I am looking for a torch, just general household use.
Obviously OZB approved bargain.
Any ideas?
I am looking for a torch, just general household use.
Obviously OZB approved bargain.
Any ideas?
amazon has a mini maglite for 12 bucks, just got it the other day
Had one od those 12" along with a 4" in a pack years ago. The smaller one broke and the large one i never used, but when i tried the batteries had disintegrated and destroyed it.
Needs a torch, not a personal security baton! I have a 5D and that thing is a weapon. Just wish I could afford the better LED bulb.
As you have not bothered to search yourself on the many websites selling torches, I will keep you in the dark.
Aww come on, mate. Help shed some light on this issue.
shed some torch! 🔦
I have searched. But looking for a bargain. As previously had cheap chinese ones which have not lasted.
Phone is a good suggestion tbh. True OZB.
Does it have to be an iPhone though? :(
general household use? maybe something with 5000 lumens with a reach of 800 metres
FMD … what is the use case for this?
I think the people that would you this would be on a rural property or search and rescue
Fair enough. It would have to be some highly specialised, yet equally frequent use to justify. I had no idea there were thousand dollar torches out there.
@Seraphin7: this is probably not that expensive compared to others on the market.
however the light quality is excellent. watch some youtube videos on reviews of these big torches.
I have a couple that are about $50-$100 and they exceed the application I use them for
@Archi: Interesting. I too have one in that sub-$100 range and it does everything I could ever imagine ever wanting to do with a torch in my circumstances.
I guess I assumed that any "higher end" applications would use more a spotlight solution than a torch, but there you go …
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general household use
There are many different types of torches. Can you provide some scenarios? Most houses have ceiling lights and/or other light sources.
Watching the dog in the backyard late at night to make sure she poops before bed.
So a direct light so i don't cauae havoc with neighbour's at 2:00am and a reach of 50m
I carried a torch for a girl at uni for many years, but they eloped with my best mate. Gee I miss him.
Change your eating habits and have a light meal each night.
I made a torch page on the ozbargain wiki. If you can be more specific, I'll give more specific recommendations.
Excellent page, @pinchies! But, tbh, I'm still lost. It seems the technology has progressed quite a bit since you wrote it, with all the xhp's and cob leds in the market (I'm seeing xhp90, xhp100 and 900,000 lumens advertised—are they real? Or scam?). It'd be great if you took a moment to update it.
Also, reading up on comments here and watching YouTube videos, it seems the flashlights can sort of be categorised on whether they maximise distance, amplitude or focus (or would that be the same as distance?). Personally, I live in a semi rural area, so I'm after one that floods my immediate surroundings so I don't miss any animals around me, don't much care about distance. More like a worklight, perhaps. What should I look for?
Thanks :-)
CREE Led's only go up to XHP70. I don't know anything about 90-100, but I presume that they are just other manufacturers playing off the naming style — I would not trust performance to even exceed XHP35… the amount of heat from an XHP70 already requires very significant heat sinking.
It definitely sounds like you're looking for a flood reflector, the opposite to a high-throw beam.
Maybe something like this? https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/152814250625
mate, you need help getting out of bed too?
Mini rechargeable torch $2.78(bunnings.com.au) - you can use it for general household use, also repels mosquitoes.
Handsfree torch $4.95(bunnings.com.au) - It follows you around, it's magic!
Wall torch $3.99(bunnings.com.au) - Turn any wall into a torch!
Lightsaber torch $6.98(bunnings.com.au) - Nnnnnnnnn… Vrãu, vrãu.
Guard Torch $7(bunnings.com.au) - Great for doing those nightly room patrols.
Pen Torch $9(bunnings.com.au) - Put it in your top pocket, if you have one. Careful of leaks though.
Torch Torch Torch $13(bunnings.com.au) - 3x times the light.
Guard Torch $7(bunnings.com.au) - Great for doing those nightly room patrols.
That looks the go.
Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1pawKhNsgE or build your own: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JVqRy0sWWY
Have you ever heard of a place called eBay? You can even download their app.
There you type in what you like, and a list comes up with various products and their price.
It's called eBay. Give it a go.
I bought a CREE rechargeable by USB for $4… it was so good I bought another.
EBAY…. remember that name
This is the best torch I’ve ever owned. You will not regret it!
Hoping I could get some suggestions for a strong torch to keep around the house. Phone flashlight is usually ok but need something strong to have for blackouts or to use around the yard if required.
hi, such a difficult question to answer but if you don't want something super compact with a lithium battery, personally i have one of these that live in the boot of the car and another in the garage. for some reason the LED and old big 6v latern batteries seem to last forever YMMV and they are tough as.
if you go down the route of something lithium ( OLIGHT have been good to me but there are huge amounts of brands) you'll get huge light output in a small form factor but you'll be paying for that in $ and also the need to treat the light with more care with charging etc.
good luck.!
Thanks, definitely had a few of these bricks over the years! Could be a good option to fall back on and having a back up for the car is definitely an idea.
i'd recommend getting anything with blf in the name if you do a little research. blf stands for budget light forum and manufacturers will build to community specs, hence a well built torch.
Been used for centuries without issues
Thanks for sharing the link. I will have a look through but for now I am just after something "off the shelf" and not having to wait too long for delivery especially given current issues.
If you already have Ozito PxC or Ryobi one power tools they have torches in their range. I have the ozito and it’s good - plus I always have batteries charged for other uses. Not sure about the Ryobi.
Considering something like this from BCF
or cheaper version from Anaconda