I saw this deal, maybe it can make cheaper if you pay cash.
Asus Eee Pad Transformer 32GB Tablet + Keyboard Dock $599 (The Good Guys Nunawading, VIC)

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AHHHHHHHH, I bought it 1 month ago $699 at HN
Next month, Transformer 2 will be released.
will the pricing be similar?
Getting out my crystal ball! ;)
Im guessing the price will be similar as the current model because value for money is still the best recipe for a popular portable tablet (or any consumer product).
The one with 3g?
From what I read:
- the 3G version is not being released in Australia
- there are rumours that Transformer 2 will be released in Q3/Q4 2011. It may feature the Tegra 3 chip.lol, I love the way you mentioned "it may feature…."
its possible the TF 2's processor is something else hmmm
I cannot wait for iPad 3 to come out so that Android prices will continue to go downwards to wallet friendly prices :)
From what I have read, the evidence that T2 will have the Tegra chip is pretty tenuous and appears circumstantial, i.e. T2 is meant to arrive Q3/Q4 and coincidentally so is the first device featuring the Tegra 3.
I'm yet to see any convincing evidence that T2 will be really fantastic. I'm also quite skeptical that T2 will arrive within the next month (or even this year, actually).
I checked several of the online prices in WA - they're all $599.
Hi, I think B&H has better price ASUS Eee Pad 32GB for about $488 delivered. They ship from NY but they uses UPS which can ship very fast to Australia.
Thinking microSD card is cheap now, I think 16GB is better choice, B&H has it delivered for about $416, See link:(change currency at the bottom of the page)http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/761716-REG/ASUS_TF101_…
$50 shipping fee make it expensive, but if you buy two of them you might just need to add $21 more it reduce the price by $15 per tablet
This one comes with the keyboard dock though.
So your BHP prices need $122 + shipping added to them for that.
Ops, I thought the dock would not be much. Add $128 for dock to be delivered. I think you can't just minus $128 to compare with B&H one, as i think that $599 is bundle price. I would prefer the tablet alone though.
I am just sharing what i found. And if want to compare, i would buy 16GB with dock and add a microSD which make it much cheaper. $416(Asus16GB)+$128(Dock)+$25(microSD16GB)=$569.
I think having the microSD separate from the tablet, will make it easier to manage your files. If you still wanna argue that Asus 32GB can expand 16GB microSD into 48GB, I would say you go to buy 32GB microSD to make it equivalent.Any more than that capacity, I doubt the how well the Tablet would be able to handle it. If the tablet alone, it's much cheaper than other stores. This deal didn't make the tablet delivered and might not available to other state.
And warranty issue is better with OP's deal though.:)
However, it has expired. If you buy from amazon now, it is in similar price.
Price match at OW for a further 5%? Or is this not a deal that could be matched?
they don't sell asus at OW
Brings it down to $570…
wow first time I see the asus tablet in OW.
When I go to their store I only see they display the acer iconia
How are you guys going to price match? Just show the picture attached on OP?
Don't you need an official listing, receipt or something?it needs to be an official listing on the website else it is hard to get them to price match
they will will weasel out of it,I thought so too.
Yeah, that's what I was wondering. If anyone somehow manages to pricematch, please do upload a receipt =)
Have to bring it to OW. HN only matches the price but doesn't offer 5% off or any freebies.
Anyone reckon for $600 for a tablet + dock, ie a netbook wannabe is pretty expensive.
You could get a cheap netbook for $300+..
that can do more stuff..and install your own apps etc..$600 is too much for a tablet..with the recent hp sales, tablets prices that are $600 is too much..
sure u get a keyboard dock, but how often would u bring a keyboard with you..
it is meant to be more portable as a tablet, not another accessory u need to carry with you,It is expensive because of the massive touch screen etc etc and its form factor. You can use it as both a tablet and a "netbook".
You can't rip apart a netbook to use as a tablet can you now?
no u can't. That is pretty obvious..
My point was:
But I still think a $600 (tablet + keyboard dock) is still overpriced.
Sure u get the keyboard, but how much work can u do on it, other than a few simple notes..but then u would need to lugged the keyboard dock with u everywhere if u want to make use of it.
If u don't make much use of it then it is pointless.
So u pay $150 for a keyboard that either would be used alot (then requires u to bring it along with u everywhere, or make little use of it (then u wasted a $150).So the $600, is still alot for a netbook wannabe that is not as good.
Don't get me wrong, I saw the asus and keyboard and it looks really well built.
but just step back and look at it detached, you are paying $600 for tablet essentially (cos the keyboard would either need to be take with u everywhere to make it worth the extra $150, or little use then u wasted your money..
If you compare it to another tablet, that will make a valid argument because a netbook can never become a touch screen tablet. However, Asus Transformer can be used as a netbook once the dock is onboard. The review of the tablet is quite good.
And it's the best selling Android tablet so far given the innovation and a good price point.
Worth considering, ASUS has a powerful tablet on the market.
It's called ASUS Eee Slate EP121. It has window 7 installed.
Yes. There was more of a rhetorical question than anything actually.
You do make some valid arguments. $600 for a tablet+keyboard dock is pricey still but it doesn't necessarily mean that it is overpriced. $600 seems to be within the nominal pricing range for this particular tablet class of devices. Basically I suppose that this asus combo is meant to be a cross between a tablet and a netbook. You can do basically everything that a netbook is capable of (will be discussed later on), yet it still retains the versatility of a tablet with touchscreen functions and the form factor.
The optional keyboard functionality allows you to chose to bring it along as and when you want to. For instance, if you were expecting to do so document editing, you could bring it about. However, if you only expect to do some simply internet browsing, that's one less thing to carry around.
Ok. Back to the functionality of the tablet. It is capable of playing games, being a delightful little time waster (e.g. angry birds), and above all, it is capable of full documents processing included excel and powerpoint.
Simple see following link. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.qo.android.tablet.…
So basically, it is everything a netbook is and more. Hence the increased pricing point.
EDIT: and not to mention the superior battery life (due to reduced power consumption of android) and the quick "on & off"
It can't compare to an actual netbook.
On a netbook you can install your own apps and things like microsoft office etcAny work u do on tablet/dock would need to be only very light..
Also u would need to remember to bring it with you all the time, you think you would do work or..
Sometimes u might go about and need to do work and forget it..Also it is another accessory u need to keep track of…else it gets lost, you wasted $150.
So to make it so u don't forget it, you will dock it alot more than undock it.
And it would be cumbersome to dock and undock it too much, everytime you ask do I feel like it should be a tablet or a netbook today or now..
Stuff it I will just leave it on..
And remember taking it on and off too much would wear out the spring locks on the dock..
Yes, I look at the dock in person..
Just look at the demo models in the store, alot of them have slight movement that even though they are docked etc..Also did u try typing on it?
The keys aren't raised much, so the typing is quite slow.I think the dock is overpriced..
It is half the price of a netbook.Might as well buy the tablet and a netbook separate.
yes u can play games..
I own a ipod touch so I know..
but the games are only good when it is designed as touch based, ie angry birds or doodle jump etc..and other games that are d-pad, button based just suck without tactile sensation..
and the overlay/your fingers can cover some important details that might result in u dying etc..that's why there is very little best seller games etc..
except the ones like angry birds and plants v zombies etc..but I play those games now, yet still nothing as good as those games come out on the tablet..
Any other good games that are more in depth, requires d-pad and buttons..
and good games like sonic the hedgehog, console ports just suck on a tablet..
I can't even play that game properly without dying,
lack of tactile sensation means u need to keep checking if your fingers are pressing the right area etc..==
@tyler, you are forgetting the dock adds another 8 hours of battery life into the tablet. It's something you wouldn't have stand-alone.
yes i've typed on it, considering my typing speed averages 98wpm. i don't find hindered on that keyboard.
its true that you can't install all sorts of personal crap on the tablet, but thats the whole purpose of tablets, you just don't install vmware or visual studio developer suite into it.
Tyler Durden is right. Things you own end up owning you.
I have a netbook and an iPad.
Netbook is for working, iPad is for playtime.
They're just a completely different experience, and are not comparable.
I don't see a need for a keyboard dock though, as it just brings it more in line with a netbook.true, the only thing I would use a tablet for is surfing the web, reading books etc..
or playing the games that are design for touch based, not console ports (which just suck on a tablet due to no actual buttons or dpad..)As u said it is mainly to relax to enjoy the media of the internet etc..
work is just not as good on a tablet unless it is for a few simple notes..
don't see writing or doing anything too deep on it..Why?
Cos the keyboard is not very good for fast typing, the keys are too low..
people should try it in the store….This keyboard dock was design for ppl to do some real work on it..
but is $150 worth it for a keyboard that u wouldn't want to do much typing anyways due to the keys being too low and smaller and makes it hard to get any speed..and it makes it hard to put you full 5 fingers on it at the same time..So basically $150 for a keyboard for only some light typing, nothing to long.
People keeps saying the $150 keyboard is expensive.
But you forgot about the battery inside the keyboard. Try to change the battery on iPad, and see how much it will cost you.I have an EEE netbook and one of these EEE Tabs with the keyboard dock. Both of about similar size.
I type a lot, regularly and I find the EEE Pad keyboard to be excellent. Touchpad works exactly like it does on the netbook and there are a few custom keys for the Tab. I barely use the netbook any more. I think this might be the natural evolution of the netbook.
The EEE Pad has a better battery life so I can run it all day without needing to plug it in while the netbook runs for about 3 hours before it starts to get into dangerous territory battery wise. I don't have to shut the Tab down it down and wait for it to start up.
On the downside. I main use Google Docs to write in, so I can easily go and edit it on a nice big computer when I'm done. Google Docs hasn't really been built for this sort of environment yet and the Google Doc App is rubbish.
It comes with some very good software, Polaris Office, which can work with Google Docs but it's not as seamless as I'd like. You basically have to save it locally then Send it to Google Docs. I'm hoping this will improve as Android catches up to the tablet craze.
As a tablet it's very good as well. Docks and undocks from the keyboard nicely (once you work out how to do it). Has a microSD for more storage. Looks very cool in the brown and the Asus software they've added in is quite nice too.
Why are you comparing this tablet + dock to a netbook? A netbook doesn't have a touch screen. If I wanted a touch screen tablet, why would I waste $300 on a netbook that doesn't even have a touch screen? See, you can't compare apples to oranges.
guys serious tf2 will be much better i swear
haha that's what I was told about the Core 2 Duo when I was still rocking on Pentium.
Revenge of the Fallen sucked!
No silly, he's talking about team fortress 2!
(Possible silly question) Does anyone know if whilst docked the screen can close? Just looking at pictures it doesn't look like it can…
Yes, it does. See the bottom pic here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/4277/asus-eee-pad-transformer-…
Cheers, will go down for a gander.
So. Who picked up one of these babies?
I got one ;-) priced match at OW for $569.05 :-) Sweeeeett :-) Returned my crappy Toshiba for it ;-) Glad to pay extra $60 for keyboard, 32gb (instead of 16gb), 3.2 android (unlike toshiba stuck on 3.0) and FAR better, more responsive system. Very happy here :-)
I also got one price matched tonight for the same price. What a bargain. Just updating this thread using it.
Look I have an iPad, it's good & screen is a little wider. The benefit tis one had straight off the bat was Flash support. Works fine both on & off the keyboard. Also, screen can close when tablet is docked.
This is the AU price it should have been all along.