I started this petition just now. I am interested in knowing your opinion on this. Do you think we should make alcohol ignition interlock devices mandatory? Please read before voting here, sign the petition if you agree and leave comments. Thanks.
Edit: Alright that didnt take long to get the votes rolling. I hadnt expected it to be a overwhelming Yes or No, I simply wasnt sure and was curious to check out the opinions.
I should address some of the very common comments here:
How does this system tell that the person who blew in there is the person driving? Or that it's not blown in by balloon? Or via a pipe blown by the passenger?
The current devices are not equipped with facial recognition, but clearly we have good facial recognition technology in our phones for years now. If fitting these devices was driven by legislation, the devices that would be installed will have facial recognition to counter all of the above hacks.What happens when the device asks for a "during trip" test sample and you refuse? Does the device disable the vehicle while travelling at 110kph?
No. If you fail a running test then it will sound the alarm or horn and flash lights until you stop driving. The car will keep running so you can pull over.In the future it may become a cost effective technology, but then futile because autonomous vehicles will solve these concerns.
I disagree that self driving cars will become common so quickly. The infrastructure needed to get automated cars to work at their best is massive. 5G and 6G are going to help cars communicate with each other, but they will also need to be connected to the "grid" itself - the cars will need to know when there's an accident on the way, they need to be connected to all signals to know whether they are red, yellow or green and make appropriate decisions. Its a LOT of work still to be done for automated cars to become a common reality.
Also, I really dont think people are simply going to give up driving. Car/motorcycle enthusiasts will resist automated cars, I guarantee it.
Additionally it is only going to need a few tragic accidents where automated cars killed children or people and you'll see growing resistance to them.