Cheap Protein Bars?

Hi everyone.

Was wondering if anyone knows of a good place to buy nice & cheap protein bars?
Hopefully they will:
- Taste good
- Low(ish) carbs
- Low sugars

Any suggestions would be great.

Thanks everyone.


  • -1

    Aldi. 3 different flavours - all really delicious (not those chewy disgusting ones made by protein companies). 10g protein and obviously because its Aldi - they're cheap!!

  • +2

    Assuming you are eating these to increase the amount of protein in your diet a protein powder is probably going to be cheaper. It will also have essentially zero carbs and sugar if you choose the right one.

    Protein bars are generally full of a lot of rubbish ingredients.

    • -3

      LOL protein shakes are full of rubbish ingredients

      • lol says the guy recommending Aldi protein bars

        • Aldi protein bars are much healthier than protein shakes. Had a mate who got really sick last year and the doctors said protein powders are essentially an unregulated market so producers can put almost whatever inside them to help people get results short term.

          And your username is bacon what do you know about health?

      • Totally agree. I wouldn’t recommend most protein powders. I’d recommend something like this in the raw unflavoured variety…

        Basically 1 or maybe 2 ingredients vs the science lab protein bars which are full of fillers and usually have less protein than 1 shake.

  • -1

    At Chemist Warehouse…

  • It's cheapest to make your own at home. Youtube has plenty of recipes too.

  • -1

    Why not a simple hard boiled egg? It’s natures protein bar.

    0.6g carbs
    0.5g sugars
    6.3g protein

    • -1

      they smell terrible and it takes time to boil and peel eggs

      • Well, fried with no added fat. Or scrambled. Both quicker to cook.

        • -1

          not the best on the go snack in my opinion

          • @cruiserbruiser: Well, you didn’t like the naturally packaged hard boiled option. I frequently have them on the go (though in outdoor/open environments as you are right, the scent is not desirable to others). And even scrambled in a little container. Just as easy as yoghurt.

            Also, OP never mentioned to-go.

  • -1

    I used to make my own when I tracked macros. Blend oats with almond milk, mix with protein powder and add something for flavour.

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