Best nbn Provider in Canberra!

Thinking about changing my provider. Who do you recommend guys? Need good streaming speed that's all. 500GB+


  • +2

    It's not NBN but I think iinet is still doing half price VDSL for the first 12 months on a 24 month contract and it's faster than similarly priced NBN plans. It's not available everywhere but may be worth looking into.

    • +1

      Yeah definitely this if available in your area.

  • +1

    The provider doesnt matter quite as much as the connection. If your lines are crappy (Long distance to ADSL exchange/Fibre Node, old copper in your house, old copper in your street etc.) switching provider wont change that.

    With providers, support and CVC are generally the biggest things that make a difference. If an ISP doesnt buy enough bandwidth (CVC) for all of their members at peak times, you'll see slowdowns. Cheap providers dont buy enough.

    Aussie Broadband is probably one of the best you can get in Australia, they even publish their CVC stats and what they buy is almost always ahead of the demand. Their support are all Aussies in Moe, Victoria. BUT, you pay for it. Im on a $99 plan for Unlimited.

    Next one down thats popular is TPG, at $79 for Unlimited. Not as good as AussieBB, but completely fine for most people and have the ability to repair their own stuff rather than being a reseller.

    • I have fttp. Inside the house must still be copper though, not sure. 8 yr old property.

  • Im around the Canberra region and Im with Superloop.
    My line speed due to FTTN is 12/6.

    While the Govt screwed us all over with changing from FTTP to FTTN etc,
    they could of at least had more than one node in each suburb, rather than mine which is quite a distance away, in another suburb entirely..

    I started on their 50/20 plan but changed to 25/5 once the speed issue became apparent.
    They did 4 line speed tests and I did my own speed tests and they switched me to the lower plan and gave a reimbursement for the 1st months difference in plan cost and I also kept my $21 monthly discount that was through Whistleout Whistleout21FOR6
    expired now but for reference:

    I guess once I get to the end of the 6 month discount period, I will switch provider to see if there is any difference or max just line speed.

    The only issue I have faced is their poor call response times, so get in early and be 1st in line…
    I took the call back option, they did call me back which was great, I didn't have to sit waiting.
    The guy I spoke to was great, so once you actually get a person, the result was positive.

    • Once coexistence ends you'll be able to nag the NBN for a line fix, as 12/6 will fall under the minimum acceptable service line.

      • Thanks for that. Is good to know.

        Edit was a double comment

  • Not iinet, I'm using it, its cheap and nasty.
    Ozb like Aussie Broadband.
    But according to…, its Optus

    But area you living in matters.

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