[QLD] Mobile Phone Fine Increase - $1000 from 01/02/2020

So in case you missed it ,the fine for using a mobile phone while driving is going up to $1000 per offence tomorrow - I think it's just NSW and QLD for now (I could be wrong)

Before the 'nanny state' whinging starts, would you feel the same way if people read books or watched movies while driving?

A car is a multi kilogram guided missile people, at least pay attention where you are guiding it.


    • +1

      It's not a cash grab when the things that deter people the most are losing money or dying so…if you do the wrong thing then you get fined.

    • This is (one reason) why lane filtering is a godsend. You can move between the rows of cars - so you're rarely sitting at the back of a queue of stopped traffic where you can be rear ended by someone not paying attention.

  • +3


    Hope they do this in VIC too.

  • +1

    They already impound cars of 'hoon' drivers, why not impound the phones of those caught driving and using them? I know that this doesn't stop those with multiple phones, or stop someone buying a burner phone, but the inconvenience may cause some to rethink their behaviour.

    • +5

      Don't impound the phone, impound the car. It's incredibly easy to just get a new phone and replacement sim card, so I don't think that's really going to teach anyone anything.

      • Agreed with the ease of getting a new phone, but plenty of people have high end phones on pricey contracts - I think losing their phone for awhile and still paying for it would hurt. Maybe third offense, crush the phone.

  • +4

    What annoys me is that there are some drivers that can be using a mobile phone while eating a sandwich while on drugs and alcohol and still be better drivers than half the morons on our roads. We need to stop giving licenses out to every dick and harry out there who can barely understand the basic road rules, let alone operate a vehicle. Increase the difficulty in getting a license in the first place and have mandatory renewal tests every few years to keep it so people actually see it as a privilege and not a right.

    • +8

      have mandatory renewal tests

      Yes, I think at least a short road rules quiz should be mandatory to renew your license.

      Question 1. Indicators must be used:
      A. Before altering course, for long enough to give sufficient warning to others
      B. Optionally in BMWs, Mercedes, or utility vehicles driven by tradespeople
      C. After you have altered course
      D. For a maximum of one flash

      • +5

        Question 2: does using an indicator give you the right to change lanes without looking or giving way?

      • E: all of the above???

  • +3

    It is blatantly revenue raising.

    IF the state was interested in driver safety, delete the fine and make it an automatic one month in prison.

    Guess who will be using phones whilst driving now? I bet no one.

    • +5

      Too expensive, how many new jails would we need? Financial penalties do work, but need to be enforced. e.g. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/515336

    • +9

      It is blatantly revenue raising.

      What's wrong with that though? Perfectly OK with generating income from idiots rather than raising taxes for all.

    • +2

      It's not really revenue raising, as the fine is optional (as only offenders are fined, and I'm ok with that), but I get the point you are making.

      Instead of bloating the prisons out with mobile phone using retards, I say start impounding cars over it. Treat it under the same legislation as the hoon laws. Caught using your phone while driving, lose the car for a week. Second time, a month. Third time, car gets squashed.

      • @pegaxs good point re: impounding car

        • +1

          I could just see jails being filled with 18~24yo women girls and tradies in utes at tax payers expense. It would cost us thousands per day to keep them there, so the tax payer is the one being punished.

          Also, we cant impound their phone from them, because it's easy to borrow or buy a burner. I don't think the fine is a deterrent either, as that can just be put on $10 a week and paid off over time… But their car gone for a week, holy shit that would hurt most people, especially the young female demographic having to catch "OMG, so gross here on like public transport. I'm gonna like catch like a virus or something… #filthy"

          • @pegaxs: With you on all of that. Except third time car gets taken and sold. No need to squash innocent cars here.

    • one month in prison.

      A bit disproportionate. I say disable their phone number for a week (multiplied by number of times you've been caught). That would be a very strong disincentive for delivery drivers, tradies, as well as the socially-inclined. Plus it doesn't cost much.

    • It costs up to $100000 a year to keep a person in prison via taxpayer money that could go elsewhere…id rather people doing the wrong thing to get a fine and it go toward revenue raising as you call it

  • Fine $1 and it’s revenue, ergo all fines are revenue raising. So your point is?

    • +1

      It is "revenue", but fining idiots for breaking the road rules is not "ReVeNuE rAiSiNg". It's more akin to a stupidity/ignorance donation/tax/toll. Traffic fines by their nature are totally avoidable and are an opt-in scheme.

      Putting a toll on a road that cannot be avoided is "ReVeNuE rAiSiNg", because you have no choice in the matter other than to use that road. Putting a toll on a road that can be avoided is not going to "raise" any "revenue" if everyone avoids that road…

  • +2

    Keep “jacking” them up! Hip pocket is the only thing that hurts.Revenue raising? Of course it is.But it is voluntary to donate.Bring it on!👍👍👍📞📞📞

    • Every second you look down to check on that film, you are travelling a distance of 16.7 metres at 60km/hr or 22.2 metres at 80 km/hr. To put that in perspective, at 60km/hr you are travelling the length of 3.43 Toyota Camrys every second! At 80km/hr it's 4.6 Toyota Camrys every second.
      For the sake of other road users, I hope this is a troll post.

    • It’s not illegal to use to your phone.

      Nek minit;

      Aus. Road Rule 300: Use of mobile phones
      (1) The driver of a vehicle must not USE a mobile phone while the vehicle is moving, or is stationary but not parked

      and the fine is;

      Drive USING mobile phone when not permitted - $1,000 - 5 demerits - Double demerit applicable


      299: Television receivers and visual display units in vehicles
      (1) A driver must not drive a vehicle that has a television receiver or visual display unit in or on the vehicle operating while the vehicle is moving, or is stationary but not parked, if any part of the image on the screen
      (a) is visible to the driver from the normal driving position

      And the fine is;

      Drive vehicle with TV/VDU image visible to driver - $344 - 3 demerits

      Cant wait for your inevitable shitpost asking how to get out of a mobile phone fine because all you were doing was watching a movie on your way home. Let's hope the police get to you before you kill someone else.

  • The message was getting through. This looks like an attempt to make sure that its less likely to do so postumously.

  • The $1000 fine only applies in QLD as of today. This applies to bicycle rides as well because of the increase occurrence
    NSW fine is $344 except in school zones $457 so be careful NSW also has Mobil and permanent cameras working and you have to prove you weren’t using a phone with these new high tech cameras.

  • I wish they would actually book people, thats the best deterrent

  • -4

    Dear OP

    Lets get the FACTS right first and its not hard to do that since you have a computer

    Here is the news story:

    Clearly it says this ONLY applies in QLD….

    "Drivers could be hit with a $1000 fine and four demerit points for using their mobile phone while driving in Queensland from tomorrow - the highest penalty in the country for the offence."

    Also per the article:

    "In NSW, the fine for illegal mobile phone use is $344, or $457 in a school zone, plus five demerit points.
    In WA, drivers who break the rules are slugged with three demerit points and $400 fine. In the ACT, the fine is up to $577 and four points.
    In Victoria, it's $496 and three demerits. Three demerits are also handed out in Tasmania, along with a $300 fine.
    South Australia's fine is $534 and three demerits."

    So OP next time dont be lazy
    Next time dear OP… No guess-work please

    Now as for the discussion:
    This is clearly a revenue raising excercise
    So if they were serious about this they would simply increase the demerit points from 3 to 5 as it is in NSW, Not 4 and up the fine to a neat $500.

    Or they could order offending drivers to install a bluetooth stereo system in their car for a similar amount of money within 7 days or have it ordered off the road until they do so. But still cop the demerit points. Now that would stop drivers offending again. A bit like ordering a defensive driving course.

    But we all know governments use issues like this to raise revenue.
    It has nothing to do with public safety.

    • +2

      So,how would you feel if a family member was wiped out by a careless driver using their device whilst driving?It is revenue raising,but,the ONLY way to make people realise that it is dangerous & very distracting is to hit them where it really hurts,in the hip pocket.Taking their licence off them as well could be another option.Penalties are only going to get tougher.I have absolutely no issue with system as it is.It is only a voluntary contribution.

      • Most people would happily pay the fine rather than loose thier license.
        But the state govt would rather collect multiple fines of $1,000 and let you keep driving.

        And as I suggested they could issue an order for the offender to install a bluetooth stereo within 7 days in lieu of paying the fine or have thier car impounded.
        That is far more effective than a $1000 fine becuase it gets the job done once and for all.

        And thats all the proof you need that this is revenue raising.

        Governments do this trick all the time to raise more revenue.
        They say something is terrible and must be stopped and then make it a revenue raising excercise with everyone's blinded blessing.
        Cigarettes is a classic example. Alcopops is another.
        The tax keeps going up, the government is happy and people keep smoking and drinking alcopops.
        Even blind Freddy can see this.

        Oldest trick in the books.

        • -2

          Sorry,I respectfully disagree.I did say it was “revenue raising”,but this is one of the best ways of stopping the practice.They can raise it as much as possible.Some people never learn.But,if everybody adhered to the laws,then they would not get much revenue out of it.Most people will pay the fine? Of course they will,what choice do they have? They will think long & hard next time before they pick the thing up.

        • If most people have that option to get a Bluetooth kit installed and they don't abide then where are the police going to store all these thousands of impounded cars?

    • +3

      okay sorry, didn't realise I was writing a uni assignment - you did see the words 'I think…' right?

      As for your tired trope about revenue raising, that old argument is rubbish. If it was revenue raising they would drop the points and just have monetary fines - why ban people, they won't be able to pay?

      The other argument against revenue raising is simple - the entire process is designed to make you stop offending, therefore stop paying fines - so essentially a process designed to cut off revenue.

      To be honest, you still want to think it's revenue raising then fight back. If you and everyone else doesn't break the rules then there will be no revenue. Yeah, that will show them! Oh hang on, that's exactly what they want anyway!! Win for everyone.

  • +6

    I just got rear ended last week at a red light. Red P plater.

    Checked the dashcam footage, he was on his phone.

    It really is that bad.

    • +2

      Damn, this happened to me a couple of years ago as well, was rear ended while stationary by a p-plater. She didn't give a shit about who she had run into either, just that she had lost her phone in the crash… it was in her footwell, unlocked and mid text.

    • Yes I can't believe how obvious some people use their phone behind the wheel. Some just don't care one bit

  • $1000 isn't enough, instant banned should be included.

    • +2

      I agree. Driving while using a phone should be treated exactly the same way as hooning or driving while intoxicated. Don’t take money off these people, take their car and/or their license.

  • Since this is now a serious crime with major penalties will the police still be exempt?

    • They have special abilities to eat donuts whilst speeding safely

  • -4

    Suck on that one millennials !! :) :)

  • +1

    Don't use your phone while driving and the fine regardless if it's 100 or 10000 will not affect you.

  • +2

    Won't affect me - I use my gaming laptop when driving.

    • +1

      I project movies to my HUD

      • +1

        Nub, I was playing in the last "The International" while doing a spirited run down the Great Ocean Road.

  • Reminds me of that clown female using snapchat while driving. Nek minit six feet under

  • +1

    One of the few laws I wish was even harsher.

  • With the amount of a**holes I see watching TV shows or video calling on their phone while driving this is great news.

  • What about all other distractions in a car?
    Is it illegal to touch the radio? GPS? Have a heated discussion with a passenger?
    What about whinging kids in the backseat? Advertising billboards that are deliberately designed to gain one's attention?
    Lets ban everything.

  • Should of happened years ago, I just really hope they make an effort catching people on the motorways who are more dangerous going way under the limit or swerving in their lanes when using their phones, compared to people at the lights making the traffic flow slightly worse.

  • +1

    I think there should be a zero tolerance policy. Caught once and automatic loss of license for 6 months and $2000 fine.

    • its not like you can accidentally use your phone or forget you are driving unlike with breaking the speed limit by say 5 or 10km so there really shouldn't be any chances or warnings

  • So is there at the very least a business case for what the additional revenue will be spent on.

    Would hate to see the money mishandled.

    Or is it going straight to more helicopter rides for Bronwyn Bishop


    • She left years ago and had the guts to know it was wrong and resign.

      The 1k fine is a pretty big deterrent, especially once a few people get pinned and word gets around. There is a chance that they could make less money. See how it plays out over the year.

    • t-c


      Lets hope you werent driving when you looked this up.

      BTW look at constitution BBishop was a Federal Politician. This topic is about QLD fines

  • It is a bad habit that people cant get off while driving.

    GPS, UHF, car radio, etc… these dont normally contantly grab your attention.

    Reading deals on ozbargain on my phone, it does!

    But I wont sacrifice $1000 to secure eneloop battery deals while driving :)

  • "Using your phone" is not really black on white. Am I allowed to touch it if it's mounted? What if I'm using it as a GPS while mounted? Etc.

    I usually use it as a GPS. Occasionally it will require a quick press. Is this allowed? I'm honestly not sure where the line is drawn. Hopefully common sense prevail.

    • In QLD, the only illegal thing is "holding" your phone. So if it's in a cup holder or a mount, you're fine to use it however you like …

      ..unless you get hit with a 'driving distracted' charge, which isn't specifically about the phone.

      But yeah, PSA. This is the QLD law. So you know where you stand if a cop pulls you over and says something.

      • Cheers.

        So if I accidentally knock it out of the mount, which happens, I should just let it sit by my feet/pedals. Dangerously. Because picking it up, I could get slapped with a $1000 fine.

        I know it's a silly example, the chance of being caught is very small, but still. I could totally see that happen.

        • Yep, pretty much! :(

          You'd be fighting "you held phone" versus "an item was in my footwell" with the cop/court, I guess. :\

          …But also careful cos they might ping you for some random 'improper cargo carrying" or something ….

        • Well, you'd pull over as soon as you safely could, park, and then you're free to do whatever you want with your phone, including retrieve it from the footwell.

  • $1000 is too low, it should be $10,000

  • Wonder if it will reduce the number of people who check their phones at EVERY red light? We can all see you do this in our rear view mirror peoples.

  • What if you're in a Maccas drive thru?

    • That is fine now, the laws were recently changed…

      Aust. Road Rules (NSW) 300: Use of a mobile phone

      (1–1) Subrule (1) does not apply if—
      (a) the vehicle is stationary in a road related area, and
      (b) the phone—
      (i) is functioning as a payment device to enable the driver to pay for goods or services that are required to be paid for in the road related area, or
      (ii) is being used to display an electronic coupon, voucher, card or similar article that requires the body of the phone to be held in close proximity to another device located in the road related area in order for the article to be used or redeemed, or
      (iii) is being used as an electronic device that enables the driver to enter another road related area or land adjacent to the road related area.

      NB: Other states may vary, so do your own research…

    • That is why KFC app now specifically states 'I am at the drive through speaker'. I guess you are meant to turn the car off and remove the keys before continuing the pick up.

  • Fines should be extended to using Apple Carplay etc. too while driving! And lighting a cigarette while driving!

    • Apple Carplay

      Out of curiosity, why do you say this?

  • The fine should be proportional to your income. Someone on 200k wouldn't give a crap about being fined 1k, but someone working part time on 20k a year could make them jump off a cliff. Especially if they had a robodebt and other shitty things going on.

    What really annoys me is passengers putting their feet up on the dash.

  • +2

    I'm glad for this change, I used to be a mega strict phone avoider, but lately it's been creeping in that I feel ok waking the phone at red lights to check for messages. (I have my phone plugged in at the front of my car to listen to music/podcasts, so it's always pretty close to hand, unfortunately.) This is a good wake up slap to set me back to my better habits.

  • +2

    I'd be ok with it if they weren't mainly busting people in stationary vehicles.

    $1000 for briefly touching a phone while sitting in a stationary vehicle… nah

    • QLD you can touch and use. I'm 95% sure NSW and other eastern states are much more strict.

  • I put in an Apple Carplay unit 2 months ago, perfect timing. Both my fiance and I no longer need to touch our phones while driving.

    • -1

      How can you play Flappy Bird without touching the phone thou?

  • +1

    Can someone please explain to me if they can fine you for touchingly a phone while it’s in a cradle? The rule explicitly states ‘held in your hand’, but doesn’t mention anything about touching it if it’s in a cradle or mounted correctly.

    You can be fined $1000 and have 4 demerit points recorded against your traffic history if your mobile phone is in your hand and being used for any reason while you are driving—including when you're stopped at traffic lights or in congested traffic.

    As a delivery driver, I have to touch my phone in its cradle to accept jobs. Is this not illegal? It’s not “held in my hand”.

    • I was at a red light. Phone was in the cradle and I touched it to change podcasts.

      Cop was right next to me, he lights me up, I roll down the window. He tells me I cannot touch my phone even on cradle whilst driving.

      My interpretation is that you must be parked safely, with transmission on P or handbrake engaged to do anything on your phone.

      • The rule is still ambiguous though. On one hand the law says the phone can’t be in your hand, with no mention of touching it when it’s in a cradle, but on the other hand everyone seems to say that you can’t even touch it.

      • +2

        In QLD. The rule specifically says holding the phone in your hand. You're technically allowed to touch your phone to answer calls and change songs etc. if it's in a holder. The issue is do the Police on the ground know that? Will we have to go to court to dispute the fine if you're touching it in a holder?

      • +1

        Cop is wrong, QLD law is clear. You cannot "hold" the phone. Anything else is a-okay according to that written law.

  • +1

    About time. I'm in VIC and pretty much every bad driver is on their phone. If I notice bad driving as a passenger, I look left as we pass them and 95% chance the eyes are looking up and down whe they duud duud duud duud over the cats eyes from side to side.
    With regards to the comment about stationary cars, I'm over tooting at drivers missing the lights changing, clearly using the phone (easy to see from behind), then they usually inch off, while still fiddling with the phone.
    Yes other things are a distraction, but staring at a touchscreen and typing into it would be much harder than popping in a CD for sure!

  • Are you allowed to look at your mobile with your eyeballs like for instance if its being used as a navigation device?

    • Navigation device, yes. Facebook terminal, no. From a fixed cradle mounted to the vehicle, yes, on your lap/cup holder, no.

      • What about pinch to zoom, like when approaching a freeway offramp that has 2 offramps really close together. Or tapping 'accept a new route' because google found a better way.

        • +1

          That’s touching it, and in Qld., that may just get you pinged. The Qld. rule does make mention of it being “held in the hand”, so it may be that if it is affixed to the vehicle some way, simply touching the screen to accept a change may be ok. I wouldn’t go typing out a new address on it though.

          You can read the Qld. version of the mobile phone rule here

      • This is incorrect - in QLD you can do whatever you want, just not hold it. Other states are more strict.

        • So, you’re suggesting that I can update my Facebook, send out a Snapchat, selfie myself on Instagram, send my boss an SMS and surf reddit, just so long as it’s mounted in a cradle???

          Kinda glad I don’t live in Qld. then…

          • @pegaxs: It won’t be in beach of the mobile phone law. But it’ll likely be in breach of “driving distracted” law. Net result is the same.

            Or would you rather the insane law like NSW how you can’t even dictate to voice assistant? You can answer call and talk to people but can’t tell Siri to do something?

            • @StickMan: Oh really? Where is that in the NSW legislation? Would love to update my knowledge.

              • @pegaxs: http://www8.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/legis/nsw/cons…

                Fairly recent change I think, essentially banned all use except what is listed.

                Also according to that… receiving a text message on an iPhone (which by default turns on the screen and displays message) is illegal. Lol.

                • @StickMan:

                  (3) For the purposes of this rule, a driver does not use a phone to receive a text message, video message, email or similar communication if—

                    (a)  the communication is received automatically by the phone, and
                    (b)  on and after receipt, the communication itself (rather than any indication that the communication has been received) does not become automatically visible on the screen of the phone.

                  Well, that is a top kek. I don't own an iPhone, so I don't know what it does when it receives a message. And I noticed that they added a part recently about using the phone as a payment device, that part is new as well.

                  Or would you rather the insane law like NSW how you can’t even dictate to voice assistant?

                  It would seem that this is ok…

                  use, in relation to a mobile phone, includes any of the following actions by a driver—

                  (b) entering or placing, other than by the use of voice, anything into the phone, or sending or looking at anything that is in the phone,

                  • @pegaxs: The screen lights up, and the notification will be:
                    Message logo - “Sender Name”
                    “Message preview as much as fits in notification space”

                    So according to the written law this is illegal LOL.

  • To be 100% clear on the QLD law: http://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/consol_reg/toumrr200…

    "must not use a mobile phone that the driver is holding in the driver’s hand "


    Legally you can do whatever you want, as long as you're not holding it. Do I encourage people to scroll through Instagram while it's in your cup holder? Nope.

    Also remember the other law which is over-arching: driving while distracted.

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