Wife just had a minor accident where the other driver was clearly at fault. At the signal, he was waiting in the right only lane, but on green he merged on to the left (our lane) causing the accident.
We took the photos and videos but unfortunately we don't have the dash cam and he did. However, he was really uncooperative, pretended to not speak english, didn't want to provide ID or phone number so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't provide the dash cam footage as well.
We do have comprehensive insurance but my excess is high $2000. Just wondering what are our options in case the driver refuses to provide dashcam footage? Should we still contact our insurance company and let them deal with the other driver?
Thank you for reporting your accident to the Ozbargain community. As per our terms and conditions, you must report here before contacting police or your insurance provider. Your report must also include an MS Paint drawing to help assist you with resolving the matter. Please hold while our community experts grab their popcorn.