I moved out at 18 (well 17y10m to be precise), I'm 39 this year and yes I'm of Asian descent.
My folks were somewhat strange/cool/adaptive - they were very strong teaching us (my older sister) of our Asian culture/values but also really took the whole Western value/concept of Independence to a serious level. Both of us were encouraged/asked to move out upon completing our year 12 exams and before that to actually work (I worked at Woolies/Safeway as it was known back then). Don't get me wrong though, we were not pushed out by any means but both mum and dad gave us the freedom to move out and also did say it would do wonders growing up and it was a "rite of passage" but we were always told we could move back if we ever needed to.
I remembered it was hell daunting trying to organise how I'd move out right after the VCE exams, heck I had one exam left to go by the time I moved out. Looking back though it was one of life's best lessons..remember this was days prior to the Internet being useful. I was very fortunate I had 2 friends through my sports social group who were a little older than me who I actually managed to convince them to move in with. I rented for 2 years before I got my own place.
Milk the free board as long as possible.