So the wife has been taking herself and the kids to Specsavers, The first child that went was having issues with sore eyes, they gave her some eye exercises to do and sold us some glasses that "will hopefully help" since then everyone else who has gone has been sold some glasses, I went to the same store a couple of years ago when we had health insurance and got a couple of pairs free through that which they said "should help" most of the reasons they have been giving are that "eyes aren't working together properly" "eyes are overworking" etc as opposed to being things like being short/long sighted etc.
One of my kids got tested a year ago through a school testing program and was deemed as OK, but after the trip to Specsavers now has a couple of pairs of glasses on the way.
The suspicious side of me feels like we are being oversold, mentioned this to my wife who when she took the most recent one said she asked if the glasses were actually needed or it was just that they might be beneficial, she received a "should be beneficial" answer so followed up with a "do you think I should get them for her" to which she was told yes.
Are the optometrists at these stores incentivised or do they have sales targets they are supposed to meet? I am more they happy to buy them if needed, but just feel like we are likely being oversold, am I justified in this or just being paranoid.
Optometrists at stores definitely have a incentive to push sales as the sales figures would be part of their of their salary.
If I'm going down the route of chain stores, I'd definitely consider visiting multiple stores/chains to have advice from various POVs.
Or just goto 1 proper optometrist/opthamologist.