2.5 metre tent room from the Dune 4WD range. Suitable for Dune 4WD 2.5m awning.
Thanks to Pricehipster
2.5 metre tent room from the Dune 4WD range. Suitable for Dune 4WD 2.5m awning.
Thanks to Pricehipster
2/5 rating with 14 ratings. Something is wrong here even though it looks handy.
People drove off with the tent pitched.
I find most ratings seem to be low on Anaconda. Even when the same product has a high rating everywhere else.
i have a kings awning tent, another cheapie, if its anything like the quality of this, i think they are pretty decent!
however, looks like this one is only 2.5x2…
looks like there is only 3 left in stock
Additional Information:
Dune 4WD Awning & Awning Poles Not Included
Do these only fit DUNE brand awnings, or fit they fit them all?
Normal price $299, historical lowest before today is $179. I still am not sold on how useful this thing is overall, but the price is definitely right.