Should the F1 GP go ahead?
The Corona Virus outbreak is a concern for the Formula One 2020 Australian Grand Prix to be held on 15 March 2020 in Melbourne, Victoria:
On Wednesday night, three F1 team members had been placed into isolation over concerns they may have contracted coronavirus while two more from Haas have been tested on Thursday.
Should the F1 Grand Prix go ahead in Melbourne?

Poll Options
- 90No
- 25Yes
- 1Depends on the results of the team member COV-19 tests
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McLaren Racing has confirmed this evening in Melbourne that it has withdrawn from the 2020 Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix, following the positive test of a team member for the coronavirus. The team member was tested and self-isolated as soon as they started to show symptoms and will now be treated by local healthcare authorities.
Yesss. Suck it Hamilton!
What do you mean?
Without the Mclarens the race does not make much sense to me.Really? You like watching them struggling around the middle to back of the pack?
Maybe yes but with no spectators like other sports are doing
or maybe the spectators can make their own decision?
Lol, like how tp hoarders were allowed to make their own decisions?
Sky F1 in the UK already announced it's cancelled based on team boss meeting last night.
Another tomato on the Liberals for granting exceptions to these Italian teams. Sports > community
You can run but you can't hide. Embrace the crowd - embrace Coronavirus.
Except that mass isolation flattens the spread which takes the strain off the medical system and that decreases the death rate. If 25,000 people were going to get infected in Aus you want that to occur over a number of months, not in a few weeks.
I no longer think this is laughing stock.
Yeah, I reckon a lot more people will stop with the jokes now that the UK basically said that nearly everyone will know someone who dies from sars2.
Wtf is sars2? Its kung flu
Decision was made to cancel last night. I think they are just sorting out a few details before they announce it publically.
It should have been cancelled weeks ago, when the upward trends in Caronovirus cases was identified.
It is only a "sport" / viewing experience.
Those providing services and goods, that will now be affected, could have managed this if the event was cancelled in a timely manner.
Nah, just give everyone a Hazmat suit. Can't make everyone stay home, this is only going to be a temporary measure. I doubt it will work long term.
Victorian government confirmed that if it even happens, which is looking unlikely, they won't allow any spectators.
Yep, ABC just announced no spectators allowed and it’s now up to F1 to decide if they cancel the event.
Just run it without spectators. No biggie
too risky for drivers and entourage
thanks for the neg after creating a POLL asking for opinions :|
Apologies if I hurt your feelings but I thought I was still entitled to my opinion. The sky is falling and I do disagree with your 'no biggie'. The poll was born with the intent of touching base with the general opinion for the matter.
You are welcome.@Hasbulla: lol no hurt feelings, just calling out stupidity
- creates poll
- negs anyone who mildly disagrees.
ozbargain at its best.
Sounds like the government has screwed the F1 organisers. They should never have been let into the country at all. Now that they're all here and they've brought everyone and everything with them, they're being forced to decide whether they run it without spectators or cancel completely.
Let's not forget that the ban for the Italian travelers was enforced minutes after all the team members (think Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Pirelli, etc) got custom clearance.
How random is this?All for the sake of $$$$…
Vic government still gets their big share of the dollars, but the F1 loses out and has to refund all the spectator tickets!
Its been cancelled (for fans at this stage)…long overdue.
Poor leadership from the organizers and the authorities for such a late decision.
Update - All activity has been canceled.
Formula 1 and the FIA, with the full support of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation (AGPC), have taken the decision that all Formula 1 activity for the Australian Grand Prix is cancelled
Any indication that they came to that decision based on OzBargain poll?
you betcha
We should probably tell the government that locking everything down now for 30 days will be far more beneficial for the community and longterm economics of the country than postponing the inevitable.
Locking down now will have serious long term government trust issues.
One day - no need to stockpile.
they were clearly waiting for 90 responses for announcing, hence the delay
Do you know how much effort it takes to run this event??… Ffs, a total waste of ppls time. Imagine being guy who has to setup the garage for each team. Or the spectators coming from overseas. Should have never got off the ground. They had plenty of time.
This is lack of leadership 101.
This is the effect of trying to desperately putting money before people.