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[BF] Red Energy to Provide $200 Bill Credit for All Volunteer Firefighters and Any Bushfire-Affected Customers


With the scale of the bushfire disaster, Red Energy has expanded its financial assistance and is providing more help with the following measures:

a $200 bill credit for all volunteer firefighters who are Red Energy customers (regardless of where they live);
a $200 bill credit for all Red Energy customers who have been impacted by the fires;
completely waiving energy and gas bills for any Red Energy customers who have lost their home, property or business to the bushfires, and
free meter installation for affected customers so there is no charge when they are ready to have their supply reconnected.

Any customers in bushfire-affected areas should call the Red Energy Customer Care Team at their convenience on 131 806 to have their bill credit applied immediately.

Mod: Deal title is tagged [BF] which is a tag for all deals related to Bushfire Victims/Volunteers etc. For those who aren't affected and do not wish to see them, you may choose to deprioritise deals with this tag by using the new front page. Please click 'new' on the OzBargain home page, then 'personalise', then add bf in 'add a title tag', drag the slider to 'less', then 'save preference'. You may also choose to add other tags to see more/less of those deals (eg your state, other states) or see more/less from particular stores.

For those affected or involved, see the Bushfire Relief event page. You can also use the new front page to prioritise the [BF] tag.

Referral Links

$25 or 1500 Points: random (171)

Referrer & referee will each receive $25 gift card or 1500 Qantas Points.

Related Stores

Red Energy
Red Energy

closed Comments

  • +3

    I love Red Energy.They're great, and they're local.

    • Also a R.E supporter, so easy and prompt to deal with when needed.

    • It's marketing 101. They aren't doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, they are a large company here to make money.
      You'll end up staying with them for life, more than likely, because of this, so they'll make this back very quickly.

      • False.
        You can switch to other companies anytime. No minimum term required.

    • Except when their energy prices have gone up by 25% in the past few years and the off-peak prices just went up another 25% recently

  • Another great BF offer.

  • Thanks op. Good stuff red energy. We live in bushfire effected area, had to evacuate for 2 weeks

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