Duped by a 16 year old at KFC drive-through

Lol got duped by a 16 year teen at KFC. Ordered 5 original recipe at drive thru. After paying they said they only had 3 left and offered 3 chicken tenders instead of the 2 original recipe chicken pieces I paid for.

Thinking 3 is better than 2 i agreed. After opening our KFC dinner box at home, I realised a tender has like a third the amount of chicken as original chicken. Hence, I got fooled into getting less than I paid for. Aint gonna happen next time, I will sharpen my KFC chicken negotiating skills for next time.


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KFC Australia
KFC Australia


  • +132

    Slow news day…

    • +26

      Ozbargain Forums - bringing you the news that matter.

      • +27

        This is not the news you deserve, but its the news you get

    • +1

      Not entirely. This post serves as a stark warning to anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation. There's not much worse than coming home from a drive through order and finding the wrong pieces. I feel for you, OP.

      • +2

        Haha thanks, appreciate the empathy mate

      • There's not much worse than coming home from a drive through order and finding the wrong pieces.

        Getting trapped in the drive-thru for 30 minutes and then being told they've run out of chicken…

  • +31

    You should've put the chicken tenders on kitchen scales and uploaded a picture to Facebook and Twitter to show everyone how underweight they are.

    • +2

      Should have thought of this before I ate them all =(

      • +23

        You can weight Yourself now and compare with your weight before eating dinner.

        • +6

          Im about 50 grams lighter than I should have been had my original order been served

        • Or he could wait and weigh what comes out the other end.

          • @syousef: I dont know if this would work.

            Ive got my maccas breakfast and dominos lunch to separate in my stool

  • +15

    Tenders are better than original recipe anyway. You're paying for bone and not much else.

    • Surely if I want to choose quantity over quality, KFC should oblige?

      I'll admit the tenders were tasty but I needed to eat a pack of chips afterwards as I was not full enough.

      • I needed to eat a pack of chips afterwards as I was not full enough.

        protein, fats and carbs - balanced meal, KFC style.

        • My favourite layers in the food pyramid

    • last I looked most of the volume and weight of KFC chicken was the thick outside casing of fat-absorbed 'batter'

      like the old fish fingers - looked like all fish - but if you actually measured the size of the fish relative to the dimensions of the whole fish 'finger' the fish was like 30% of the fish finger (I forget - long time since i …)

      original recipe - gonna be a lotta bone - I'm a white meat guy misself - don't like knawing on bones - I'm not a dog - I'm more like a cat …

      • +3

        Growing up, whenever I'd go to the fish markets with mum, I found myself always trying to find fingers on fish. What a (profanity) lie that turned out to be.

        • If fish had fingers, that would be creep AF

  • +3

    Tenders are better tbh. So much juicier.

  • +28

    Never accept the first offer.

    Your KFC game is weak.

    • +1

      Yeah I know, but this was the first time I ordered KFC in months. Was caught off guard. But I learnt a good life lesson today which I will never forget

      • -1

        'life lessons 101 - as learned via chicken tenders'

        aw - hand holding coming your way !

        • +1

          It may be chicken tenders today, it could be a house tomorrow.

          These chicken nuggets may have saved OP a few hundred thousand buckaroos in the future.

  • +16

    Boy could not fulfil the original request and offered you an alternative with which you agreed. Seems hardly his fault you don't know what chicken tender looks like. #boyisinnocent

  • -2


  • +4

    How do you know he was 16?

    • +5

      And how do you know it was a 'he' ?

      • Based on this comment from Ryanek:

        Boy could not fulfil the original request and offered you an alternative with which you agreed. Seems hardly his fault you don't know what chicken tender looks like. #boyisinnocent

        • +5

          Ryanek was not there when I ordered. Guess a case of the blind leading the blind hahaha

    • +2

      But to answer your question, it is an educated guess. Theres a margin of error of plus or minus 1 year.

  • +1

    No. Tenders is all meat.

    • +9

      Yes. but menders are all teat

      • +1

        I'm confused by my LOL as much as I'm confused by this comment

  • Are you saying you are 16 years old ? Cause you duped yourself.

  • Cool story.

    But what did you think a 'chicken tender' was? A nicer piece of chicken you'd never come across before? Did you at any time wonder why were they so nice to offer you 3 pieces instead of 2?

    • +3

      Way to go kicking me while Im feeling down on chicken.

      Did not realise the KFC tender would be so TINY. I placed my trust of chicken in Kfcs hands and they abused my trust.

      I think a 3:2 conversion was really poor value given my original order could not be fulfilled through no fault of my own.

      • Was genuinely interested and being open minded. Sorry if it came across otherwise.

        It was a question not statement and being me I would've asked, so what's the difference between the 2. But I can understand if you're hungry for your chicken… logical choices can go out the window!

        I agree, now knowing what a chicken tender is (thanks to you) a 3-2 conversion isn't really fair. I'd have settled for a 2tenders for 1 piece. Though some may think a tender is twice as nice.

        On the bright side you still had 3 otherwise decent pieces of the chicken pieces?

        Wait so you got duped by a girl and a member of the opposite sex? If so, welcome to the real world, first of many lessons to come!

        • +1

          Yep I got duped by the opposite sex.

          I dont think I can ever show my face at a KFC joint again without feeling heavy shame

          • @AbsX: End of the day, it's easy to get duped by a friendly face and a smile. Be glad it was just a piece of chicken and not a scammer that's stolen your $1,500 gift cards. No shame in that unless you were the colonel himself.

            I use this to my advantage all the time - don't feel bad. I don't target certain traits, more just a try it anyway nothing personal on the other end. If you don't try you might not get.

            Staff was probably just trying to move the line on and not keep you waiting for another 10-15mins. Maybe they believed giving a substitute was a bonus that otherwise wasn't allowed as part of a package - who knows?

      • I trusted that nice 16yo in a KFC uniform and they gave me less chicken than I thought I might get.


      • +1

        Way to go kicking me while Im feeling down on chicken.

        Way to go kicking him in the tenders.

  • Were you offered to wait until there was more product?

    That’s what usually happens.

    Maybe they had plenty of chicken but he just scammed you :/

    EDIT: why has this thread been reported?

    • Nope no offer.

      • That sux.

        It also sux that you paid before they told you that they couldn’t complete the order.

        In hindsight you could have done lots of things different eg. Offering to wait.

        Those 16 year old boys, I suppose, can seem pretty intimidatingly ; really?

  • -1

    Cool story bro, nearly as good as mafs

  • +2

    The kid is saving your life by giving you less.

    • Never thought of it this way.

      But now I have less money for my private health extras plan to claim on a weight loss regime.

    • Using the same logic, OP was actually best told to f-off from the start. Saved dollars and future health.

      • Don’t disagree on that. It has been years since I ate at KFC. I prefer my calorie rich food is delicious.

  • yeah unfortunately they hire really young workers. Ask to have the small stuff in a second box so you can count them. Ordered the streetwise meal once and seemed short on a few things. Probably too lazy to make more of the missing item versus any larger conspiracy.

  • Yeah to me, 3 tenders wouldn't make up for 2 pieces of chicken, I'd be okay (full wise) eating 2 pieces of the original recipe, but I'd demolish 3 tenders like it was nothing. I think the 2 pieces usually have a big one (or two?) which to me is bigger then the two tenders. This would definitely be a no thanks I'll wait/refund plz for me.

  • +1

    How do you know she was 16?

    • Already answered this question earlier

  • +4

    I need to see an MSPaint diagram

  • +1

    Report to ACA or 7 News. This is not acceptable.

    • Are they going to use tenders as bails for the Women’s BB games?

  • it will be on news.com.au soon
    they use our forums as new articles

    spam a few.replies
    get it as a hot topic and watch it fly on to their website

    • Then it would really be a slow news day hahaha

      • +1

        hi i'm from news.com.au
        what time was it? were you driving a high yield investment car? Do you think you were discriminated against because of this?
        Would you describe yourself closest to a starving firefighter / single mom / pensioner?

        • Neither,

          Im just a hungry adult male that wanted to share a meal with my fiancee because we could smell KFC chicken in the carpark before doing grocery shopping.

        • I’m all of the above. How much will you pay me for my story?
          (Note: higher $$ = better story)

          • @pebee47: I'll pay you with Holden stocks or Ebay Vouchers (for eligible items only)

    • Yep lesson learnt =(

  • +1

    Tenders are better anyway, think about it, you probably would've gotten the rubbish bits that are mostly bone

  • +2

    In terms of monetary value (according to their online menu):
    2 pieces of Original Recipe = $6.00
    3 Tenders = $6.95

    You came out ahead by $0.95.

    • Wow $6.95 for 3 tenders, legalised robbery right there

    • -2

      But 10 tenders is $10 at the moment.

  • lol duped by a 16 old get wickwings, well there are bones in original pieces.

  • Username does not check out

  • +2

    I'd be contacting the ACCC and maybe the AFP just for good measure. Maybe even go as far as getting ASIO involved because what this 16yo kid has done is akin to a terrorism!
    This sort of stuff just should not be happening in Australia!

    • +1

      Haha Im not that angry at the situation.

      An ozbargain thread is good enough for me.

      • I’m sure one of the legal teams out there will make a class action out if it (for a cut of the settlement 🤨)

  • When you realise you got duped, you went back and ask for their age?

    • +1

      Haha i was already a 10 minute drive away when I realised I got duped. I decided it wasn't worth the effort to drive back to demand a few more tenders and thought it was a better idea to moan about it on ozbargain instead.

      The age is an educated guess based on looks and so I could come up with a punchy headline for this thread.

      • Hehe nice one!

        Only a priest would make a U-turn in your case.

  • +2

    i hate when you get 3 wings in a 5 piece box.
    a wing is not a piece of chicken when the bone to meat ration is more.
    better to ask for the burger breast fillets when the run out of pieces.

    • +3

      i got 6 wings + 2 breast pieces in a 8 piece box.

      made a complaint through the app. was contacted by kfc manager, apologied to, and offered a credit for the whole meal to be claimed within 14 days.

      may be petty, but they appreciated the feedback as it was trainees working at that time and consistency is key.

  • +2

    Last week KFC incorrectly packed my order and gave me 10 less wicked wings than I ordered. When I went back to pick it up, the manager offered 4 chocolate mousse as compensation for the trouble. Overall pretty happy even though took up an extra 30 minutes.

    • 30 minutes?!?! I waited once at Maccas 30 mins for a family meal and got compensated 4 sundaes. I finally understood what hangry meant that day.

      • +1

        Most people can't even wait 5 minutes at Maccas without being up in arms.

        • It's as if they were expecting fast food or something.

  • +2

    Ex KFC manager here. I probably would've given you 4 tenders. Next time ask for 2 burger fillets instead.

    • +6

      Is that why you're an EX manager?

  • +1

    Those pesky pubescent young whipper snappers

  • probably his manager telling his worker what to offer you instead.

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