I recently collected a roo into the font of my car, not enough to write it off but enough to make it significantly unroadworthy. I have comprehensive insurance that's covering it, but they want me to copay two parts that had some minor damage from previously things. My bonnet had some very minor hail spots and my wheel cover had a dent from a previous roo. The insurance assessors possition was that the lastest damage to both these parts was repairable but he had concerns that when they go to paint the repaired parts that it will make the previous damage look bad/worse and that if I copay they will replace the entire damaged part ($160 for bonnet and $130 for wheel cover on top of $800 excess).
I'm not too concerned about paying, it seems like fair price to replace the entire part, I'm just wondering if something like this is normal or if I'm being unfairly squeezed? That they should be replacing the damaged part regardless of its prior condition?
sounds like a fair price actually ($160 and $130)