Free 7-Eleven Ice Cream Sanga varieties Today only @ 7/11 Fuel App.
Enjoy! :)
Free 7-Eleven Ice Cream Sanga varieties Today only @ 7/11 Fuel App.
Enjoy! :)
Yes I remember that! Went into 7-11 a few minutes after it popped up actually and couldn't find it in the freezer. The attendant said that it got replaced by a new product - probably getting cleared out? I'll try another 7-11 later today.
The attendant said that it got replaced by a new product
Probably got replaced into his personal freezer out the back…
Yep, sick of 7-Eleven franchisee hiding products..Surely they get reimbursed by 7-Eleven?
If you are going back to the same store next day, check again, if the products are back in freezer that means this operator is dodgy.
@Lexan: Lol went back and the guy said 'none left you were too slow!' Mate I went in 12:05am and they weren't there.
Ah uh, ahhh.
Come one barbie let's go party.
Damn, thanks.
Reminder it's best to take a screenshot of the voucher in case they remove it before you go to use it.
Which flavour do people like the best?
I think I'll go for choc mint this time.
JV it's almost like you WANT negative comments
They have caramel (pictured in the voucher), chocolate, or mint chocolate.
Went into one but no luck
6am - nothing at the East Collins St ( 3000 ) 7-11.
Guy at counter said he had a look earlier and couldn't find any as well.
Visited 3 stores, only 1 had stock
Seems like a lot of effort for a free ice cream - surely your time is worth more than going to 3 separate stores to get what, a $2-3 item for free?
Unless you were there anyway, which would be minimal effort to check.
They were all on the way
Got one - local 7-11 had quite a few left
Thanks OP
Edit: crnr Flinders Lane / Queens Rd in Melbourne
non at 7/11 melbourne central and elizabeth @7am
It tastes like arse, definitely recommend
what kind of arse…, tight arse?
mehh, it rains today
Eww. Soggy tempura
How horrible of it to rain while you enjoy your free ice cream! Who needs Bush fires to be put out right?
why do you have to take it that way? you just have to, do you?
Yay. I snagged one just now at Clarence St, Sydney. Ice cream for breakfast for me.
What flavour?
I wish.
They only had caramel.
They have a few left near me, Thanks!
Tell the franchisees to look for them out the back behind the balance of underpaid wages.
Went Before 10am and their was no stock
Non at Blackburn south.
Went to 5 locations and non had any. What is the point of running promotions when there is no stock.
To get you to visit 5 stores
You went to 5 different locations? Hope you didn’t drive, would have been cheaper to buy it.
I did drive :(
But didnt buy petrol or anything from any of them.
2 choc ones left at 231 George St Brisbane - across from Brisbane Square.
i never knew they had choc ones??
Yeah I commented earlier they do.
From what I've seen places stock a different level of the range.
The chocolate one (choc icecream + biscuit) is probably the favourite.
My local had Caramel, Chocolate, & Choc Mint.
Nothing at the 7-11 in Penrith across the Westfield Plaza!
None at 7-11 at Southern Cross Station (Melbourne). Staff said they never had them.
I shall verify tomorrow :)
I visited the shop again and indeed, they don't stock them.
Only one extremely smashed up one at corner of eagle and wharf street in Brisbane. Will leave it for someone else to enjoy.
Plenty of stock in Tullamarine on Melrose drve
Two of the 7-11's near me claimed they don't stock it. But i want my ice cream sandwich! So I'm going to woolworths…
Same. It's like Inception, implanting a need for icecream sangas in my mind
There were heaps in Frankston near the Power Centre.
No idea what everyone is complaining about.
I got 3. Every Sevs I check has had stock.
Maybe people were looking in the chip isle.
Are you a franchisee?
i got two as well (two different stores.)
but then again, i live in Perth so there's not as much competition for freebies like it is over east lol
None at my local at 5am today.
Ah so this is the freebie that mysterious app notification was referring to from a few days ago