So I'm arranging to buy a kitten from Facebook marketplace and then I get this… WTF??
Edit: Picked up two kittens from the cat lady this morning. Happy days :)
Thanks for all the useful comments
So I'm arranging to buy a kitten from Facebook marketplace and then I get this… WTF??
Edit: Picked up two kittens from the cat lady this morning. Happy days :)
Thanks for all the useful comments
Backyard breeder trying to act legit?
"Trying" is the operative word here. It is littered (excuse the pun) with spelling mistakes and poor grammar.
Why would you have a problem with this?
Yeah, I wouldn't sell you the cat if that's your attitude. They're selling a pet, a living, breathing pet, not a can of beans!
It's a living creature. That you think it should be afforded fewer rights than your mobile, is telling.
You are precisely the person this seller is trying to weed out from getting a kitten
You don’t plan on eating it right?
Looks like a seller wants a good and responsible home for the kitten
Since when do you have a contract to buy a pet? And nah not for eating ;)
You monster. Pet fighting?!?
I genuinely hope you are joking
Facebook people buy cats and dogs and feed them to snakes, fighting dogs and do many other terrible things to them.
@[Deactivated]: I know. That's pretty f**ked up.
No need for any personal attack or abuse from mbck.
When I got a cat from a breeder my parents signed a contract that basically said similar things, granted it was a lot more than $40. The breeder requested updates and photos if I wouldn't mind and I was happy to do so for a year and then moved on with my life. My cat died last year at 15 years old from kidney failure.
The reality is, you don't HAVE to send them anything if you don't want to.. what are they going to do? Take you to court over a $40 kitten? Lol
You have to sign a similar form for rescuing a pet too.
Welcome to the world of crazy animal people.
I can't believe I clicked on this to see what happened lololol
Does the seller meet these requirements?
The rules for selling cats and dogs are pretty stringent now and it looks like it's easier to track breeders, so they're probably trying to cover themselves.
Nah seller is just a normal person selling from home.
They don't meet any requirements listed
In which case, you might want to look elsewhere and/or report them.
Edit: Even though you might think it strange putting your name to those things, they are all what pet ownership is all about. So it really shouldn't phase you if you're serious.
Nah a random person shouldn't have my details. It's reasonable.
@D6C1: Fair enough. Time to find a legit place to buy your furry friend from then :)
They'll likely get you to agree to the same sorts of things though. If for some reason the cat you bought escaped and bred or became a stray, it would likely come back to the breeder via the microchip. So as I said, breeders will make sure they cover themselves.
Report them for what? They aren't selling cats.
It's $40 for assurance
who is this person?
i would like some info i case im interested in buying a kitten in the future.
Unfortunately animal abuse does happen, even unintentionally. Lots of people get pets without understanding the cost associated- money, time and love, and it's the animal that suffers. Then there are actual piece of shites abusers. It seems like the seller is genuinely concern about the kittens forever home, so I can understand all of this, although may appear extreme.
The cat might just be a 'cat' to you, but it's also a 'child/baby' to many.
Heh the seller probably got the same vibe from you (you being a nutjob), hence this contract. Do you have a funny looking profile photo?
I have a pic of myself. Maybe thats why.
This 'child/baby' mentality is the reason why there are retards that think all pitbulls are innocent
Purchase the kitten if you want, then throw that piece of paper in the bin.
There really is no winning is there. Either you do nothing and become liable, or you make a pathetic attempt to avoid it and just come off looking crazy.
I like those options. Finally someone making sense.
Most likely to cover themselves if someone reports them to council.
I'm sure these contracts exist anywhere legit. Even a vet wouldn't just take the cash to adopt a kitten, correct me if I'm wrong.
They can't cover themselves. That piece of paper isn't legally binding. Trust me, I'm a lawyer.
Explains why you're acting like a bit of an entitled ahole.
If the seller doesn't want their kittens to be used for breeding, it's the breeders responsibility to have them spayed before sale. Like a legit breeder does.
Except if the kitten is too young, say 8 weeks, the its too young to desex the kitten.
Of course, the breeder can wait until the kitten is about 4 months before selling. But I love seeing a kitten grow from 8 weeks =)
So I'm arranging to buy a kitten from Facebook marketplace and then I get this… WTF??
If you think the terms are unreasonable, then maybe you shouldn't be buying a cat.
After everyone's advice here, I'm leaning towards not buying a cat. I'm best off adopting a dog from the shelter.
You've clearly put plenty of thought into owning a pet, based on the ability to change from a cat to a dog in minutes.
Have you considered adopting a pet rock instead? You can use and abuse it as much as you like.
Why don’t you adopt a kitten from a shelter?
I'm leaning towards not buying a cat. I'm best off adopting a dog from the shelter.
All those 'terms' for the cat apply to a dog…….. As below, get a pet rock if you don't want to look after a animal.
Shelters also have cats
you will need to sign a similar agreement with the RSPCA as well.
People here are unreasonable and crazy. It's a pet, not a human. You do you
What kinds of things can't be sold on Facebook or Marketplace?
Animal for sale: Selling animals isn't allowed on Marketplace or buy and sell groups. This includes posting about animals for adoption.
So why are you trying to buy an animal off there in the first place? :S
Report any listings you find and go get one from an registered breeder/animal shelter/someplace that isn't facebook.
Add clause for seller to sign, promising to get their adult cat spayed
send him a photo of some dim sims
Get a cat from a shelter, not off Facebook.
OP is not used to signing a contract when buying (profanity) (cat).
Not a bargain. By the time you desex, microchip and vaccinate, it would have been cheaper to get one from the rspca. Maybe not the exact same model though.
The kitten should already be chipped. By law, they have to when selling or giving away. Regardless they have to be by 12 weeks of age. How old is the kitten?
It's facebook marketplace. I don't think the law applies there.
Yes, it's the Wild West.
Looks like the owner is trying to find good homes for the kittens. Personally I find that admirable, not someone being a “nut job”. If you lose your shit over signing a contract to look after another living creature, you must find life full of responsibilities that frankly your better off avoiding…
Except the breeder is unlicensed and unnecessarily breeding cats when there are plenty of rescue cats. How is the seller admirable?
HAHAHA… awesome. This is going to be my new template when I sell cars and motorbikes from now on.
Tell them you are going to run it by the local animal authority and check if the seller is legit. I can see what the owner is trying to do, but it's just going arse about face way of achieving it. It's not a legally binding contract and she has no right to police it.
New rules came into effect from 1 July 2019 in NSW for the sale and giving away of animals. I doubt they are a licenses breeder and there is no notice of microchip number that must be on all transfers.
The best thing is, there is a million other cats for sale/adoption out there if you want one. You dont need to give your details over to a crazy cat lady to get one.
It’s quite normal to enter into a contract with the breeder when purchasing a pet. The breeder wants to ensure the animal goes to a loving, safe home where it will be cared for. Any responsible potential owner would not have a problem signing such a contract.
Your comment‘it’s a cat dude” gives me the impression you don’t place that much value on the kitten as a living breathing animal, that will become part of your family.
Why not get a kitten from the Cat Haven / RSPCA shelter Rather than encouraging/supporting home breeders? Particularly if it’s not a particular breed your after.
Correct me if I'm wrong but i thought legally we are required to spay or neuter all cats regardless of if they are kept indoors or not.
Yes when you register it to the council unless you are a licensed breeder. Problem is people just don’t bother registering so no need to spay and just let them roam and make babies and dump babies
should reply to it with one of your own
Ask them questions now…. are they a registered business?
What is their ABN?
Then tell them you will have all this checked out
There's nothing wring with it. the seller just want to ensure that you're going to take good care of the kitten.
a lot of animal rescue organisations/individual have this requirement, highly doubtful that it will be enforceable, but probably more to filter out people like the OP.
that contract is worthless and would be impossible to enforce
I think it deters those who are impulse purchasers that end up dumping pets. Good thing the seller is doing. There isn't a shortage of dodgy people.
Seriously why do you even bother? Clearly you have a problem with the ‘contract’ so just move on. I am a foster carer for cat rescue and there’s a lot of bad owners out there. if that is your attitude, you ain’t gonna be good for the cat. Am I being too judgemental? Perhaps. Better be safe than sorry though.
The seller is clearly an animal lover doing everything they can to ensure the home they are giving the kitten to is the best the can.
These terms are implicit when animals are given/sold/rehomed by people who aren't 100% in it for the money.
In this case, they have just written them down so they're explicit. The fact you're reacting the way you are is probably a sign you're not the kind of person they want adopting the animal.
Oh no, the legal consequences! What are those exactly? Civil or criminal? If civil, be prepared for $10 to $15k a day to bring your case against the buyer in whatever court will actually hear your claim (should be rejected at filing). That's a lot of damn kittens! Dumb people are dumb.
You're missing the bigger picture. Not always about enforcement or litigation. May have a deterrent effect even if it's a small number.
If civil, be prepared for $10 to $15k a day to bring your case against the buyer in whatever court will actually hear your claim
Clearly pulling numbers out of thin air
Lol that number is what my court appointed defense quoted as well. Seems like the amount that scares people away from fighting their case.
OP I hope you never get to own a pet.
You have no idea.
I now own two :)
Gee all the crazies came out in this post
Some of these pet loving tree huggers seem like those media influenced phycos, like they have some hate of humans, if thats so, you should sacrifice yourself first and let those the hungry animals feed on you, lol!
lmao wow, i would stay clear of that seller.
I wonder what it is about pets that attracts all the crazies. I guess meows are always in agreement.
I'd be concerned if you refused to sign this on the basis that you DID intend to breed with the kitten.
Next post: so i got my cat pregnant. How do I take care of a half cat half human?
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any photos of the kitten ?
Hahahaha omg he's so cute
$40 for a kitten AND a new best friend!?
Bloody bargain!