Say if one was to purchase large quantities of a single product. In such cases, are the shops able to give a better price than advertised ?
Eg. A bottle of honey costs $6, if I was to buy 20 bottles every month - could I get it for cheaper than $120 ?
Does Woolies or Coles Give a Better Price for Larger Quantity Purchases?

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Some products may have a limit on how much you can buy.
no… go to costco if you want to buy bulk
For specials, the majority are loss leaders so they will actually try to stop you buying large quantities.
You'll often see corner store and cafe owners buying packs of coca-cola when they're on sale as the supermarket retail price is less than the wholesale price they can get from their suppliers.
For Coles and Woolworths no way they'd offer a discount for bulk. If you can find a wholesaler who sells the product you might be able to get a better price (unlikely to be lower than supermarket sale price though) but I doubt they'd consider 20 units worth their time. Maybe have a look at Costco if you want to get a quantity like that.
When I used to work at a small Leagues Club, I actually worked out it was cheaper for us to go down to Coles/Woolworths and buy bottles of Coke and pour it into your glass, then it was for us to buy postmix from Coca-Cola directly. One of the reasons I used to hate the "PoStMiX ONly COSts A FeW CeNts To MaKe" bullcrap from customers.
even if you were able to buy 100 bottles a month I would doubt they would give you any special concessions.
Very unlikely. The problem many small businesses have is that their "wholesale" purchases are often no better than the "retail" price at the supermarkets. The supermarkets themselves won't be interested in negotiating on any prices as it's a line of business they just don't want to be in.
If you want to buy a particular item in bulk
maybe look at places like Costco or Campbells Cash and CarryHighly unlikely. We have people buying huge quantities of some items every week. But they get the same price as others. For example we had someone buying 600 bottles of honey at one time. Still got the same price as everyone else.
Yes they do, it's called economy of scale and they already do it every day with every product.
damn, 20 bottles per month, i wouldnt give the time of day mate.