This was posted 5 years 1 month 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] - Steam - Humble Bundle - Australia Fire Relief Bundle - Pay What You Want (US $25 to Get Steam Keys)


Humble Australia Fire Relief Bundle
Help the wildlife and animals affected by the Australian bushfires. If we save our wild places, we will ultimately save ourselves. – Steve Irwin

The recent Australian bushfire season has had catastrophic results on the country; with 26 million acres burned, over 2,200 homes destroyed, and one billion animals lost. In the wake of the country’s worst fire season on record, we humbly recognize our responsibility to the global community. Alongside developers and creators, we are bundling a care package of much-needed funds for relief to those affected.

We are the curators of life on earth. We hold it in the palm of our hand. – Helen Caldicott

This special one-week bundle features over $400 in incredible games for just $25. 100% of the proceeds from your bundle purchase go to help the wildlife and animals affected by the Australian bushfires.

I have an optimism about what people are willing to do. The greatest force in the world today, believe it or not, are these countless groups of people in every country almost, that are doing things to protect their local environment and to try and protect the earth. – Peter Dundall

Remember that the future is not somewhere we are going, it is something we are creating. Everyday we do things that make some futures more probable and others less likely. – Ian Lowe

Redeem on Steam. All of the games in this bundle are available on Steam for Windows, and some for Mac and Linux too. A number of the games are available DRM-free as well.

Support charity. 100% of the proceeds from your bundle purchase go to help the wildlife and animals affected by the Australian bushfires through WIRES, RSPCA, and the World Wildlife Fund via the PayPal Giving Fund.

This special one-week bundle features over $400 in incredible games for just $25. 100% of the proceeds from your bundle purchase go to help the wildlife and animals affected by the Australian bushfires.


Games included:

Hollow Knight
Void Bastards
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Duck Game
Hand of Fate 2
The Adventure Pals
Regular Human Basketball
Satellite Reign
Mr Shifty
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Assault Android Cactus
Locked contentThe Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game
FRAMED Collection
Think of the Children
Tower of Guns
Rising Dusk
Death Squared
Quest of Dungeons
The Stillness of the Wind
The Gardens Between
Paper Fire Rookie
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom

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Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • Noob here. How does pay what you want items work? They have a minimum but maximum is up to you - is this correct?

    • +4

      Technically the minimum is only if you want the products. You could still donate a lower amount and not receive anything, though in that case you wouldn't bother going through HB.

    • Yes you can pay more if you like.
      Get yourself on the list of Top Contributors at bottom of the bundle page.

  • +25

    Machinarium: [zee roh]62AL-K02Z0-DRB40
    Tower of Guns: 02G0L-XP9HH-[fourth letter]6E7W
    Euro truck sim 2: 02[… for Vendetta]9C-XBG0N-AQRQB

    Comment if you use them plz <3

    • +7

      they are all claimed already (not by me)

    • +1

      Not by me, but FYI for those trying they are all taken.

    • Tog is invalid key. If you wanna pm it is love you

    • +28

      Whichever (profanity) took these and didn't say thanks or anything - you're a piece of shit.

      • +6

        It's ok, they probably aren't registered.

        • +4

          They could take the 30 seconds to register and comment.

          • +6

            @Tacooo: You'd be surprised how sophisticated bots have become. It wouldn't surprise me if they were scraped before anyone entered them (even with the omissions).

            • +2

              @TogTogTogTog: I'm not surprised by how good they are at scraping, I'm just surprised someone would waste their time setting one up to scrape OzB.

              • +1

                @Tacooo: I actually do something like this for work and for hobbies, so it's fun to think about lol.

                Basically I'm envisioning a free/cheap cloud(AWS/Azure) and some generic harvesting scripts from GitHUB. Have a whitelist of sites/forums and whenever you detect text that roughly matches your dictionaries, do some maths, spool up like 10 copies of steam and start spamming those keys.

                The cost would be 1c/day, something stupid like that. Probably even less.

            • +3

              @TogTogTogTog: Will the bots play them, or will it just go in their pile of shame instead of ours?

              • +1

                @chyawala: Nah they'd be traded/sold off.

                Though you could implement bots for other games. At one time I had 50+ Pokemon trainers teleporting around and scanning Canberra for friends/charity/walks etc., they also caught everything they found, so now I/they have a pile of shame about 200,000 Pokemon deep lol.

                • @TogTogTogTog:

                  Nah they'd be traded/sold off.

                  How exactly do you you trade/sell them after they have been activated and are permanently attached to the account?

                  • +2

                    @HomeAlone: I dunno, sell the account once you hit critical mass? I'm not trying to run a Steam harvesting racket here lol

  • +6

    Can't say no to this, some great games in there and going to a good cause.

    • -5

      If you say so

  • +28

    I'm all for charity but the "Pay what you want" is a bit misleading. You can pay anything but if you don't pay atleast $25 you don't get anything.

    • +2


    • +4

      The Humble listing is pretty clear. It will also warn you if you pay an amount that will not get you any products

    • Other Humble Bundle 'Pay What You Want' things usually allow you to get stuff at lower amounts.
      I'm guessing they're making it $25, so more people will donate that higher amount.

  • +5

    There are so many great games in this pack, lots that I didn't even know were Aussie games. Despite what I hear about poor funding we definitely have a lot of standouts, especially considering the recent success of Untitled Goose Game. Do any devs frequent Ozbargain?

  • Decent incentive. There's some quirky and fun looking games in the bundle.

    With 100% going to charity, who claims the tax deductions on these?

    • +18

      Not legally as you’re receiving goods in kind.

      From the etax website:

      “ First of all, if you receive a raffle ticket, dinner attendance, event entry, chocolates, or anything like that, then your donation can’t be claimed as a deduction. Basically, if you receive something because of your donation, then don’t claim the donation as a tax deduction.

      Next, if the donation was to an organisation that is not a registered deductible gift recipient, then you can’t claim it, ever.”

      I think both apply here.

      • +2

        Yeh definitely, so being a donation through HB, I daresay they'd reap the "rewards" which is where I'm heading with my thoughts.

        On the other hand, how does it work when you attend charity events? I've received receipts for auction bids and the like in the past for the exact reason of being able to claim a deduction which was outlined by the organisation. So reading the above, I wonder if they were providing misleading info? 🤔

        • If the raffle was run by a charity, then it's deductible as you paid money directly to them.

          If you buy something from a business that will be making the payment to the charity, they get to claim the deduction instead.

          It's one of the reasons "all profits will be donated" or "$x from every purchase" are a bit crap - they are essentially offsetting the loss against the tax deduction, so the business as a whole doesn't lose much..

          • +3

            @ryang: No.

            Irrespective of whether it's a business or charity, if you pay for a raffle, it isn't a genuine gift / donation. You're buying a ticket with a hope to win something.

            See here from the ATO:

            It must truly be a gift or donation – that is, you are voluntarily transferring money or property without receiving, or expecting to receive, any material benefit or advantage in return. A material benefit is an item that has a monetary value.

            • @Thazza: Dunno if a raffle ticket is a material benefit (it has no material value unless it wins).. You can't really say you're expecting to win the raffle either if there are sufficient tickets issued

            • @Thazza: Well I know I never actually claimed my deduction on the donation (luckily) but wonder how they marketed because there were some bloody big ticket items that sold at the auction I was at!

              It was a diabetes foundation, can't remember the exact one, big dinner, invite only, all that.

            • @Thazza: (TIL) - Interesting; looks like it actually falls under 'contributions' then and is still deductible for individuals;


              Has to tick a couple of extra boxes, but that falls more on the NFP.

  • -1

    Worth it just for ETS 2

    • +8

      pay $36 to humble bundle to buy a game thats "worth it" which regularly goes on sale for $7 aud? nice math.

      • Don't forget the paint!!!!

      • +3

        Depends where your perceived value is. If you’re just looking at dollars and cents then sure I can see where you are coming from but as an avid sim enthusiast I would respectfully disagree as I see a lot of value in this game and would be happy to pay more in supporting Bush fire recovery efforts.

        SCS, the company behind the game regularly have updates, allow community mods, most of which are completely free and constantly support the game with DLC’s as well as an unofficial VR support, new dx11 with the release of Vulkan and more. Same goes for its counterpart American Truck Simulator. Not many companies provide the level of ongoing support in there games these days.

        Comparing value of this game to another genre such as flight sims which tend to attract a cost of 3 figures per addon for additional content is also another plus.

        That’s my 2 cents for perceived value, thanks for sharing yours.

        • +3

          It's better to support bushfire recovery directly, rather than hope that money from your unrelated purchases goes to the right place. Even that comedians's 50 million fundraiser has attracted controversy because it all goes to RFS instead of the poor people with no home and no money.

          • @cerealJay: Absolutely, direct donations are by far better, unless the government are distributing funds who tend to have a history of misallocating such things.
            Like you mentioned that celebrity who's name is Celeste Barber. Initially she had hoped to raise about 30k for the local NSW firey's. Now she's trying to accommodate everyone because there is a larger volume to distribute amongst other states, then who determines who is more or less deserving? From my understanding it will be decided by committee once the funds are received. Lots of ethical issues to resolve there, end of the day it's for a good cause.

          • +3

            @cerealJay: Humble is usually very transparent with where the money goes. Like this deal. It’s default set as an even split between WIRES - NSW Wildlife Information and Rescue, RSPCA and WWF (World Wildlife Fund). With the option to manually adjust where your contributions go.

          • -2

            @cerealJay: Lol if they were to dumb to have insurance it's really their fault.

            If you mean while they are displaced ect then (profanity) yeh, help them.

  • +5

    Over $400…right.

    • +33

      30 games for $25, and they're not making a cent from it. Pretty thoughtful I'd say.

      • -6

        Humbles deals have being getting worse and worse. This is the most generous one in months, and it's still fairly trash lol. At least its trying to support us though and Aussie Devs involved is cool

    • +8

      Think of it as a $25 donation where you get 30 games instead of a tax deduction. If you don't want them go elsewhere, but it's a good offering either way.

      • Do you by chance know how much of the 25USD actually goes to charity?

        • +6

          Humble Bundle has run charitable game bundles for years. They're quite trustworthy and normally bundles actually allow you to assign the exact distribution of your donation.

          In this case I'd say like 95-100%, just because some may be lost in conversion fees etc.

          • @TogTogTogTog: Those conversion fees are a killer. We will be paying AUD to be converted in USD which will then be converted into AUD.

    • +6

      This is a charity dude lol

    • +2

      Ok…. it’s also a bundle of Australian games. Void Bastards, Hollow Knight, Death Squared, Armello, Crawl etc. Can’t vouch for all of them (pretty sure Euro Truck Simulator is from Europe but it has an Australian paint job DLC I guess) but the whole point of the bundle seems to be, “here’s a bunch of Australian devs giving out their games if you help support the bushfires”.

  • I've been holding off on getting paradigm, this is a good excuse to finally pick it up.

    • +1

      Pretty sure I got it from a previous humble bundle. The same with most of these games to be honest. Guess I’ll be giving friends a bunch of free keys.

    • -1

      Can I have your tower of guns? Lol :)

  • Its kinda cute that they included Paperbark, think I saw it at PAX a year or two back and liked the look of its artwork and that it has the australian setting :D

    • Looks very cute. Shame it has only released on PC. My nephew loves animals but is still a bit too young for PC gaming. He would have probably loved a point and click console version.

  • -1

    All for humble bundle but this selection is weak compared to their past offerings

  • +18

    Blown away by all the comments saying these are weak or not a good lineup.
    I donated/bought because, you know good cause and all that; but I for one am impressed with the games.

    Finally got this Hollowknight thing that everyone says is the best game since sliced bread along with about a dozen or so other things crossed right off my Steam wishlist.
    Only about 3 repeats for me.
    Win-Win all around in my book.

    • +2

      Completely agree, great cause.

    • +5

      For reference, the Amazon fires have burnt over 0.9m hectares estimated. The Australian fires have so far burnt 12.35m hectares estimated. The scale is phenomenal.

      • +5

        It's got nothing to do with severity (and those figures are misleading - 1 hectare of the Amazon is FAR more ecologically important) - it's because Australia is rich and predominately white. Hence why the Indonesian floods got almost no coverage at the same time - despite killing 66 people.

        Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the fires don't deserve this coverage - just don't ignore the immense privilege we get from living in this country. It's incredibly wealthy, there really shouldn't be any international donations at all - we could EASILY cover the total cost if we wanted to. I'm glad they're donating as the government isn't doing anywhere near enough, but are you not ashamed that we're soliciting charity while millions of people in other countries have little access to food, water and shelter?

        • Very good points you raise. I don't feel shame about donations coming - people can do what they want to support us but they aren't obliged.

          I do feel frustrated though at our privelege as it feels like the rest of the world enabling our reckless behaviour. These kind of disasters are only going to get more common and others providing support is only delaying the impacts, letting us continue to do almost nothing to mitigate climate change. I do think we will get to a time soon when all countries will be dealing with their own disasters and may not be able to support themselves, let alone provide aid to us. As you say, we're one of the rich countries and we'll be the first to be snubbed of aid when everyone else starts hurting.

          I say this though from a position of next to zero personal impact from the fires… I'd probably be a lot more grateful for whatever aid I could get if I had lost everything.

          • +3

            @Alzori: Just to clarify, there's no shame whatsoever in the victims of this tragedy accepting donations.

            My feeling of shame (which is probably too strong a word) is more towards the Australian government (and I guess by extension, society).

            We are immensely rich and dont need ANY money from abroad - the government could easily do it all. I have a friend who teaches in Singapore and their school chose the bushfires as their charitable cause, whereas it would normally be something like the Red Cross. Money is being diverted from poverty stricken disaster areas in other parts of the world to help us while most of us live a comparative life of luxury. It makes me uncomfortable.

      • +3

        Yeah to reinforce Callum's reply above, the Amazon rain forests are the lungs of this planet, and fulfill a critical role in the Earth's climate systems as a giant air conditioner for the planet that regulates global temperature. They absorb 5% of the world's CO2 emissions annually and contain 25% of global biodiversity. Loosing any large swath of that is much more detrimental to the global biosphere than loosing 12 times that amount of land in Australia to bushfires (from an ecological perspective only; I'm not discounting the tragic loss of human and animal life, destruction of property and displacement of populations).

    • -1

      that's third world lol /s

  • +1

    Which of these games are good for kids?

    • +1

      After playing Paradigm the other day… Definitely not that one haha

    • From the games I’ve played, Death Squared, The garden in between, the stillness of the wind and the adventure pals are non-violent/kid-friendly. They might not be the best at keeping kids entertained though.

    • +1

      I've been wandering around as a hungry wombat in Paperbark so far. Seems pretty wholesome and cute.

    • +1

      I have an 11 and an 8 year old. We have a lot of fun playing Regular Human Basketball together.

  • +1

    I enjoyed Mr Shifty and Void Bastards, and finished both. Supposedly Hollow Knight is one of the best modern Metroidvania style games but I haven't got round to playing it. Some other interesting games in this bundle that are already in my pile of shame. So I'll just stick to donating directly.

  • +22

    All you cowboys claiming this is not a good deal and worth what its claimed… wake up it's for charity!
    But here's that costs for you!!!


    Hollow Knight $17.50
    Void Bastards $28.77
    Armello $19.99
    Euro Truck Simulator 2 $28.95
    Duck Game $18.50
    Hand of Fate 2 $29.99
    Paradigm $20.99
    Crawl $17.99
    The Adventure Pals $21.50
    Regular Human Basketball $5.99
    Satellite Reign $29.99
    Hacknet $14.50
    Mr Shifty $19.99
    Primal Carnage: Extinction $18.50
    Assault Android Cactus $28.95
    The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game $6.50
    FRAMED Collection $14.50
    Think of the Children $14.50
    Feather $14.50
    Tower of Guns $21.50
    Rising Dusk $7.00
    Death Squared $19.95
    Paperbark $12.00
    Quest of Dungeons $7.50
    The Stillness of the Wind $18.50
    The Gardens Between $4.99
    Paper Fire Rookie $14.50
    Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom $21.50
    Machinarium $14.99

    • +3

      But who pays full price?

      • +2

        Well. RRP $515 with a discounted price of ~$35. That’s still like what? ~92% off RRP?

        • -8

          You don't get to pick the games you want. So it would have no value.

      • +16

        I went through the historical low price for each game on and calculated a total of $163.89AU.

        Again, that is the historic low for each game, and you would have to spend a long time waiting for the prices to drop to that point. And even then, you would be purchasing the game from multiple different retailers for 2 different platforms (steam and gog), rather than everything on 1 platform as in this bundle.

        • -2

          Nothing wrong with the deal. It's just misleading to use RRP as a guide in this case.

        • There’s also a fair few of these that seem to be DRM-free. So you get a steam and DRM-free/Humble bundle version. (Unless the DRM-free tag just means there is no steam DRM. Have had that happen with Staxel.).

  • +114

    A bunch of us creators decided to give away 100k copies of our games so that people can buy them in a bundle that works out to be less than $1 USD each, and there are complaints in here that it's a weak lineup, they're shit games, the $400 value is 'inflated' (It's literally combined RRP), or asking why we didn't give away everything to help the amazon.

    Just think for 10 seconds before you comment please, most of us rely on the sales of these games to live day to day and we get nothing from this, we're doing it because the situation here in Australia is unprecedented and this is the best way we can help those suffering.

    Many of the games are highly rated on Steam and Metacritic and while many have also been on deep discounts or in other bundles I also think this bundle has an incredible value per dollar ratio, plus you get to feel good about your purchase with 100% of that money going to a good cause.

    We get nothing, you get games, those suffering get relief.

    • +3

      Well said!

    • +14

      Nart, you're a legend, as is every other single developer that did this.

      If you love a game you got in this amazing bundle, support your local industry by buying the dlc or soundtrack if available or gift copies to friends. Buy the prequels or sequels or other games from these devs. Wishlist their upcoming games.

      Assault Android Cactus is great, buying the soundtrack would be a great way to thank Nart, or wishlist Unpacking.

    • +2

      Appreciate your input, guys these devs are doing what they can to support those afffected by the worst fires we’ve ever had prior to Bush fire season with the content available, show some support and be what the international community see as ‘Australian’. It’s very easy to flame others, not as easy to show intelligence and empathy for some.

    • +1

      Thank you so much!

      Well said. It's always the misinformed, that sound idiotic, that are the loudest.

    • +1

      Sensational concept, great execution, I'm buying and encouraging others to buy. Thanks so much for what you've done.

    • +5

      Omg you are the creator of cactus!

      Love your game. Got it for all the game platforms.

      PLS make a sequel.

      • +5

        Thank you so much for supporting us and the kind words, it really means a lot! I hope one day to make a sequel, we have a design concept ready to go to really take things even further but for now we're focused on other projects, if time and money allows we'd love to return to the world of Cactus.

      • +1

        Looks like fun. I'm sold. Buy, buy, buy! It's a no-brainer.

    • +5

      Hey mate, I know it doesn't mean much but just wanted to say thanks. Grabbed this bundle and bought the DLC for your game as well, I have already donated directly to the firies in 3 states for anyone who has issues with money not being donated directly.

      • +1

        You're a very generous person, thanks so much for being wonderful.

        • +2

          Nah I just got paid today, it's not much but it's what I could afford

  • +3

    People who are saying this isnt value, wow, what do you want, CoD, RDR2 and Control for $30?!?

    Void Bastards is pretty new and RRP for like $40-ish. Death Squared, Tower of Guns, Crawl, Hollow Knight, Duck Game, Satellite Reign, Armelloa and ETS are ALL games I know of by their reputation for being excellent. Paperbark, Machinarium and Stillness are all games I know of and want to check out. Frames looks cool to.

    Thanks for posting OP. Havnt been checking Humble much in recent times

  • +5

    Will probably never play any of these games, but screw it, the money's going to bushfire relief so may as well chip in!

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