Sydney City looks to be investigating using drones instead of fireworks at public events. I saw footage online of these drone shows and they look pretty good. What do you think?
Are Drone Shows Better than Fireworks?

Last edited 23/02/2020 - 10:30 by 1 other user
Better to just tax us less to begin with instead of having our money go through the inefficiencies of government before being given back to us.
They can't do that. More laws are needed to deal with the failure of the last lot, and always need more government as regulations are needed to
save us from ourselvessorry, 'keep us safe'.That said, root cause of all the money problems are neglect and accountability, and that is because of of how we choose to (accept) our present government structure, not just the crooks we elect into it. Even 30M people have no need for so many state-level governments when we have local and federal already, that's the best place to start.
That would be better, but whether or not that happens is another story.
Never having seen one in real life I think it could be cool, but nothing will beat the atmosphere of real fireworks. The novelty factor would wear off eventually
Drone show viewing angle is significantly less than a fireworks show.
Not sure how that's going to work when people watch from all around the harbour.
Drones are made by china and are used to spread the china big pharma corona infection!
Yes they are, haven't you seen the documentary on them? I think it was called spiderman far from home.
Drone shows aren't as bright as fireworks and can't be seen as far away, not to mention the viewing angle issue.
However drone shows are way cheaper than fireworks, according to Canberra times
Shows using about 500 drones had been reported to cost as little as $75,000, while the decision to go ahead with Sydney's recent fireworks display cost the council more than $6.5 million.
So maybe we could compensate by having a massive number of drones. Shanghai drone show had 2000 drones as a benchmark.
Could be used to replace the fireworks in darling harbour on Saturdays. Or at least combine the 2 so less fireworks are used overall.
Im all for anything that reduces our environmental footprint while still giving us joy
I think for the smaller type events, a drone show could be quite enjoyable.
You're going to need a BUCKET load of drones to do something like a NYE event though.
As long it's cheaper, I support drones.
It's my tax Money anyway. Better to Use it to subsidize transportation cost instead.