• expired

$10 off nbn Plans (for 6 Months) @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


This just popped up on my news feed and unsure of expiry date, I'll be going back to these guys after my time with superloop comes to an end these guys offer way better support and speeds during peak hours

EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Join Australia’s best nbn™️ broadband provider today and save $10/month for 6 months!*

Are you ready to work from home? Make sure your internet is up to the task!

With amazing speed, reliability & amazing customer service, you don't need to worry about your connection with Aussie Broadband.

Join Australia’s best broadband provider today!

*Promotion available for new customers only. Service not available at all premises. For full terms and conditions see aussiebroadband.com.au

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Referral: random (251)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    First Month Free nbn @ Aussie Broadband
    coupon code:AUSSIEFREE


    I used this one last week on $89 NBN100/20 plan,better saving?

    • +1

      I used the THANKSMOM code to get a free modem, which is not bad. How long do you have to be with another provider so that when you try to come back to ABB you are considered a "new" customer and could use this code? Maybe i could sign out and then ask my wife to sign up using this code to save a few more dollaridoos

      • +1

        I think it's 6 months. Checkout the superloop offer. Ie 21 off for 6 months. Once those 6 months are up, you can prob. move back to Aussie broadband or any other which has the offer at that time.

        • Isn't that offer expires already?

      • I wonder if you can use the THANKSMOM and SAVE10MONTH together

        • +2

          You can only use 1. Just like you can't mix referral code with coupon code

        • -2

          It might work if you do it over the phone, you never know how desperate call center people are to sign up new customers.

          • +4

            @pichxlonco: ABB doesn't allow code stacking. 6 months before your a "new" customer.

        • +2

          For anyone thats wondering, the code is THANKSMUM and it still works if you're looking for a free modem (+$15 shipping).

      • Thanks! Saved me heaps as I needed one.

        • +1

          Yes, indeed! I was told you can buy a cheap one on gumtree, but at this momnet, it´s easier and safer to have it delivered brand new to your house.

          • +1

            @pichxlonco: Yep I’m no tech and I would probably otherwise get something that didn’t work. This is guaranteed.

    • You need a month notification to get off from ABB, practically you need to tell them to disconnect on the day tou are connected, just to get free month. Otherwise you are paying half price for 2 months

      • They seemed quite flexible on this when I swapped to Superloop last Nov. I had around 3 weeks left on Aussie at the time. They didn't have an issue disconnecting me on the day Superloop started. THe transfer when flawlessly as well.

      • How have people gone about moving off ABB. Does everyone phone to give them 30 days notice? Do you do this before or after you have set up a date with your next ISP?

        • +1

          No issue, just churned to S.L 2 days before billing cycle. Was connected to S.L within 1 day. Phoned ABB to ensure I was disconnected. No issue at all.

        • As per alfamale87 but I didn't call. ABB just sent an email acknowledging the churn to SL. Very smooth experience.

  • +7

    They are a solid provider. Happy customer.

  • +2

    Any special for existing customer?

    • +11

      The only special you will get as a customer is being an existing customer 😂

      • The only special you will get as a customer is being an existing customer 😂

        Last time they have sign year contract to get discount.

  • This or optus $90 unlimited calls / fetch / sports?

    • Depends. 79$ will get you 100/40 on Aussie Broadband with this deal. What will $90 dollars get you speed wise with Optus? Sport is a pretty good addition, but I've had fetch before, and it's not any better than most modern smart tv capabilities or chromecast unless you use Foxtel. And I get unlimited calls on my mobile phone, so don't see much use there either.

      • +1

        Depends. 79$ will get you 100/40 on Aussie Broadband with this dea

        I think only 100/20

      • That's without local calls though + sports + fetch box and only for 6 months right? I get ABB is suppose to have had quality bandwidth allocation but is that still the case now? I'm thinking the big players are catching up or already caught up? I don't know I think there's too much hype

        • +1

          Just be mindful that you effectively lock yourself into a provider if you choose to get Fetch from them, as the box is useless with any other ISP. Pretty stupid, but that's the model Fetch went with. You're better off buying the Fetch box outright and signing up to Fetch directly, that way you can move around different ISPs if needed.

          Higher outlay at the beginning, but better in the long run as you can take advantage of RSP offers and if you're not happy with Optus' "crappy" service (personal opinion) or any other RSP for that matter, you simply churn and away you go, your Fetch box continues to work.

          Same can be said about VOIP if you need the phone line. Better to go with a separate VOIP provider.

    • +1

      That's only 50/20 as far as I can see, and includes a hefty $200 sign up fee.

    • +2

      Aussie 110%

  • +1

    But their normal per month cost is higher compared to others… for e.g. Belong 40 Mbps d/l avg evening speeds for $65 per month and 30 Mbps d/l avg evening speeds for $55 per month - compared to these guys 25 Mbps for $69…… I don't get how is this better.

    • +2

      Belong 40 Mbps d/l avg evening speeds for $65 per month and 30 Mbps d/l avg evening speeds for $55 per month

      Depends if they can really keep the speed all the time.

      • Read this

        • +6

          Have been with belong
          I would rather pay for Aussie and get speeds promised than be with belong and struggle daily

          • @jimbobaus: Last night playing with Zoom with a few friends and the one with Belong (NBN) reported your Internet slow.

    • +4

      Aussiebroadband usually has more bandwidth added than these guys, so if there's heavy usage on days such as when everyone is working from home due to Coronavirus, then ABB will usually cope with it better.

      You truly pay for quality. I was with Southern Phone and we were struggling to get 18mbits, we moved to AussieBroadband, and we were maxing our 25 out, but didn't have good enough line quality to warrant a 50 mbit upgrade.

    • I don't get how is this better.

      Because it's cheaper than their normal pricing!

      • +1

        Their normal price is already too high

        • +5

          You get what you pay for
          Aussie is top notch with speed management, they even have live data you can view to see how your area is for speed and data load

          Also.. unlike belong Aussie also employs hundreds of locals (regional Vic)
          Belongs call centre is based in India and Phillipines

          Maybe its a bit more expensive, but its worth ever $$$ for more than just the reasons listed above, but those two are the best reasons.

    • +4

      Belong has overseas support, slower average speed and is cheaper.

      ABB has local support, faster average speed and is more expensive.

      You do you.

  • +1

    FYI these guys make you call them and wait in a queue for upwards of 30 minutes to cancel.

    • They don't.. you can just port out and it auto cancels with them 🤦‍♂️ I've done it going to superloop

      • When did you do it ? Was it just recently ?

        • 4 months ago, I even emailed them after asking to close my account but they replied straight away saying they auto close accounts when this way is done

          • @solidussnake: Interesting as mid last year, they asked me to ring them. Unable to be done via chat either.

      • +2

        Auto cancellation doesn't happen on FTTP. You will get charged for running 2 or more simultaneous connections.

      • I did it a week ago. And yes phonecall only. The whole process was ridiculous. Add insult to injury, I got a brand new staff member absolutely struggling & took a lifetime. But, not his fault. We all start somewhere. So I just sucked it up, and went for the ride. Waste of 30min time & money for all involved. On the plus side, cancelled same day, full pro-rata refund.

    • Why would you call to cancel? No one has had to do that for 7 years even with adsl

      • +1

        First really depends on the NBN technology you have, as you may end up with two live connections, secondly, even after you churn it has been recommended that you call your old provider (independent of who it is) once your new connection is active and cancel the account with them, as not all of them automatically cancel. As a bonus Aussie do pro-rata refunds so you'll only get it if you call.

  • Ah damn, literally only just got connected with Aussie BB on Saturday :/

    • +2

      There's always a deal. Did you check here, first?

    • And this is what annoys me about this under the counter specials. I they were genuine they would put the special on their sign up page.

  • do i need to pay for a modem? my house is brand new and has FTTP

    • +2

      NBN install a NTD for FTTP. Connect your Ubiquiti router to the NTD.

      • +2

        you are a man of much knowledge. thanks

        • Did you buy a Ubiquiti Dream Machine or are you still deciding?

          • @Twix: i was just about to hit buy on dream machine, whys that?

            • +1

              @cortex: Just wondering. It's a great router :)

              • @Twix: nice! i am gonna see how well it can service the house in terms of wifi, if it doesnt reach all areas i will need to get the poe switch and some AP's

                • @cortex: It's pretty powerful for the size. As with any router it does depend on the layout and construction materials of your house.

  • My $20 off for 6 months with Superloop will be ending in May. Reckon it's worth jumping on this deal now, or waiting for something hopefully better? Only after 50/20 internet.

    (Rub those crystal balls!)

    • +3

      Wait for a $20 off for 6 months deal or use the free month deal. You save $79 straight away on 50/20.

      • +1

        Thanks for that. I'll keep my eye out or set up some notification. I don't think I've seen a $20 off this year though

    • +1

      I am on the same boat. Do you know how to cancel with Superloop as they are invoicing us mid month for future month use.

      • +1

        Sign up to your new ISP. Call Superloop to confirm the cancellation.

      • Yeah, what's going on with superloop? they are invoicing 2 months at a time.

    • +1

      I will be switching after my discount ends SL has non-existent cs and speeds during peak go from 46mbs to 20 and under lodged a support ticket 3 weeks ago and no response

    • +1

      Wait for that $20 off deal. This one only saves you $7 month on a 50/20 500gb plan.

  • I am 2 months out before NBN is available in our area. Can I pre-order this and secure the $10 off offer?

    • +2

      The better offer is the month free. Worth $80 to most people for the 50/20 Unlimited plan. This is only a saving of $60. Not sure why its got so many votes at the current time.

    • Hey! Did you go about and pre-order? Thinking of doing the same thing. Also 2 months out

    • Please plan for general NBN shoddiness and the covid-19 impact.

    • If you want the modem, use code THANKSMOM for free modem worth $150. Better than free month or $10 off deal
      or try superloop. It has $21 off for first 6 months.

      • THANKSMOM not working any more invalid voucher error

        • And then, 20m later it did work again!

      • its THANKSMUM

  • i'm with TPG on a non lock-in NBN plan. I can cancel my NBN anytime. will it be easy to switch providers?

    • +1

      I have FTTN and switch over very quick.

    • +1

      It's usually pretty quick, most connections will be about 30mins or less, for VOIP if you have it, it may take some time. On a separate note hope you have been with TPG for a while, if not this will be an expensive exercise, with all the fees that TPG charged you for the No Lock-in contract.

  • Isnt the first month free offer better for folks planning to stay longer?

    • Yeah with a free month you save $69-99.

    • If you signed up for $20 off for the next 6 months, you saved $120

  • Can anyone recommend a router that's around the 200$ mark (i have read the feedback on the one they provide and it's not promising)?


    • +1

      ASUS RT-AC68U $199 #1 selling router on Amazon AU.

      • having a look at previous prices though i feel it's very unozbargainy to buy it for $199…

        • Yeah there is no $150 deals and over the last week pricing on routers have gone up by $20.

          • +1

            @Twix: More like the dollar has gone down, so they all adjust. Usually it's because of the Just in Time supply chain model most businesses have moved too.

            If you're comfortable with Tech you could go for the OEM Asus RT-1900 and flash it, or purchase it flashed.

            These guys seem to have it flashed already and it comes out to $153 with the promo they've listed. eBay Maybe have a look if there are any other promos that apply.

            From what I've seen, they all seem to come from T-Mobile in the US. Here are the steps if you're up to doing it yourself and if you can find the T-Mobile version for cheap.

            Alternatively you may want to go for the Asus RT-1900P which has a faster processor than the Asus RT-AC68U but otherwise is essentially the same.

            More info on the models here: https://www.smallnetbuilder.com/wireless/wireless-reviews/33…

            • +2

              @Cousin IT: Buyer beware the T-Mobile OEM version is based on American regulations, the 5Ghz wifi transmit power is lower than the Australian version and is not covered by ASUS 3 year warranty period.

            • @Cousin IT: thanks so much, I'll go with the RT-1900P most likely. appreciate the help.

              • @pandaman: The same buyer beware things apply to the ASUS RT-1900P. 1 year eBay warranty.

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