services of a large retail company as a permanent full-time employee, but she has been stood down under the Fair Work Act without pay.

            Phoebe had registered an intent to claim with Services Australia for access to the JobSeeker Payment and the Coronavirus Supplement. Phoebe is single, with no children and in total she would be eligible to receive $1,124.50 before tax per fortnight from Services Australia.Phoebe’s employer has decided to apply for the JobKeeper Payment for all its eligible employees for up to six months.

            This would entitle Phoebe to $1,500 per fortnight before tax. Phoebe’s employer is required to advise her that she has been nominated as an eligible employee to receive the payment.

            If Phoebe elects to receive income support though Services Australia, she will need to report her income from the JobKeeper Payment to Services Australia. Phoebe may no longer be eligible for income support from Services Australia as a result of receiving the JobKeeper Payment

            Based on the example above it would mean that you would report the Jobkeeper payment and if it tips you over then you may be cut off. If it doesn't then it would appear to be OK

  • hi, thanks for doing this in the midst of mayhem, my mom work hours has been reduced, she is a full time and only has to come to work 2 weeks with a 2 weeks unpaid leave every month until covid restriction is lofted, with the announcement of jobkeeper scheme, does this mean she will still carry on to work, no need to take unpaid leave and will receive a full earning every month?


    • +1

      The key is ultimately the employer needs to demonstrate a 30% downturn in a relative month (assuming they aren't a 1bil business of course).

      Without the above point the whole concept goes out the window. If they meet the above criteria it doesn't matter what hours your mum works so long as your employer is passing on the minimum $1500 a fortnight. If they decide to pay above and beyond this it is up to the employer.

      Keep in mind the whole concept is trying to use the ATO as an additional channel to ease the burden on Welfare

      • thanks mate, appreciate it.


    Another announcement was made by the PM on 30 March 2020 about a new ‘JobKeeper’ payment. It’s important to not confuse this with Centrelinks ‘JobSeeker’ payment.

    What is the JobKeeper Payment?

    The JobKeeper payment is a $1,500 a fortnight payment made to employers from the government which is in turn passed on to their employees.

    This payment has 2 objectives:
    1. To take pressure off the welfare system
    2. To keep employees connected to the business so that when things pick up again employers aren’t scrambling to hire people.

    Am I eligible?

    If you’re in business and your turnover has dropped 30% or more to a comparable time in a previous period (i.e. March 2020 was 30% less than March 2019) then you are eligible.
    It applies to all those in business including those who are self-employed and don’t have employees (i.e. sole traders).

    This payment will only apply to part-time and full-time employees or long term casual staff who were employed at 1 March 2020. Casuals are considered long term if they have been employed in the business greater than 12 months as at 1 March 2020.

    If you are eligible then there will be 2 categories of employers. The first being those who have stood down employees and those who haven’t.

    I have stood down employees, what happens next?

    If you have stood down employees then you can opt to re-hire them and pay them the JobKeeper payment of $1,500 a fortnight. This payment must be passed on in full to the employee.

    No super is required to be paid on this amount however tax would be required to be taken out as per normal.

    I haven’t stood down employees, can I still apply?

    Providing your turnover has dropped 30% or more then yes, you can still apply.

    If your employees earn more than the amount paid then nothing changes for the employer – they will pay them as per normal, pay super and take tax out.

    i.e. Sam is still employed and earns $3,000 for the fortnight. The employer would pay Sam his normal pay and take tax out. Super will be required to be paid on the $3,000. The employer would receive $1,500 from the government.

    If your employees earn less than $1,500 a fortnight then you are required to pay them the $1,500 however what their ordinary wage would be would still require super.

    i.e. Sarah is still employed but has only earned $1,000 for the fortnight. The employer would be required to pay Sarah the $1,500 and take tax out. Super will be required to be paid on the $1,000 and is optional for the extra $500. The employer would receive $1,500 from the government.

    How do I apply?

    You apply via the ATO website at

    When will I, the employer, be paid from the ATO?

    The government announced that payments will begin in May which will be backdated to 30 of March 2020.

    This effectively means the employer would be carrying the cost up until the ATO makes its first payment.

    If I’ve been stood down can I ask my employer to opt me in for this?

    Ultimately it is up to the employer to meet the criteria and determine if they want to engage in this scheme. We suggest having dialogue with your employer if they have stood you down to see if this is an option.

    What if I have multiple jobs or businesses, can I apply more than once?

    No. This is strictly available once per person. So if you are an employee and have multiple jobs you can only get this once. You would also need to notify other employers looking to engage in this scheme to advise that you are not requiring this payment.

    If you are self-employed you can only receive this once regardless of how many entities you operate from.

    What if I’m already receiving Jobseeker payments or another benefit?

    If you are already on Jobseeker payments you would need to notify Centrelink as you will no longer be eligible should you be receiving the JobKeeper payment.

    For other Centrelink benefits you currently are receiving you would still need to report this as income to determine any impact on your current payments.

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