• expired

100% ($4.90) Cashback on Catch Connect $4.90 40GB 30 Day SIM @ Cashrewards


1000th Deal! To celebrate I reached out to TA for a special deal and he was able to negotiate with Catch Connect a repeat of this very popular deal. A 1000th deal with 100% cashback resulting in a free SIM card packed with data, unlimited calls and unlimited text ๐Ÿ˜Š

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank scotty, his awesome team, the power users and of course… the rest of community for their support over the years and making this community what it is today.

Catch Connect $4.90 30 Day SIM:

  • 40GB data allowance
  • Unlimited standard national talk & text
  • Unlimited calls to standard national numbers, 13/1300 numbers, and unlimited standard national SMS and MMS
  • Expiry: 30 Days

Cashrewards Terms:

  • 100% ($4.90) cashback is available only on 30-day 40GB plan (ID 831) between 8AM and 11:59PM AEDT 15/02/20.
  • Cashback is only eligible on the initial purchase of a new service.
  • Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase.
  • Cashback is ineligible when store credit or gift cards are redeemed (spent).
  • Cashback is ineligible when using coupon codes not listed on Cashrewards.
  • Cashback is ineligible on recharges to existing services.

Seeing $4.45? See explanation

More than one cashback per Cashrewards account is allowed, provided you meet all the Catch Connect conditions and click back through Cashrewards for each new transaction. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/8347877/redir

Referral Links

Referral: random (3762)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Catch Connect
Catch Connect

closed Comments

  • +13

    Well done Clear. Thanks for all your efforts.

  • +20

    As a rep I canโ€™t vote on the deal, but suffice to say youโ€™re an incredibly knowledgeable individual and a fine asset to the community. Congratulations, and hereโ€™s to another thousand ๐Ÿบ :)

    • +5

      Thanks! Let's hope the next 1000 isn't in another 6 years. We'll all be too old then ๐Ÿ˜…

      • Some of us are already too old now!

        • +1

          It's either you or alvian who end up being the oldest at the meetups ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

  • +3

    You deserve a thousand upvotes๐Ÿ˜‰

  • +3

    Well done ๐Ÿ‘

  • +4

    Huge congratulations Clear! 1000 deals is a monster effort, thanks for being such a great contributor to this site over the years and into the future :)

  • +1

    Can this be used with an existing Catch Connect account/email address? Or new accounts only like previous deals.

    • +2

      I too would like to know. Arthur Dunger just spent the last hour and hasn't answered the question.

    • Confusing as I did get 4 SIMs (diff numbers) with one email address and one residential address.

  • +2

    Is there a limit on how many sims you can buy and still get the 100% cashback?

  • Is the cashback valid on others? Eg 90 day $15-4.90=$10.10?

    • +1

      Cashback on 90 Day Plan ID 834 $5.00

  • +1

    Amazing contribution to the community Clear. Congratulations ! & Thank you for all the deals.

  • Will I still be eligible for cashback if I switch to other company within 30 days after activation?

    • Yes. You only need to activate SIM. Beyond that, you are free to do whatever.

  • Missed out on the last one. Will buy it this time thanks OP! and congrats on the 1000 deals, huge achievement

  • +1

    Thanks Clear for your contributions to OzB :)

  • +2

    Congratulations and Thanks for all awesome deals Clear.. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿป

  • +2

    Great Job Clear, Keep it up :)

  • Hey Clear and TA - I'll be looking for something like this in May-June when my Boost runs out.
    Can we schedule a repeat for around then?

  • When does one need to activate it?

    • Service must be activated within 30 days of purchase.

  • Is there a limit of 1 cashback per Cashrewards account? I want to get 2 for me and my partner.

  • +1

    Congratulations on the 1000th deal ! These free SIMs are awesome as always :D

  • +1

    Congrats and thanks for all the good deals and support.

  • +3

    Nice! Will work perfectly as my second (data only) sim in my new TCL Plex!! :D

  • Can I buy a sim card locally or have to wait for it to be mailed?

    • +1

      Must be purchased via Cash Rewards link otherwise no method to track your order for Cashback……….!

      • You can also use a linked Cashrewards card for different stores and pay instore without going through Cashrewards website/app and be eligible for CB

        However I agree with you this specific deal is not available instore otherwise it would have been mentioned by CR rep or in CR website and no way to know if it was for a new service etc

      • Sorry, I didnโ€™t explain properly. I have ordered it, but I need the sim sooner and I am wondering if I can buy a $2 sim rather than wait for the one that is in the post already

        • +3

          No as the new SIM you buy in Store wouod be a different SIM number and not linked to the one you ordered here/linked to the specific Cashback.

  • +1

    Fingers crossed Catch Connect continues forever! Love it. Can't work out how they can be a sustainable business, though probably selling marketing email list.

    Gonna be interesting to see what TPG-Vodafone brings to the market

  • when does the deal end? Can i get this again if I got the one from a week ago?

    • +1

      11:59pm AEDT tonight. Yes you can.

  • Has it been confirmed that if we already got last weeks deal and the cashback that we can get it again?

    • +2

      Yes you can as it's a new promo.

      • Thanks mate.

  • Hiw do you cancel recurring payments? Unable to remove CC details

    • +2

      See headphonejack's old post description.

      • +2

        And to add to that you will need to activate the service first then there will be a "Check It Out" button. Follow it. You will only be able to disable recurring payments once the service is activated

  • If I buy 2 sim cards do I get cash back twice (2 x $4.9)?

    • +2

      Yes you do, provided you meet all the Catch Connect conditions. Also, please ensure you click back through Cashrewards for each new transaction. Thanks.

      • +2

        More than one cashback is allowed per CR account? That's great news. (My incorrent answer above removed.)

  • Curses! I needed a new prepaid SIM plan and I started reading OzB for deals in reverse chronological order. Purchased the 90 days Kogan Mobile for $14.90 and missed this beauty.

    Congrats Clear on your 1000 deal.

    • You can still get the Catch Connect deal, activate it and then port out to 90 days kogan. You will probably get to be on Catch Connect for approx a week (depending on how quick SIM gets shipped to you) to ensure you port/activate the Kogan deal by 29th feb

      • Kogan's voucher must be activated by 29 Feb, so I'll end up using less than 1/2 of this deal by porting to Kogan.

        I'll probably get a CC SIM anyway to celebrate Clear's milestone and put it to use as a 4G backup to nbn.

  • After the 30 days is up, can you recharge at their cheaper plan, ($16.90) and not the $50 plan? Does the data roll over with catch?

  • I bought the similar deal posted a week ago already. Can I buy this deal and get the cash back again?

  • +1

    So it's $4.90 p/month or just for 30 days? After 30 days it's $49.90? Can someone please clarify?I bought 2 sim cards thinkin it's $4.90 after 30 days too. If it's $49.90 after,can I cancel my simcards order? Someone please help. Thanks

    • I want to know too. Its an ok deal for a throwaway sim but bad deal if you actually want to use it after the 30 days.

    • So it's $4.90 p/month or just for 30 days? After 30 days it's $49.90?

      $4.90 for the first 30 days, $49.90 thereafter per recharge

      • Can you downgrade to a lower plan? And does catch have a data bank?

        • +1

          Can you downgrade to a lower plan?

          I believe so, I am not entirely sure how difficult it is as I have never done that. You would need to contact Catch Connect as shown in the link below

          does catch have a data bank?

          Data does not rollover or have data banking

    • Yes you can cancel. One you have activated tbe SIM, you can then just turn off Autopayments. No further charges will occur.

  • +3

    Thank you & congratulations Clear!
    Also big thanks to TA!

  • +1

    WOW and WOW!!!

    I have never had a cash back track this fast for me as long as I have been an OzBargain member.
    The tracking email came through as soon as payment was successful on the last screen.

    Well done, TA and co!

  • can someone please assist me?
    I have activated it, I just want to go on a $10 plan.
    Do i need to cancel this subscriptoin with Catch as soon as it is ported?

    • You may as well use the first month included with this $49 as its free (assuming you are on that right now). Disable the "Auto Recharge" once activated.
      As for changing the plan…………am not sure but you could certainly ask them via their "Chat Support" (usually quick to reply).

    • What $10 plan?

  • -1

    Remember today last day to activate the sim.

    • +2

      Today is 28 days from 15/02/20.

  • I forgot to turn off auto recharge and it just charged me for the full monthly price.

    Any chance I can get this reversed?

    • stop using the sim and live chat with them.

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