Hi Y'all. I transferred $12 to a bank account for a Gumtree purchase of a mattress from a guy and then he stopped replying to give me a pick up address.
How should I report it? I would like Karma to kick him in the ass. I am not worried about the $'s. Gumtree does not seem to have a reporting system.
Scammed of $12 on Gumtree. How to Report?

Last edited 13/03/2020 - 13:53 by 1 other user
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You posted it on OzB.
Move on.Why didn't you pay cash on pickup?
Helps to inspect it before handling over the money.
You paid $12 for a mattress, you deserve to be scammed
Is scam the new lingo for fleas?
Why? I've 'sold' a mattress for $20 on gumtree. It was in our guest bedroom and rarely used. I only charged for it to ensure that someone will come to collect it. The person who came was an international student. So my wife told him he could keep the money, gave him half a loaf of freshly-baked banana bread, some bed-linen and I ended delivering the mattress.He reminded us of when we were struggling uni students and how much being poor sucked.
Half a loaf of banana-bread??? You got anything else for 'sale'?
Just his banana left. Want it?
@AdosHouse: I won't deny I'm in the same situation (and have been for about a year!)… but man, I ain't touching no banana! hahaha :p
Just his banana left. Want it?
Did my banker mention my lucrative side-business? 🤨 So much for private and confidential…
Good job man, im 100% sure that international student will "pass it on" when he is financially secure later in life.
He did, he sold a mattress to OP for $12.
Here's the dialogue from Godfather:
That Sonny's runnin' wild. He's thinking of going to the mattresses already.
No, no, no! No more! Not this time, consiglieri. No more meetings, no more discussions, no more Sollozzo tricks. You give 'em one message: I want Sollozzo. If not, it's all-out war: we go to the mattresses.The coronavirus got to him. Sue his estate for your $12.
$12 bank transfer? Didn't wanna risk walking around with that much cash?
Easy there baller.
maybye got scared of the new 2 years jail over 10k in cash transactions… better be safe then sorry
Slow day huh
Get him to buy you 2 happy meals and call it even Steven.
Gumtree does not seem to have a reporting system.
You mean to say you missed the "Report" link on the ad, straight under the picture? Or you can contact Gumtree here
Both easy to find if you looked
He probably doesn't have enough sleep. No mattress, remember?
Yep I missed it. Thanks.
Relax mate he’s working offshore on an oil rig in Nigeria, probably doesn’t have Internet till he’s off rotation
Won't even buy a roll of toilet paper on line.
What sort of mattress costs that little?
Cost you more than that to sterilise it and remove the urine stains.
I'd prefer to sleep on that toilet roll.
Cost you more than that to sterilise it and remove the urine stains.
That isn't urine….
But don't worry, OP has been stocking up on hand sanitizer and is the reason why he can only afford a $12 mattress. He can spray a few bottles on the mattress.
why would you not just give him the money when you pick up the mattress?
So many questions about this. The first: why in the hell would you buy a second hand mattress on gumtree? For 12 bucks!!
It's "like new.. but slightly yellow"!
Why didn't you let me know you needed a mattress? There are many thrown out in better condition for council clean up around where I live (~20 mins away) that you could have/can get for free.
Well, he still needs one
Use his details to sign up for a bunch of recurring donations to charities. Say 20 a month over 5 to 10 charities should do it.
Could you even potentially (obviously would have repercussions on yourself if/when caught), use someones bank details to have your bills direct debited automatically ? lol
Yeah don't be silly and link anything to your own bills, but charities are a gift in these scenarios.
I wouldn't do either, the thought just crossed my mind
@Danstar: Side story; I worked at a bank a while back and one of the call centre guys used a customers credit card to bpay his own bills from within the banking systems. Dumbest move ever.
one of the call centre guys used a customers credit card to bpay his own bills from within the banking systems.
How could this cunning plan failed so badly?
Send multiple 1cent transactions to his bank account with a some very sexual descriptions.
On there forever
You are evil
"for sexual services"
"5 grams of meth"
"explosives"basically, anything that would put him on a watch list.
ASCII artwork
“One roll of loo paper with 1gram coke”
My wife and I have separate bank accounts and she regular used to transfer money to my account to pay for groceries and miscellaneous. It started out as $70 per week and progressively became more over the years. She thought it would be funny to label those recurring transfers as "Sex service fee". I once had a very awkward conversation with my banker about my lucrative side-business.😂 Can confirm that it stays on there forever. Also, one of the main reason why I closed my commonwealth account.
When the banker asks about it, just give them a sly look and say "I'm just that good".
Haha. His actual question was , "Do you have a licence to practice that lucrative side-business of yours?"
my best friend and I label our $ transfers sexual stuff… then we bought a house together. bank person did mention it 😂
I had a mate who borrowed money off me to get his car fixed around that time. He transferred whatever he could, whenever he could. Took him about a year to pay me back the $8500 he had borrowed. He labelled those transfers as "weed money". Between the sex payments from my wife and the weed money from my mate, it sure did look like I had a lucrative side-business. No wonder they approved my mortgage quick smart🤣
But that would also mean that those transfers are also on your account forever too. Supplying some "very sexual descriptions"
I have a Westpac account. When I send money to people it has a field for what appears on your statement and a field for what appears on the recipient's statement.
lol, this thread was a tangent. Just report to your bank and chargeback. Might not have even left your account if less than 48hrs.
$12 for a mattress.
Location: EPPING.
19NOICE mattress!!
featured on redtube
Wow, a bank transfer on Gumtree and buying a second hand mattress unseen? Just one more and you would have a trifecta.
Have you any idea how much has been wiped off the stock exchange…. any idea what so ever
People that buy $12 mattresses don't watch the stock market. I'd be willing to bet you $12.
Congrats, you're the number 1589689958th person to be scammed on gumtree via bank transfer!
Cash on pick up!
I did a no. of bank transactions vide Gumtree for minor products and the payments are usually not more than $10.00. All have been genuine and good. There are more good people than otherwise.
You've made your bed now sleep in it. oh thats right..no bed.
I will give you half of $12 as im broke - whats your paypal email
THanks to those like Spacebace that gave helpful comments. As for the mattress and $12. I was not going to use it. I am staging my home for selling. And I certainly don't care about the $12. But if it happens to me then it could happen to someone else.
But if it happens to me then it could happen to someone else.
This scam isn't new, it's not unique. You're that "someone else" the last 100000th guy said.
Can't you give the bad ratings?
Consider yourself lucky it was only $12.
Think about scamming someone for 12 dollars ..
$12 is a lot of money…
That's sad
try a credit card chargeback maybe. screenshot all ur communication.
I doubt the gumtree seller had a merchant terminal to accept a $12 payment on. But this is a strange story so…..
Just try calling your bank and report this ask for a dispute
Your bank will get the money back for you.
I'll give you a mattress for free.
No one is going to be doing anything about your $12.
Also, I doubt someone went to the trouble of scamming $12 from you, maybe the guy is busy or at work.