Hey guys, I've got a housing-related question to throw at you all.
My two housemates and I are going to re-negotiate our living situation, and I'd appreciate some unbiased external input on the situation. Just to make things even easier for you, here's a house floorplan I've painstakingly notated (deepest apologies for not using MSPaint):
Housemates 1 and 2 are currently in the red and blue rooms, while Housemate 3 is in the green room. Obviously the green room is much bigger than the other two, and includes a walk-in robe as well as a large ensuite.
Let's say the current rent for one of the two smaller rooms is at $100 per week… if so, how much would you expect to pay for the larger room per week - and why?
To have the private bathroom I'd be happy at 150. Done shared and f that lol