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Convoy S2+ Flashlight - US $9.99 (~AU $16.34) Delivered @ Banggood

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For whatever reason I was looking through my post history and thought to check the price of a previous deal on this torch, and lo and behold it's at the same price again, which is handy because I lost my last one, and since bought a shorter tube in preparation for the next deal (link here if you're interested in making your own stumpy S2+)

Great basic, cheap torch with decent light output. The choice of options (7135 x4, 7135 x8 etc) refers to the number of LED chips, so the higher the multiplier the brighter the light.

Really well reviewed light - see http://budgetlightforum.com/node/57133

You'll need an 18650 battery and a charger if this is your first light of this type.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice torch. We have 5 at home - the kids have one 71356 each, mrs has red 71358 and I have the copper version and UV

    • +11

      Do you live in a mine?

      • ⛏🔦

      • +8

        My name is Sillen and I'm a torchaholic. I've got 50 odd torches from Lumintop Pico to SOfirn SP70 (that's a ranging from smallest to biggest).

        I have almost overcome my addiction, in late 2018-early 2019 I purchased 80% of my torches, it was a mad rush and I still remember the high of getting at least one or two packages from China every week - torches, chargers, batteries, diffusers, cable, clamp meter, soldering accessories etc etc.

        Under control now, one or two per quarter now if only 'cause I won't buy over $100 (cept RT70) and only purchase something that is unlike what I have already.

        • Only 50? You're a lightweight, pun intended. :)

          I'm running at over 200, have three in the post right now. That's not to mention the various drop ins, batteries, chargers, resize tubes and other bits. I blame the continuous improvements in LED tech. Thankfully most are at the cheap end, but my finger is hovering over buy button for the $900, 100k lumen Imalent MS18

          • +2

            @suburbanmale: chuck a pic of your collection! love to hear which one you like the most for edc, flood and throw

            • @Bacons: They're spread across a few houses, but that's not a bad idea, so I can keep a photo of my loved ones close.

              For edc, I'm loving my new Emisar d4v2, with the 18350 battery tube. It's a proper pocket cannon and the UI really appeals to the torch geek. It and the D4sv2 are good flooders, as is my emisar d18 (I do love the current crop of emisars!) and the trusty BLF Q8. I'm more about flood/wall of light than throw, but my Astrolux FT03 is a pretty good thrower for $50 (approx 900m), but I'm thinking about getting the FT03S with the new SBT90.2 chip. I'd also love to check out the Acebeam W30 with its LEP emitter and laser throw!

              TL;DR, RIP, my wallet.

              • @suburbanmale: Sweet collection! I'd love to get to own a lot of those. Had a 18350 D4 but sold it cause I bought it in SST-20 5000k, otherwise I loved the form factor! Am jealous of the D18 and but I'll probably wait till a v2 comes out cause my wallet is also gone. My most recent is the Noctigon K1W1 which is amazing as a toy (not so much for practicality) but I only bought it to show off anyways.. you have any Zebralights?

                • @Bacons: I do, my zebralight h600fw is my go to head torch when camping. A little old, but great. Also have an h52w for when I'm camping/hiking overseas and don't want to take lithiums and chargers.

              • @suburbanmale: whats the best keychain torch? I have a nitecore but it runs out of batteries quickly.

                • @Andard: Best is hard! I have a nitecore tube on my keyring and it serves me well, recharge is great. But I also like my old tank007, which takes AA and has variable brightness, so you can eke out extra runtime. But I also like the look of the new nitecore tiki range, with either UV or red+blue as secondary lights - they're less than 30 bucks, but haven't yet pulled the trigger :)

          • @suburbanmale: Yeah, but why? I have my addictions too.. But they're alot more diversified than I imagine 200 torches would be

          • +1

            @suburbanmale: You must find daylight hours very frustrating.

            • +1

              @jackspratt: summer sux for walking the torches with my dog :(

            • @jackspratt:

              You must find daylight hours very frustrating.

              Lol, yes. But we're nearly at the point where LED tech can illuminate daylight!

        • Ok, I have what will sound like a strange question. Are any of your torches bright enough to illuminate one's brain? Like, if you press it against your skull, does it penetrate and light it up?

  • +3

    Note: This emitter has a green tint to it that a lot of enthusiasts may find off putting. As said in post, the higher the 7135 count the higher the output but naturally the heat also increases as a result. Also, the increase in brightness between 6x7135 vs 8x7135 is negligible while the heat increase is significant and as such, I would recommend the 6x7135 configuration. I bought one of these with 4x7135 and the brightness was sufficient as this emitter + the smooth reflector is quite throwy so you won't need a lot of output to see a given distance. At 4 x 7135 this flashlight would get warm but not uncomfortably so.

  • The link https://brightbestlight.com/convoy-s2-led-flashlight-review/ is not working any more.

    • Thanks, updated the link to a different review. Didn't actually read it so hopefully the torch is still 'really well reviewed'.

  • Can this also run on AA batteries?

    • nah, it won't fit due to different size and AA voltage is different to lithium ion

  • +1

    Very good reliable torch. 7135x8 gets really hot after 3-4 mins on max. Can comfortably run 7135x6 on max continuously which i recommend. Takes 2 weeks to ship normally.

    Edit: I wouldn't let young kids play with this unsupervised. It is very bright even at 7135x4.

  • How much is a charger?

    • +2


      this one can charge anything and you can bring anywhere

      otherwise look for liitokala lii-100 or the like on banggood or aliexpress which should cost around 6 bucks

      • +1 on the LiitoKala Lii-100. Has a neat feature that you can use it as a powerbank to charge other devices. I carry in my laptop bag always.

  • Where do you guys buy batteries for these? Bought some ultrafires off ebay and they were fakes (at least I got 75% of the money back and got to keep them)

  • Can anyone recommend a battery and a charger

    found this on their comments, but looks like its really expensive


    • for charger: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/516729#comment-8309954

      for battery, one of the best high capacity 18650 in the market:


      must order 2 for $17 though. Individually they cost $11

      • I usually prefer to use protected batteries for torches, to make sure it's not discharged to 0.

        • +1

          this one runs the Biscotti firmware which is made by a member of BudgetLightForum. It has Low Voltage Protection to prevent overdischarge

      • so one single battery cost $11? and the torch that I just bought from this deal here will require two batteries? hence you said must order 2 for $17 ..

        • +1

          Nah torch takes one battery. It's the OzB in him that says you must order two for $17 to get better value for money.
          If you only have one 18650 torch, having two batteries means you will always have a fully charged one handy.

          • @beefsandwich: thanks; can you recommend a charger for this Sanyo 18650 batteries?

            • @tempura: There's plenty around, just depends on how many features you want and batteries to charge.

              Personally I have one of these which also doubles as a powerbank, but if you want super cheap and entry level check out this one. Both probably go cheaper on banggood at times also.

  • has the price increased?

    • Seems to have ~ > $19.5 dollar bucks :( was going to get second one

      • dayum i was about to do what you were about to do .. now i will only have one flashlight

    • Do you mean compared to the last deal? It's a few cents cheaper this time.

      Edit: oh yeah price has increased. Was $16 aud earlier.

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