Classic Coke Taste
Serve Drink Cold for Maximum Refreshment
A Quality Product of The Coca-Cola Company
36 x 375mL Multipack Cans Soft Drink
Perfect for drinking on the go, having with a meal or relaxing with at home
Also available:
Classic Coke Taste
Serve Drink Cold for Maximum Refreshment
A Quality Product of The Coca-Cola Company
36 x 375mL Multipack Cans Soft Drink
Perfect for drinking on the go, having with a meal or relaxing with at home
Also available:
No Locked in Contract, only pay when item is sent out.
Subscribe -> Purchase -> Cancel Subscription
Note: Subscribe & Save isn't eligible for Cashback.
awesome, thanks.
can you do this trick every single time indefinitely?
Did not know it is that easy!
I thought the first order still was eligible for cashback, or has this changed?
Be very careful with it. I set a order for 2x 36 Coke Zero a month and first lot was $37~ or so, then when I noticed it lined up for delivery again it was $68.50! So i cancelled and then waited for a price drop. Sneaky
Yeah subscribe and save takes the current price and Amazon weirdly increases the cost randomly. Pays to simply cancel it straight away and just "subscribe" again each time for the 10% off.
Whenever i've cancelled straight away they have always cancelled the initial order so best cancel after dispatched imo.
Good to know!
Wow, had no idea, thought the price I purchased the item for originally was locked in. Thanks for the update. I had one that was ready to be posted out. Just cancelled. Saved $6. Have canceled all my subscriptions. Very cheeky by Amazon.
Take off another $3.60 if you live in SA when you cash your cans in.
and NSW
And my axe!
and QLD
and ACT
Cries in VIC
VIC does not have it?
Where and how can we do it?
If you're after coke IGA has it for a good price this week.
Prices will vary from state to state due to Container Deposit Scheme
In NSW, it $21.15 at IGA for the 30 Pack.
I just paid $17.20 in SA which also has the scheme.
For how many?
Which store? The SA IGA catalogue lists the 30 pack for $22.80.
@wombat1955: huh, that's interesting. Mount Gambier has the Victorian price, I guess because we're close to the border, maybe supplies come from across the border?
$17odd from Coles for 30cans.
Last time I purchased large box of Coke from Amazon, a couple of cans were punctured in transit, it's pretty heavy, soaking into all the Delites packets in the box. Messy!
Should've taken a photo and contacted their live chat. You would have got at least $10 refund if not a full refund.
Their customer support is so good I try to avoid using it even when I do have a slight issue because I feel bad knowing they will most likely end up giving me a full refund on the item even if I don't want it or ask for it.
Don't feel bad getting a refund from Amazon. Jeff Bezos can afford it, he makes USD 149,353 a minute (more than 3 times what a median US worker makes in a year).
It makes more sense to feel bad buying from Amazon at all as they're killing off many competitors.
Yeah, I bought a pretty makeup Christmas cracker thing as a present for my mother for Christmas, it was in a really nice box, and they kinda shoved it in the envelope and it got a bit crushed. I was a bit miffed, not mad or anything, since the contents were still ok, but I contacted them and was like, 'maybe if its obviously something that can be crushed, send it in a box please??' I even said I didn't want anything but to give them a heads up but they refunded me anyway. I was really surprised at how quick they got back to me and that they gave me a refund at all. They didn't even ask for pics.
I guess they wanna be #1 in customer service, they really do a good job.
Yeah I ordered some computer parts to a friends apartment in the US while I was travelling there (maybe $150 worth and first time doing so). Anyways UPS couldn't get into his complex so it went back to the depot.
I told Amazon the situation, they refunded fully + said if I was driving near the airport to go pick it up as it was there — insane customer service. I'm sure they make a mark next to your account to prevent abuse, but I can't complain.
Same. Two cans damaged in transit. Toll repacked it, no apologies, just hoped I wouldn't complain. Amazon refunded the lot.
Do not order anything else in the same package as coke if buying from amazon.
$19 Aldi
Surely shipping individual cases of coke around the country isn't particularly environmentally friendly when you can pick it up at your local coles/IGA for similar
You could argue it's not much different to using your car to drive to your local Coles and back. One could also note that a delivery truck is most likely already delivering multiple other packages in your area which it would still be doing regardless of whether you placed an order or not, so in a sense could argue it's more efficient.
I honestly don't care what people do, but have noticed this type of comment a lot more frequently on pantry products from Amazon, so it's only fair to propose a counterpoint to it.
Need a bingo chart. Don't forget the "drinking this will give you diabetes". Drank a case a while ago and none of that here.
So if you subscribe, when you get the next one, do you get charged $18 or the current market value that it is on the future date
You get charged market value.
Get the first delivery cancel. Easy.
I've done a couple of times now. Don't leave the subscription active, and just to be sure in case you forget to cancel set the initial interval to 6 months.
I think my delivery guy is fed up with these 15kg Amazon boxes.
Last time I got one of these Coke deals from Amazon half the box was flat. I think the delivery may be a bit rough on them. Something to keep in mind.
What's worse is if you order something else from Amazon AU and they ship it together…
I've had multiple orders where they would ship a case with a small item (basically damaging the item in post). I've contacted Amazon AU everytime and they would offer a partial credit and past on the feedback…
Good find OP, thanks for posting, just ordered another 6 month subscription that I'll cancel once first one is delivered :).
To avoid a repeat of discussions on calculations and why this is cheaper than anything you'll find locally, refer to this thread :
In a nutshell, $18.59 for 36 can packs is about as cheap as you can get delivered.
I did the full breakdowns in the above thread. Plus vote this deal with my blessing.
Coca cola these days go flat within minutes, I stopped buying them, yuck!
Lay off the crack pipe mate. I have a can of coke a day and they most definitely do not go flat within minutes.
They tried shaking up their product line, but it was a fizzer.
Less than 60c per can. Why is it that you go to so many take away shops and they charge you $2.50 for one of these cans?
Because if you buy it from coke it's 80+ cents a can, they then have to cool it, sell it to you, store it, etc etc. Add to that profit to keep the business going.
So Amazon over-charged me on the second order (subscription). They charged me more than the normal non-subscription price. I had to raise a support ticket. Check your bank statement.
Subscribe & Save is charged whatever the current price in, not a 'locked-in' price.
The subscription still shows the price I paid first time. What they did charge was more than the normal listed price. So unless they jacked it, charged me, then reduced it again - there was an error. The person on the support thing agreed that there was a problem and escalated it.
How does subscribe and save work? Are you locked into a contract? Do you pay up front for 6 months or?