I have a 2012 Kia Sorento Platinum.
It recently had a gearbox replaced because the pump inside of it failed.
I was advised by my workshop mechanic (who is not a gearbox specialist) that is it harmful to drive with manual mode.
The car has a 6 spd automatic gearbox with drive and manual mode.
I've always driven with manual mode in previous cars that I owned with no issues.
It is only recently that someone told me that if I drive an automatic with Manual mode, it can blow the gearbox in a few months to a year.
He says that automatics are mainly to be driven with D-auto mode and that Manual mode is only meant for hill climbing to hold the speed and not for manual like driving.
Can anyone with a bit more understanding explain if this is true?
I was also advised by a gearbox workshop that I should change the oil every 20,000 to 30,000 km on this one because these gear boxes have weak oil pumps in them which easily fail.
All the time? Why?