• expired

9 Meals for $59.00 (Normally $89.55) or 12 for $67.45 Delivered (Normally $98.00) @ Youfoodz

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So the deal is 9 meals for $59.00 when you use the code, includes FREE delivery to my area but I dont like paying more than $6 a meal let alone $6.56 per meal at You Foodz, ever. Not worth it for the smallish portions.

So if you add two of the $49.00 Special Boxes (e.g. Summer Clean Meal Pack (6 meals) & Summer Dinner Pack (6 meals), the total would come to $98.00 for 12 meals.

Put in the code 2020-GOALS and it will take $30.55 off your order, making the order $67.45 or $5.62 per meal, delivered.

* Min spend $89.55 (before discount). $30.55 code valid for use online (not the YF App) until January 22, 2020 11.59pm AEST. Single use only. One code per order. Discount and savings based on 9x $9.95 meals.

Free delivery excludes WA.

Referral Links

$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (170)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I wish they had versions with proper macros. These are for starving yourself unless you're a small woman.

  • +3

    Gotta be honest, I had these once and they are pretty putrid. My advice would be to save your $59.

    • +3

      I don't mind them, just the size is miniscule so not actually that cheap when you're buying half a meal.

  • +16

    Racist company, trash. Cannot support. Plus food sucks.

    • +1

      should add in "racists" in the fine print

    • -3

      I agree

    • +4

      can you share your experience please?

      • +2


        My workplace sell Youfoodz at the cafe.

        A few of my collegues got salmonella from the chicken range last year.

        I personally had styrofoam fragments in my one and got it refunded.

        Quality control and food standards aren't the best.

        • thanks man, appreciate it.

    • How are they racist?

    • Interesting that so many sheep still support this company.

      • +5

        interesting that so many "anti-racism" pitchfork peasants still keep negging every Youfoodz deal.
        Do you really think that hundreds of Aussies deserve to lose their jobs because a CEO and his wife said something unacceptable in public.

      • +1

        Interesting so many spam bots for Chinese companies float around supporting their bullshit whole-heartedly.

        Yet 7-11 bargains keep flooding in despite multiple lawsuits against their franchisees for underpayment and abuses by workers and subcontractors, but hey I guess the rest of SEA and Indians don't count in the racism against "Asians" drama?

        Don't see anyone boycotting or negging Chinese companies for supporting the wholesale slaughter of Uighurs do we?

    • i googled some videos

      i wonder what she was on to blow up her business

      "booze makes our id's and shadow-selves pop out"

  • $20 delivery to WA kills it.

    • +13

      Unbridled racism kills it for me.

  • +4

    I'd rather do the 9 for 59 as you can pick exactly which meals you want. Thanks OP.

    • No problem! I'm generally not too fussy and prefer more bang for my buck. Sacrificing choice for value in other words hahah :)

  • -4

    If this is penance for the racism thing then they're doing a good job making up for it!

    • +4

      No, they are not. Respect is worth more than $30.

      • +6

        Well, what can the owners do to make up for it? They've (rightly) apologised for their slurs, so what else do they need to do to demonstrate that they were being nasty and deserve another chance?

        • +7

          I agree they reap what they sow and do not feel sorry for their stupidity, but i'm over it. Move on they showed contrition is my stance. But long gone are the days forgiveness is socially advocated for, it's far more fashionable to virtue signal and beat your chest.

        • +8

          So coming in with my opinion, disclaimer, this is not an attack on punkindrublic.

          1) The 'apology' they offered wasnt a real apology, it was more of a 'W're sorry your feelings got hurt, deal with it'.
          2) They could publicly re-do their non-apology apology properly and show some real humility about their real disgusting personalities that slipped out and that it wasn't just a 'misjudgement' (of being caught).
          3) A large sum donation to a equality/anti-racial charity of some kind.
          4) i dont know if their underpaying staff disputes were corrected, so publicly make up the wrongs for that.(didnt bother reading more on it).
          5) Publicly apologies on all platforms to the Singaporeans/Tourists(in their video clips) that they insulted in their own country/Singapore.

          Please dont imagine me ranting and getting worked up on it, i'm just saying what could be done to help assist in mending their public screw up.

          • +2

            @Aarent: As the OP on this post, I agree with Aarent. They need to publicly do something..

            • @graceyym: 'They need to do something…'
              They've been publicly forced into a fake apology, now you need them to virtue signal to you so you can feel warm and fuzzy.

          • +3

            @Aarent: Agree, it's not an unreasonable ask. Certainly it would be the wise approach. In my opinion most people seem to be focused on the stupid social media video, but what actually matters is the issues around how they treat and pay their staff. That is serious. There are countless other examples from 7/11, Apple, Amazon, where we have forgiven it seems… or perhaps just been bought off.

          • @Aarent: Thanks for the reply - good to get some additional context behind the apology!

        • +2

          An apology without change is meaningless, I would suspect to "make it right" they would have to go whole hog in the direction of advertising measures they are taking to support minorities.

          With how things are, people probably suspect they just said sorry (that they got caught) whilst still holding the same abhorrent views about their foreign staff.

          • +4

            @kwchaz: If I never hear the term 'virtue signalling' ever again it will be too soon.

            Just like 'triggered' it is designed to belittle and dismiss the other side in a debate so you don't have to engage with their argument. Terms like this divide us into angry, polarised tribes and reduce our ability to have nuanced discussions about anything.

            Someone save us from ourselves!

        • @punkindrublic

          If they are apologetic, then why are they deleting hundreds of facebook comments and banning people on their instagram page that mention anything slightly related to the racist issue?

          In my eyes they are not owning up to this issue

          • +3

            @Ausdave: Probably because having hundreds of people bombarding your social media accounts is incredibly bad for business.

            And while it's fair to argue that Youfoodz hasn't done a great job apologising (@AArent made some good points about this earlier), a counterargument is that even if the owners actually come out with a genuine apology, there'll still be a need to delete comments for months (or perhaps years) into the future because of the inability of online critics to accept apologies and efforts to remedy the situation.

  • +3

    Not a good business to support

  • +1

    trash, waste of food

  • +3

    Can't support a racist.

  • +4

    This company really missed their opportunity. I think they were the first big player in decent looking fresh microwave meals. Then competitors came out with larger portion sizes, better packaging and display for about the same price. Unfortunately it doesn't look like they've yet evolved.

    • +4

      I thought all the other services were quite a bit more expensive? Which alternatives should I take a look at?

      • I can't remember the brands of the top of my head, my muscle chef I think is one. Where youfoodz is $10 a serve competitors I think are $10-$12

          • @Drogo: The MMC meals are tastier than youfoodz too.

        • +2

          Ah, I get you now! I've tried MMC and it wasn't all that great for the price. Youfoodz would also be pretty rubbish if their meals were full price, but their endless discounts (perhaps as contrition for their behaviour?) means that it's well valued enough to keep buying for now.

          • +1

            @punkindrublic: Ah ok. Each to their own I guess. Agreed the discounts are great

          • +2

            @punkindrublic: I've moved to MMC myself, with the "subscription" delivery discount, the monthly discount code, and 10% off 21 meals, the price comes down closer to $8 a meal. I find the food is a lot more spiced, they advertise it's lower in sodium than comparable products, and the range of vegan and vegetarian food is much better. The sizing is probably a little more appropriate (some meals clock in over 600 calories, whilst a lot of YF is at 300 calories), and given the other comments that you'd have to eat two YF to be full, then MMC might actually work out "cheaper" for them.

            They're also the one company I've noticed who do a kangaroo option, which I like. :)

            • @kwchaz: Any idea how I can get it for $8 a meal? Been looking at trying MMC.

              • @Nyclix: They have the monthly $15 off code, you "subscribe" (but then cancel immediately) which saves you $10 each order, and you order at least 21 meals which gets 10% off.

        • +2

          Youfoodz isn't $10 a serve though, sales like this are very common. You can pretty much feed yourself regularly at around $6 per serve if not a bit less.
          I haven't seen any competitors have regular discounts like this.

    • +2

      They seem to be/own Thr1ve. The notification SMSs came from the same number when I ordered.

      • Well thats interesting..

      • Food is different though.. and different ingredients.. Maybe they outsource their SMS system to the same company?

        • Probably this ^^
          I've found notification SMS systems to have quite a few pairs.

          Airbnb and Keoride is the first one that comes to mind.

    • Since the scandal with this Mob I've seen no competitor doing a great deal to catch disgruntled neg guys !

      Probably the lack of competition is why they are dominant in this field :)

      • +3

        The disgruntled neg guy market is probably smaller than you think ;)

  • +2

    When this company is mentioned there is always drama going on🤣🤣

  • +4

    Yeah not low enough. Come on youfoodz, we know you can go low.

  • +9


  • +7

    Just a bunch of racists who's food quality has gone down the drain along with their respect.

  • +1

    Nice work Grace .

    I too are in at below $6 but not above :)

    • +8

      Thanks! Finally a comment not about the racist company YouFoodz is.. oh crap I just did the same hahah.

      I posted because of the meals, not because of that stupid racist video they made. Because their meals are small portions, I'm finally loosing a little bit of weight and eating better than 2 minute noodles for lunch everyday. So it works for me. Would NEVER pay more than $6 for a meal.

      • You've never paid more than $6 for a meal?

  • +2

    YouFoodz isn't that great, plus they're Racist prix

  • +4

    I used to get excited about the upvotes on my posts, but I'm more excited about the fact that the upvotes match the negs! Hahaha, proud moment.

    • +2

      Definitely goals haha.

      • +4

        Some might say 2020-GOALS?

    • -1

      My $$$$$$$$$$ on you will beat the neg guys easily in the end .

      • +1

        Honestly, I hope it stays matched, one up vote then one neg. Would be hilarious. And its basically how I feel about the deal too.

    • -4

      You need better goals in life

      • +4

        Another goal of mine is to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, is that better?

      • what would you suggest?

    • +2

      The previous YF posts always have more positive votes than negs from what I've seen. This tells me that most people are here for the value and are not really concerned by the drama.

      • +2

        ozbargain not ozsocialissues

  • Lacist Company

    • +1

      …….. are the ‘R’ and ‘L’ keys close together on your keyboard?

      • Google it 😉

  • +1

    If you're hungry and want a side of racism, this would be a bargain for you.

  • Racism aside (still awful), I've found the quality of these meals to really be slipping lately. Portion sizes seem smaller(?) and the flavour seems to not be as good anymore. A shame, really.

  • +2

    Racists. Enough said

  • +1

    Have ordered a couple of times. First time my delivery was last of the day and the box had melted and food was room temp. I chucked the chicken dishes and risked the beef. Was ok. Contacted customer support and they sent the entire order again. Which again turned up at 4pm on a 40degree day room temperature. I’ve given up on Youfoodz

    • That sucks. :( I've always been fortunate they deliver very early in the morning, or to my workplace.

      MMC lets me select between midnight and 7am, if that might interest you?

  • +3

    Hot take as an asian australian after watching the video I didn't really think it was inherently racist seemed more like a drunk tosser bagging people out. Even so I don't think the girlfriend of the CEO who I'm not sure has anything to do with the company, at all reflects on a company which has close to a thousand employees, if you like the food good for you.

    • +3

      She's the fiancee, they were in Singapore for him to present at a small business conference (i.e., she was there as part of his entourage), you can allegedly hear his voice in the pool video also mocking people, their resulting apology didn't really apologise for any of their actions, and news stories came out about how badly they treat their foreign staff.

      I'd like to know that since she thought it was completely appropriate to put this sort of behaviour out there in public, what sorts of things is she saying or doing that even she knows isn't appropriate to put out there?

  • +1

    This is absolutely not the bunch of comments I was expecting stepping in to a Youfoodz deal.

    Coming from it purely as a consumer, I really like their food and $5.60 a pop is good value.

    • Coming from it purely as a consumer, I really like their food and $5.60 a pop is good value.

      Coming from it purely as a consumer, I'd rather 2 ALDI frozen meals ($5.58). At least that'll fill me up and quite frankly, doesn't taste all that different.

      • +1

        Thanks for letting me know?

        • I could've said the same frankly about you, but I was posting it for the other people here.

      • I'm interested in trying something new if it's better value however I couldn't find frozen meals that met your description on Aldis website. Can you recall the brand of the meals?

        • -1

          Couldn't find it on the Also website, but I found these on Ozbargain, back up to $2.69 now. Also have Spaghetti Bol and Mac and Cheese.
          For $2.79-$2.99 there's a whole variety of other meals (healthy choice, vegetarian, "gourmet" etc).
          Lasagne is $2.25 for 400g serve.
          Or their pizzas are $2.99 each.

          Sometimes you'll get lucky at Coles - around me at midday you can pick up ready meals for around 1 or 2 bucks

  • +3

    I’m asian.
    I’ll give a negative

  • +3

    asian. owner is a douche

  • I'm surprised the PR people haven't to my knowledge done some ' very public ' support to the Bushfire appeal :)

    Easy way to get some gain some sympathy .

    • +3

      Please, judging by the responses here nothing would be good enough for some that are holier than thou

    • +1

      Was all over their social stories, donated food did the obligatory social posts to write it off as marketing

  • Small portions… I wouldn’t call this a meal more of a snack….

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