• expired

Creative Aurvana Live! Headphones - $63 with Free Shipping


Back in stock (again) and 10% cheaper than the previous deal after the coupon code.


Code should work for the rest of their store as well.

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Referral: random (2)

$5 credit for the referrer.

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Creative Labs, Singapore
Creative Labs, Singapore

closed Comments

  • Was this the 10% Survey code?

    • It is. Don't need to complete the survey to use it though.

  • +1

    Great deal, these headphones keep getting cheaper and cheaper.:D

  • +2
  • anyone know how this headphone compare with senn Px-100?
    I am thinking to upgrade my px-100 and I like the character of px-100

  • Just ordered the Aurvana X-Fi's thanks for the coupon! :) +1

    • get Aurvana X-Fi's one as well :)

  • +1

    Nice deal, would get a pair to try out if I didn't just order the Audio Technica ATH-M50 from the US yesterday… oh well

    • +4

      don't worry. you made a better choice :)

  • Not great headphones, but definitely an excellent price :)

  • any idea how the Aurvana X-Fi's compare to the Audio Technica ATH-ANC7B?

    link for description and picture

  • I'm looking for a wireless headset, any idea if creative has something comparable to Logitech g930 ? Thanks

  • Does the Creative Aurvana Live! Headphones need batteries? I'm not an audiophile, so I'd prefer it if it doesn't use batteries (compared to the x-fi)

    • +1

      Nope Live doesn't use battery.

      • Thanks! Bought me one! Also I clicked the "negative" on the first two posts wondering what it did, but couldn't undo them. Whoops!

  • I lost $6!!!!!!

  • +1

    nooo, I just purchased Bose QC's. Going for the Creative's would have saved me a heap.

    • Which model?

      • 15

        • Shweeeeeet it's awesome!

  • Aurvana X-Fi out of stock now :(

    • i got mine at around 10am this morning

      • lucky you :(

  • nooooooooooooooooooo……was going to order the x-fi today…and it's out of stock :(

  • COTD have the Sony MDR-NC7 noise cancelling pair for $39.95 +del today. Don't know the model personally, so can't comment on quality www.catchoftheday.com.au

    • +2

      This is a good deal but note COTD are selling factory refurbished models

      • +1 for that spot. Well done sydshopper.

    • from reviews they dont have the same quality of noise cancellation as the top models. Pretty much all <$300 RRP models dont do great sound cancellation

  • out of stock

  • +2

    Who needs headphones when you have a hoodie

  • available now

  • Just bought the noise cancellation version from the website. 89 bucks is well-worth it.

  • -2

    Eurghh, does everyone have to fall for the active noise cancelling marketing? It's situationally beneficial at best and overpriced, battery lugging nonsense at worst.

    • +2

      You obviously have never owned a DECENT pair of NC headphones! When they work…they REALLY work, throw in a $280 discount and decent reviews? Ordered.

      • Have you owned a decent pair of non-NC headphones? You know, the good old fashioned ones that don't force you to lug around 2 AAA batteries on your noggin?

        For that matter have you even stopped to consider good old fashioned sound dampening closed headphones without the unnecessary technological bloat as opposed to just being suckered into a trendy buzzword popularized by Bose with incessant marketing?

        Because if you did, you would have realized that NC is a gimmick, that practically nobody audiophile inclined (say on head-fi) pays much heed to them, and the good 'value' you're getting with a heavily marked down pair like these is merely average in terms of sound quality because of the ridiculous premium they charge on them.

        In case you need any more reasons:


        • Not everyone who needs or wants NC headphones is a pure audiophile demanding the highest quality sound. Its the masses who have to travel by air or other scenarios where cancelling out the constant humming and noise is very beneficial. Stop being so naive as to think NC headphones are are purely marketing. Its sad and makes you sound like a snobby douche. The limitations on that wiki is nothing deal breaking.

        • It's no better than passive noise cancelling (dampening). That's my point.

          People are wasting their money on blinged out devices that have no discernible advantage while costing far more than they should, weighing more, requiring you to juggle batteries and distorting/adding hum to their music.

          I'm sorry if I sound snobby saying that flat out but someone needs to get the message across bluntly that the likes of Monster/Bose have been pushing this as some kind revolutionary, breakthrough technology when nothing could be further from the truth.

          It's like if typewriters were introduced after PC word processing at twice the cost.

  • -1

    Overpriced, normally, yes. But at this price, worth a dabble.

    Here's another review/comparo:

  • Awesome the Aurvana X-Fi's are back in stock.. just bought one for myself :)

    • my X-Fi arrived on the 30th

      • How's your first impression?

  • Relax Red Sky: I agree that circumaural headphones are great at reducing noise (I should know I've owned several pairs). However, when decent NC circuitry is added to the mix you cannot deny that soundproofing is only enhanced.

    Besides, this is OzBargain, and $274 in savings is a bargain in my book!

  • Does speedpost tracking work past "handover to airline"? Mine hasn't seemed to be updated since then, which seems pretty useless as it was 3 steps.

    • I have the same tracking status. Still have not received it.

    • I have the same tracking status. Still have not received it.

  • Ordered the CAL! today. They had removed the free shipping, but I wrote to them and asked if they could put it back on. So free shipping is back, discount code still working.

    • Mine arrived on the 6th, didn't take long. Very impressed with sound quality. I've ordered some Airs for running, discount code still working.

  • Received my X-Fi on Monday, they're great! :)

    • I received it last Saturday. Awesome packaging and product!

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