This was posted 5 years 1 month 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fallout - Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI Self-Assembly Construction Kit $79 @ EB Games


I was in one of the closing stores and noted it had been already marked down from $248 to $7X, and enjoyed the additional stock clearance discount.

Checked online and EB Games eBay still had it listed for $124 (still cheaper than any other reseller though), however I just received an email today saying it had been marked down to $79.

Don't forget EB Games gift cards can be purchased at a discount (I personally get 8% off via Suncorp Rewards), whilst those who only have eBay discounts should try their eBay listing:

There's a little Fallout 76 branding on it, but from memory not much on the internal dark red box.

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +5

    For $250, I hope that screen actually turned on! Wow.

    • +18

      Nope, screen doesn't function. Even $79 doesn't really seem like a good price point for what it is.

      • +13

        Far out…. not Fallout ;).

        $79 for a piece of plastic that does nothing. So in other words only massive diehard cosplay people bought it for $250 and now they have too many in stock. I agree, $79 doesn't even seem like a deal.

        • They sold additional modules for the Pip-boy including a light up screen and FM radio. They even have a Bluetooth speaker stand.

          • @Clear: what does the light up screen show? is it actually useful for anything?

        • +1

          now they have too many in stock

          No kidding, all my nearest stores have it in stock which is very uncommon

        • +2

          I'm not sure what the quality of this is like, but people spend a lot of money on scale models of characters from movies/games. How is this different?

        • -1

          Its a model kit with like 100 pieces, what do you expect?

    • +1

      At the very least, they should have made it so you can slide your touchscreen phone in to it.

      • +1

        good idea!

  • +16

    Does it turn on and make sound or connect to the actual game?
    No. It is a static display prop. However The Wand Company, which makes it, will be offering “Upgrade Kits” that will add sound, lights, and other features.

    what a PoS…man at least make it some sort of bluetooth speaker

    • Haha, totally agree

    • +1

      If this was a bluetooth speaker. Might consider it.

    • +3

      Regarding the upgrade kits, there's nothing available online saying that ever eventuated. :(

      • +1

        The Wand Company website has listings for 3 seperate items? A light up stats screen, a stand, and an fm radio yransmitter

        • Huh I couldn't find them when I went searching before. Thanks for the tip!

          • @kwchaz: Bethesda has them listed on their online store too

    • +4

      Yeah I was hoping for V.A.T.S functionality :/

      • You'll also need a functional gun for VATS to work with

  • +3

    It's mostly just a empty plastic shell that you have to put together. However there's quite a bit of empty space inside it and for aspiring tinkerers you can probably shove a bluetooth speaker into it and have it play Take Me Home Country Roads..

    • given my skillset that will take more money and more time than a rainy weekend

    • +3

      Take Me Home Country Roads

      That would trigger my PTSD from Fallout 76 though.

  • +3

    Any free Stimpaks with that ?

  • +3

    Think you could mod it with a raspberry pi?

    • +1

      Yes, with some patience, an LCD screen and a lot of creativity, you could probably pull something nice off. But if you don't have a 3D printer for the components you'll need to design and print, no point imo. But if you have a 3D printer you could probably make something nicer anyway…

  • +5

    RRP was way too high for this.

  • +7

    i'd probably pick it up for 30-40…

    • +5

      Same, it might be fun to mod but $79 is still too high

      • and I doubt it's very durable if it's 100 pieces that are glued (?) together?

    • +4

      Dollars or caps?

    • +1

      Yeah end cost to me was $48.58, which I felt was acceptable.

  • +2

    I think for something like this value is really in the eye of the beholder. Over two hunj is a bit steep, but for fans of Fallout this is a super cool prop. God knows I've spent plenty of cash on bits of branded plastic with no function.

  • +6

    I grabbed one thanks op. Best thing about fallout 76 is all the fallout loot going cheap because they thought the game was going to be a huge success.

    Grabbed the $9 cone incense burner and the $19 power core too.

  • +3

    Ordered this and looking forward to trying out what Punished Props did with it here

  • I just want to know how they made a CRT screen so thin…

  • Thanks, OP
    I Bought one for my son.

    • that's what i keep saying to myself :)


  • I had no idea Fallout had the fan base to sustain such pricey merch. Especially when the quality of the small parts looks like something you'd expect in a supermarket giveaway with every $20-30 of groceries. To each their own I suppose.

    • I know it was popular, but the last game was universally panned for some reason, not sure why, but it dropped like a brick in price.

      • Due to the fallout of Fallout 76, thought they would have been asking only 76 cents for this now.

  • I thought you receive a Pip-Boy for free at the start of the game, so why should we pay any money for one, even in real life.

  • Plasma gun for $100 is kinda cool. Not for me, but if you like it I think its decent looking:…

    • Looks good until you start leaving goo piles around the house and the cat doesn't respawn.

    • Disappointing it doesn't play sound. I bought the HL2 gravity gun a few years back on clearance and that did!

    • It seems neat at a glance, until you find out that the real thing looks far more cheap and plasticy than the grimed weathered looking look the store page uses.

  • What is the "stock clearance discount"? My local store shows them as in-stock and I would be interested @ $48.58 instead of the $79. Was it an open box or something special? Or are they clearing them all out for 48.58?

    Thanks in advance =)

    • +4

      You will get 40% off as it's in the loot category and you'll need to visit a store that is permanently closing down. which is one of these

      ACT - Majura Park
      NSW - Blacktown, Rockdale, Winston Hills, Birkenhead Point, Inverell, Tamworth
      QLD - Inala, Bribie Island, Underwood, Cleveland, Lutwyche
      SA - Adelaide City Cross, Brickworks, Hallet Cove, Harbourtown Adelaide
      VIC - Dandenong, Hamilton
      WA - Dianella, Kalamunda

      • Oh cool, thank you very much for the info!

  • -2

    Waste of money.

  • Bought one of these when they were discounted to $120. Fun to put together and overall looks pretty neat on a shelf.
    It does come with some issues.

    1. The strap is garbage and won't tighten properly
    2. Tape ejector is jammed by default, and thus needs to be modified if you wish to use it.

    This was certainly a rip off at its original price, but for Fallout collectors, it's a nice piece of useless crap to put on your shelf. I'd say it's worth it at the current price.

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